6 Best Nursing Pillows, According to Breastfeeding Moms

reviewed mark Medically Reviewed by Suzanne Chan, D.N.P., C.L.C., C.P.S.T.  | December 29, 2023
Best Nursing Pillows
Best Nursing Pillows

When you’re pregnant and registering for an overwhelming number of baby products, a nursing pillow might seem like something you can skip. And it’s true that these pillows — which are designed to support your baby during breastfeeding sessions — aren’t exactly a must-have item in the same way a car seat, crib or stroller is, for example. 

But while you don’t necessarily need a nursing pillow, I found from  nursing two babies that they certainly come in handy. That’s especially true in the early days, when you and your newborn are still getting to know each other and you’re learning the basics. Not to mention newborns tend to be squirmy and floppy, which can make it tricky (and sometimes a little nerve-wracking) to hold your baby in a nursing position that’s comfortable for you both at first.

Read on for more on buying a breastfeeding pillow, plus our top picks.

How we chose the best nursing pillows

  • We referenced guidelines from leading experts, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). Both stress that nursing pillows should never be used for sleep. Per this guidance, all of the pillows on this list are designed only as feeding supports or for awake play.
  • We spoke to two moms on the What to Expect editorial team, who have three children between them and who've tried the pillows on this list.
  • We utilized results from the What to Expect Feeding Awards and What to Expect Mom Must-Have Awards which, combined, polled more than 2,000 breastfeeding moms in the What to Expect Community.
  • We scoured reviews in the What to Expect community community of caregivers to learn which nursing pillows parents found helpful and would buy again. Based on their feedback, we made sure that every nursing pillow on the list satisfied the following criteria:
    • Easy to clean. All of the nursing pillows on this list have a removable and machine-washable slipcover.
    • Supports Mom and baby comfortably. Certain nursing pillows are just better designed to help your baby access the breast while feeding, parents say. And these pillows also need to support Mom, it should fit your body comfortably while providing enough space for your baby, so you don’t have to bend over or hunch your shoulders during marathon feeding sessions.
    • Straightforward. When you’re rushing to get your baby into a comfortable nursing position, you don’t want to be fussing around with a complicated setup. Parents say the pillows on this list are easy to use.

Other factors to consider when buying a nursing pillow

The fit, shape, firmness, care instructions and extra features can differ greatly from one breastfeeding pillow to the other. Here are a few features you might want to consider before buying a nursing pillow:

  • Material: You’ll want a nursing pillow or and its accompanying covers to be soft and breathable against baby’s skin. Look for ones made of cotton or similar fabric. 
  • Shape: This will probably come down to preference. Some nursing pillows are U- or C-shaped to snuggle against your stomach, while others wrap all the way around your waist. You might find certain styles to be more comfortable than others.
  • Adjustability: Some nursing pillows have adjustable belts or straps to help you get a more customized, secure fit.
  • Easy care: Nursing pillows tend to get dirty, so removable pillow covers that are machine-washable will make cleaning much easier. 
  • Versatility: Baby gear can often have a short shelf life, so you’ll get more for your money if you opt for a nursing pillow that can be repurposed in other ways once you no longer need it for breastfeeding sessions, such as for sitting support (more on this below). 

Do I need a nursing pillow?

Technically, you can use any pillow to support your baby while feeding her. But nursing pillows are generally denser and designed to keep her body straight and aligned with your breasts for easier access as she nurses. This helps you sit up straighter, which will reduce back and arm pain. Plus, whether you’re breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, infant mealtime can be a messy affair. There’s spilled milk, drool and spit-up, not to mention the occasional diaper blowout. Nursing pillows are easy to wash, and many parents find they’d rather spare their regular pillows from baby messes.

How else can I use a nursing pillow?

A nursing pillow can be an incredibly supportive tool in the beginning of your breastfeeding journey: Many moms find that they can’t comfortably nurse without their pillow on hand. But as your baby gets bigger and sturdier — and you’re able to hold and nurse her more confidently — you may no longer need a nursing pillow during feeding sessions.

Luckily, many popular nursing pillows can be used in other ways, too. Depending on your nursing pillow’s design, you may be able to use it for the following:

  • Bottle-feeding support: Babies — and parents — can often benefit from a little support during bottle-feeding sessions, too! This can be especially helpful when feeding a newborn.
  • Tummy time support: If your baby dislikes tummy time on a mat or you want to change up her view a bit, try tummy time with your little one propped up on the curve of your nursing pillow.
  • Sitting support: Position baby inside the center of your nursing pillow so her feet are facing the opening. This is particularly helpful for babies who are just learning how to sit upright and are likely to flop over.
  • Sibling support: Big siblings who want to hold their baby sister can often cradle her more carefully with the help of a nursing pillow.

Remember that however you use your nursing pillow, always make sure your baby is closely supervised and awake. Nursing pillows should never be used for sleep, so keep them out of your baby’s crib and move her immediately to a safe sleep environment if she starts to doze off while she’s lounging in it or as you’re using one for tummy time support, for example.


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Best Wrap-Around Nursing Pillow

Boppy Original Nursing Pillow

Best Nursing Pillows - Boppy Original Nursing Pillow
  • Extremely versatile
  • durable and approved by moms who gave birth via C-section
  • More basic design
Why We Love it
Community Reviews
Why We Love It

When it comes to nursing pillows, you just can’t beat Boppy’s original support pillow (formerly known as the nursing pillow). Just ask the What to Expect community, who voted Boppy the Best Nursing Pillow in the 2022 Feeding Awards and the 2022 Mom-Must Have Awards, What to Expect's 100 percent community-driven awards franchises. What to Expect moms touted this as one of the most supportive and versatile nursing pillows, and for good reason. 

To start, the gently curved C-shape design allows the pillow to rest comfortably against your body. Meanwhile, the dense filling gives the pillow structure to support you and your baby. Also good: Many moms in the What to Expect community who had a C-section said that the Boppy worked well for them, although they recommend nursing baby in a football hold position to avoid brushing up against your incision.

“I liked the fact that it was very comfortable and sturdy,” says Catherine Donald Evans, Managing Editor at What to Expect. “It fit me well, and could be used easily for several different nursing positions.”

Leah Rocketto, What to Expect’s associate commerce director, echoes Catherine’s sentiments. “I would change my nursing position a few times during a session, and the Boppy’s C-shape design was a true game-changer,” she says. “I could easily switch my baby from cradle hold to football hold without moving myself or the pillow.” Leah adds the pillow was stiff enough that she felt support, but still padded enough that resting on it was comfortable.

We also love that Boppy pillows are extremely durable. Many second-, third- and more-time moms, including Catherine, say they’ve reused the same Boppy pillow after multiple babies. And since there are an infinite number of Boppy covers on Amazon, you can always freshen it up between babies. 

But the Boppy is so much more than a nursing pillow. The simple design lends itself perfectly to other uses, especially propping your baby up for tummy time and supported sitting. Some moms say they’ve even used their Boppy as a substitute donut pillow during the postpartum period to avoid sitting directly on perineal tears.

Keep in mind that the Boppy is best for anyone who wants a basic, streamlined nursing pillow and to be able to continue using it throughout the baby's first year and beyond. If you’re looking for extra features in a nursing pillow, like a side pocket, adjustable wraparound straps or back support, this is probably not the model for you. 

Weight: 2.72 lbs. 

Dimension: ‎20 x 16 x 5.5 inches 

Material: Cotton

Community Reviews
  • “I love it! Using it right now :) I didn't have a nursing pillow with my first –- didn't think it was necessary –-  and I had a lot more trouble nursing. Obviously that wasn't just the pillow but I really think the Boppy is helpful. I never felt like regular pillows kept him close enough and I was always readjusting.”

  • “The Boppy is more firm than most pillows. I like mine because it provides the extra support for my little one because my arms just aren't strong enough to hold her or the positioning requires a pillow.”

  • “I brought the Boppy to [the] hospital after [my] C-section and couldn't imagine if I didn't! It really helped with positioning baby for feedings after [a] C-section!”

Best Nursing Pillow for Twins

Twin Z Pillow

Best Nursing Pillow - The Twin Z nursing pillow
Buying Option
  • W-shape makes tandem feeding easier
  • Expensive
  • can take a while to ship
Why We Love it
Community Reviews
Why We Love It

Most nursing pillows are U or “C-shaped, the Twin Z nursing pillow is designed like a “W” to make it more comfortable for moms of multiples to breastfeed two babies at once. What to Expect moms love that the middle section flips up to become a comfy backrest, while the two sides (which can be buckled together) support two little ones, making tandem feeding much more manageable.

Like the Boppy pillow, the Twin Z is also popular for having many other uses. Twin moms say it helps them support one baby while the other feeds, for tummy-time practice and learning to sit up. Just remember that your baby should never sleep on or near this nursing pillow.

Unfortunately, the Twin Z is also more expensive than others on this list and tends to take longer to ship, so order it well in advance of your due date. It also weighs more than most other nursing pillows (over 6 lbs, while others tend to be 1-2 lbs.), though that is probably to be expected given it’s basically two in one.

Weight: 6.14 lbs.

Dimension: 35 x 25 x 12 inches

Material: Polyester

Community Reviews
  • “My Twin Z pillow was the best purchase for my twins. It's constantly in use for breastfeeding. Love it… great product and really supportive for my back.”

  • “I can say the Twin Z is my favorite. I tandem breastfeed my girls and am able to get them situated on the pillow by myself (I fold up a blanket under the pillow to prop it up a bit).”

  • “I liked the Twin Z [better than other twin nursing pillows]! The Twin Z was so much more versatile. We used it until they were well over a year as just a spot for them to sit and read bedtime stories.”

Best Nursing Pillow for Plus-Sized Moms

My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow for Twins

Best Nursing Pillows - My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow for Twins
Buying Option
  • An ultra supportive
  • adjustable design
  • Bulky
  • less portable
Why We Love it
Community Reviews
Why We Love It

There are a few different versions of the popular My Brest Friend nursing pillow on the market. But some plus-size moms say that the twin version of the My Brest Friend pillow is actually more comfortable than the Original or Deluxe models. Despite being marketed for twins, this pillow is essentially a slightly longer and deeper version of the brand’s original pillow that offers extra support. Reviewers also appreciate that the back strap is adjustable.

Compared to some other nursing pillows which have a rounded, pillow-like design (such as the Boppy), My Brest Friend has a firmer, square-edged design. Some moms prefer this for the extra support it offers, and it keeps  baby from rolling into the center of the pillow as easily. The twin version offers even more side support than the Original and Deluxe models, as both of those have more of a C-shaped design.

All this extra support does result in a slightly bulkier breastfeeding pillow that’s not as travel-friendly, if that’s something you’re looking for. Compared to the Boppy, My Brest Friend is also a little less versatile, since its design doesn’t lend itself quite as well to other uses like tummy time support or supported sitting.

Weight: 1.4 lbs.

Dimension: 5.9 x 23 x 15.7 inches

Material: Cotton

Community Reviews
  • “If you buy a My Brest Friend [pillow] and you are plus-sized, you probably need the twin one. The regular one is tight/doesn’t fit and the twin size is their plus-size model!”

  • “Plus-size lady over here! I actually bought the [My Brest Friend] pillow intended for twin babies! They market it for plus size folks, too.”

Best Travel Nursing Pillow

My Brest Friend Inflatable Travel Nursing Pillow

Best Nursing Pillow - My Brest Friend inflatable travel pillow
Buying Option
  • Inflates easily and packs flat for on-the-go nursing sessions
  • Some parents say the synthetic-feeling cover isn’t the most comfortable
Why We Love it
Community Reviews
Why We Love It

If you’ve come to depend on your nursing pillow and can’t imagine feeding baby without it, the thought of a long-haul flight or weekend away can be stressful. Although there’s nothing stopping you from bringing your regular nursing pillow on a plane, most take up quite a bit of space and can be a hassle to carry through an airport or fit in your car. 

My Brest Friend’s inflatable travel pillow is a top choice for an on-the-go nursing pillow. It offers a similar design to the brand’s Original and Deluxe versions (handy if that’s what you and baby are already comfortable with) but packs flat and can be inflated. Worth noting, some reviewers dislike the feeling of the cover, which is polyester and they say can be a little synthetic-feeling. (You could always lay a burp cloth or swaddle blanket on top to make it softer for your baby.)

Weight: 1 lb.

Dimension: ‎23 x 15.5 x 5.5 inches

Material: Polyester

Community Reviews
  • “My Brest Friend makes an inflatable travel pillow that I keep at my parents when I visit from out of state.”

  • “They make an inflatable My Brest Friend and it’s great for planes. The regular My Brest Friend will be too big and a Boppy (in my opinion) isn’t worth the hassle. The inflatable is nice because you can keep it in the purse or bag and then use it when you need it.”

Best Wraparound Nursing Pillow

Frida Mom Adjustable Breastfeeding Pillow

Best Nursing Pillows - Frida Mom Adjustable Breastfeeding Pillow
  • Pillow easily grows with your baby
  • The pillowcase is made of polyester rather than cotton
Why We Love it
Community Reviews
Why We Love It

A relative newcomer on the nursing pillow market, Frida Mom’s breastfeeding pillow scores points for an innovative layered design that lets you adjust the height as your baby grows. The firm top layer offers the most support for newborns, the semi-firm middle layer is ideal for infants who are nursing more easily and rolling less, and the soft base works best for older babies. (Bonus: With just one layer, the pillow is a little less bulky and easier to travel with.)

Another unique feature is the built-in back support, which wraps around your body while you nurse and is held in place with an adjustable strap. Moms also appreciate the additional pockets: a heat pack pocket for relief while you nurse, and a side pocket to stash a phone or even small snack.

One possible downside is the material. Although many reviewers say it does feel high-quality, the cover is polyester and might be more irritating if your baby has sensitive skin.

Weight: 1 lb.

Dimension: ‎16 x 23 x 8 inches

Material: ‎Polyester, Polyurethane

Community Reviews
  • “I also just purchased the Frida Mom pillow and I like that [best] — it holds the baby up higher so I’m not hunched over (and the height is adjustable).”

  • “The Frida Mom breastfeeding pillow is great. It’s got a soft and firm side for baby. Then it has an adjustable band with a clip to put around you that is really long. I was able to put it on around my belly when I was 8 months pregnant. It also has a back pillow that has a slot for an ice/hot pad and a pocket on the side of the pillow for a phone or bottle. I highly recommend the pillow for breast- or bottle-feeding.”

  • “I love the Frida Mom pillow. It has a strap so it doesn’t slide away from you while baby is on it. There are two removable harder pieces in it to boost baby up higher if needed. I prefer it with both taken out and soft. It has been such a huge help with baby #3.”

Best Organic Nursing Pillow

Blessed Nest Nesting Pillow

Best Nursing Pillows - The Blessed Nest organic nesting pillow
Buying Option
  • Comfortable
  • 100 percent organic cotton
  • Heavy
  • bulky
  • expensive
Why We Love it
Community Reviews
Why We Love It

If having an organic nursing pillow is important to you, this American-made pillow from Blessed Nest is your best bet. The cushion is packed with pesticide-free buckwheat hulls, which give it a sort of bean bag feel: Many moms say this design makes it easy to mold to your body. Plus, it’s eco-friendly, made with 100 percent organic cotton and the slipcover is machine-washable, too. 

It is on the more expensive side for a nursing pillow. At 6 lbs., it does weigh more than most other pillows on this list, so wouldn’t be the best choice if you’d prefer a lightweight nursing pillow. Some reviewers also say that the smell can be a little strong.

Weight: 6 lbs.

Dimension: ‎30 x 16 x 5 inches

Material: 100 percent cotton

Community Reviews
  • “I like and use Blessed Nest’s Nesting Pillow!”

U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, "CPSC Warns Parents Not to Use Nursing Pillows for Sleep; Agency Is Investigating Infant Deaths that May Be Associated with Pillow-Like Products," October 2020. https://www.cpsc.gov/Newsroom/News-Releases/2021/CPSC-Warns-Parents-Not-to-Use-Nursing-Pillows-for-Sleep-Agency-Is-Investigating-Infant-Deaths-that-May-Be-Associated-with-Pillow-Like-Products

American Academy of Pediatrics, "How to Keep Your Sleeping Baby Safe: AAP Policy Explained," July 2022. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/baby/sleep/Pages/A-Parents-Guide-to-Safe-Sleep.aspx