Best Travel Strollers

reviewed mark Medically Reviewed by Gina Posner, M.D., F.A.A.P.  | January 12, 2024
best lightweight umbrella strollers


The best lightweight umbrella stroller is the Summer Infant 3Dlite Convenience Stroller, according to experts and testers from the What to Expect staff and user community. When choosing an umbrella stroller, experts and parents say the most important factors to consider are ease of use, travel-friendly features and longevity.
Best Umbrella Strollers

Sure, you may love the sturdiness of your full-size stroller and all the bells and whistles that come with it. But when it's time to take your child on a quick errand or trip, you may want to downsize.

Enter the umbrella stroller. Lightweight, compact and designed for on-the-go parents, umbrella strollers will ease up the load — and still keep your little one riding in style.

As someone who lived in a city and traveled often, umbrella strollers were incredibly appealing to me when I was pregnant with my first child. I ended up buying one as my main stroller — and while I eventually needed to upgrade when I got pregnant a second time, my umbrella stroller was an excellent investment. Like many families who live in small spaces, I loved that I could fold it up and stash it in a closet, and how easy it was to maneuver on narrow sidewalks and doorways. The best part is that I still use that same umbrella stroller today for travel.

Umbrella strollers generally come with fewer bells and whistles than a full-size stroller: Most have smaller storage baskets (if they have one at all), their wheels are not suited for bumpy terrain and most can’t be used as part of a travel system. But umbrella strollers are still a great choice for many families, whether as their primary stroller or an extra on-the-go travel stroller.

How we chose the best umbrella strollers

Per the guidance of leading experts as well as What to Expect staffers and community members, we evaluated and selected the best umbrella strollers based on the following criteria:

Travel-friendly features: Most families choose umbrella strollers in part because they’re so great for travel, so we prioritized options with travel-friendly features. These include one-handed folding, fitting in the airplane’s overhead compartment and being Disney-approved.

Weight: If you’re sacrificing some of the perks of a full-size stroller, your umbrella stroller should be light enough to carry and easily maneuver in more crowded space. With that in mind, all of the umbrella strollers on this list weigh less than 23 pounds. In fact, most fall far below that — the average weight of all of the strollers featured here is just 15.4 pounds.

Storage: With their pared-down style, umbrella strollers generally have less storage than a full-size stroller — some have none at all. Some degree of storage is essential though, so all of the umbrella strollers we selected below have at least a small under-carriage basket.

Longevity: Ideally, an umbrella stroller will last you many years, so having a high upper weight limit is crucial. All of the weight limits on the umbrella strollers we’ve chosen are at least 40 pounds, though most go up to 50 pounds.

Extra features: Umbrella strollers are generally more basic, so we looked for models that retain some of the nice-to-have features of a full-size stroller. For example, cup holders, a seat that can recline, a snack or parent tray, and a full-sized sun canopy.

Safety features: The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says strollers should have a five-point safety harness to keep your baby securely strapped in, easy-to-operate brakes and one footrest that extends across both sitting areas (for a side-by-side double stroller). All of the umbrella strollers below meet those requirements. 

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What to Expect is the world’s most trusted pregnancy and parenting brand for a reason. Our product recommendations are based on expert parent insight, advice from medical professionals and feedback from the millions of parents and parents-to-be in our community. Our editors adhere to the highest research and reporting standards and our team of vetted OB/GYNs, pediatricians and other health professionals ensure our recommended products are safe and effective for you and your baby.

Best Umbrella Stroller Overall

Summer Infant 3Dlite Convenience Stroller

best umbrella strollers summer infant
  • Four reclining positions
  • Anti-shock wheels
  • Unusually large storage basket
  • Affordable
  • Has a cup holder
  • Not the largest sun canopy
  • Brakes lock individually
Why We Love it
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Why We Love It

Time and time again, parents in our What to Expect community recommend the Summer Infant 3Dlite as the best umbrella stroller on the market. One reason for its popularity is certainly the price — at $100, it’s one of the most affordable small strollers on the market — but it also doesn’t skimp on features or quality.

Many umbrella strollers don’t have under-carriage storage, but the Summer Infant 3Dlite’s basket is surprisingly large, roomy enough to fit a change of clothes, snacks and baby’s favorite lovey. It weighs a mere 13 pounds, so it's easy to take with you on the go, and the seat weight limit is 50 pounds (although the storage basket can only hold 10). With a height of 43 inches, this is also one of the taller umbrella strollers on the market and a great choice for taller caregivers.

Though many umbrella strollers don’t recline at all, the Summer Infant 3Dlite has four different reclining positions. (Just remember that strollers shouldn’t be used for routine sleep, so always keep a close eye on your baby while she snoozes.)

Despite its affordable price point and compact size, you’ll still get many of the features you’d expect in a full-size model: There’s a cup holder, anti-shock front wheels and a frame that feels solid and sturdy on different types of terrain.

It’s worth noting that the brakes are separate — there are two on the front wheels and two on the back, which can be a little less efficient than a brake that locks both back wheels with the same motion. But parents say the brakes are easy to operate, which is the most important safety consideration, and the fact that all four wheels can lock is a bonus.

Weight: 13 lbs.

Dimensions: 18 x 17 x 43 inches

Weight/Height Limit: Up to 50 lbs. or 43 inches

Under-Carriage Storage: Yes

Newborn Attachments: No

Community Reviews
  • “I absolutely love our Summer Infant 3Dlite. So convenient and easy to use, excellent canopy, reclines and a great basket. [It’s] 43 inches high so great if you are tall. Also more affordable than many strollers.”

  • “We have the Summer Infant 3Dlite. It’s been great. I can use it with one hand and it’s got better wheels and is more durable than the umbrella strollers my friends have.”

  • “One really good and affordable [umbrella stroller] is Summer Infant 3Dlite. Budget friendly, fairly good quality and fully reclinable.”

Best Luxury Umbrella Stroller

Babyzen Yoyo+ Stroller

best umbrella strollers babyzen yoyo
Buying Option
  • Compact fold
  • Fits in overhead compartment
  • Easy to maneuver
  • Has a newborn bassinet attachment
  • Compatible with infant car seats
  • One of the more expensive umbrella strollers
  • Newborn bassinet is extra
  • Not the highest weight limit
Why We Love it
Community Reviews
Why We Love It

If you're planning on purchasing an umbrella stroller as a backup or travel-only option, you probably won't want to spend tons of money. But for city parents or families who are often on the go, the Babyzen Yoyo+ is worth the money.

The Yoyo+ ideal for travel: You can fold and unfold its extremely compact design with just one hand, and it fits in the overhead luggage bin on a plane. And unlike a lot of umbrella strollers,  it can be configured for newborns if you purchase the separate bassinet attachment. It’s also compatible with a number of infant car seats if you purchase the adapters, which means you could potentially use this stroller from day one. Its upper weight limit is 40 pounds, which isn’t the highest on this list, but most kids can use it until age 3 or 4.

I used the Yoyo+ as my primary stroller with my first baby and it’s held up extremely well over the past three-plus years. I lived in Brooklyn, New York when I bought it, and its light weight (13 pounds), compact fold and narrow build really appealed to me. And while this stroller doesn’t have the  sturdy-feeling of a full-size stroller — the wheels aren’t great on cobblestone streets, for example — it made up for it in nimbleness. .

We invested in the newborn bassinet and car seat adapters, which I used with my Nuna Pipa car seat. As a result, we were able to use the Yoyo+ when my son was a newborn until, well, now — my 3-year-old still likes riding in it occasionally, and we use it with my younger son as a travel stroller and for running errands.

Aside from cost, this is the Yoyo+’s biggest con: All parts, from the frame to the fabric seat to the bassinet are sold separately, and the retailer does not make it easy to figure out which are essential. Here’s what you’ll need to buy to use this stroller in different configurations:

  • YoYo² Bundle ($450): Includes the stroller frame and color pack, which includes the seat cushion and matching canopy
  • Newborn Pack ($180): This includes the newborn bassinet and attaches to the stroller frame
  • Car Seat Adapters ($55): You can use these to connect your Cybex Aton Q or Aton 2, Nuna Pipa or Pipa Lite, Clek Liing or Maxi Cosi Mico Max Plus infant car seat to the Yoyo+.

Some additional accessories you may want to consider include: Travel backpack ($75), parasol ($50), rain cover ($30), riderboard ($125), stroller leg rest ($40), footmuff ($125), handlebar ($50), cupholder ($30)

Weight: 13 lbs.

Dimensions: 42 x 17 x 34 inches

Weight/Height Limit: Up to 40 lbs.

Under-Carriage Storage: Yes

Newborn Attachments: Yes (newborn bassinet and infant car seat compatible)

Community Reviews
  • “I’ve had mine for three years and love it. We have the backpack case as well as the umbrella, rolling bag and car seat adapters. It’s great for airline travel because it can be carried on in the case so there’s no risk of them breaking it. It’s very convenient to fold/unfold and takes up way less space in the trunk than my larger strollers do.”

  • “We just got one for our daughter and absolutely love it and wish we had bought it from the start because it’s so light and takes up so little room. We love that you can put it in the overhead on a plane too. That being said, we didn’t have it when she was a newborn so haven’t used any of the newborn attachments.”

  • “I’m getting the Babyzen Yoyo+. It’s pricey but super light (around 13 lbs.) and collapses with one hand. I live in a second floor walk-up and needed something easy. This will be my primary stroller, but also double as a travel. I’m also going to get a jogging stroller to eventually use on runs, and if needed on more rugged terrain.”

Best Umbrella Stroller Travel System

Uppababy Minu V2

best umbrella strollers uppababy minu
Buying Option
$475 with car seat adapters
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  • One-handed fold
  • Sturdy frame
  • Roomy basket
  • Infant car seat or newborn bassinet sold separately
  • Heavier than some other umbrella strollers
Why We Love it
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Why We Love It

With their lighter frame and streamlined design, not many umbrella strollers can be used as a travel system, which means clipping a compatible infant car seat onto the stroller frame. But  the Uppababy Minu V2 can be used with Uppababy Mesa, Maxi-Cosi, Nuna and Cybex infant car seats, so long as you purchase the adapters.

Uppababy is known for high-quality strollers, and this one is no exception. The shock-absorbing wheels are especially solid, and the Minu V2 can handle rougher terrain better than many other umbrella strollers.

At nearly 17 pounds, the Uppababy Minu V2 isn’t the lightest umbrella stroller on this list, nor is it the most compactwhen folded.But many What to Expect parents love that it’s an easy-fold umbrella stroller that is lighter and more travel-friendly while still retaining many of the full-size features like a UPF 50+ canopy, roomy under-carriage basket, multiple seat positions and stylish leather handlebar. 

Weight: 16.9 lbs.

Dimensions: 12 x 20.3 x 23 inches

Weight/Height Limit: Up to 50 lbs.

Under-Carriage Storage: Yes

Newborn Attachments: Yes (infant car seat or newborn bassinet sold separately)

Community Reviews
  • “I really love our Uppababy Minu v2. It’s super compact, folds easily, has a deep canopy and is really light. I also love that it has a leg test feature and can incline to sit all the way up as well as recline to lay down. It’s a tad pricey at $450 but it is really good quality.”

  • “We love ours. We live on a 4th floor walk up. It’s never tipped and we’ve used it with the bassinet and car seat. Our daughter is 20 weeks and still light enough for the bassinet. I wouldn’t take it on a hike or anything but long walks around the neighborhood have been fine.”

  • “Love my Minu! We have it in Paris (everyone else has a Yoyo!) and it handles great on the cobbles and the rough pathways in the parks. The thing I preferred over the Yoyo is the much bigger sun shade so we don’t have to use a clip-on parasol or anything (except in height of summer). I think the basket is also bigger underneath.”

Best Reversible Umbrella Stroller

Bugaboo Bee6 Complete Stroller

best umbrella strollers bugaboo
Buying Option
  • Can be front- or rear-facing
  • Car seat compatible
  • Big storage basket
  • Heaviest umbrella stroller on our list
  • Very expensive
  • Not easy to fold with one hand
Why We Love it
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Why We Love It

The 23-pound Bugaboo Bee6 is a good choice for parents who want the convenience of an umbrella stroller without having to give up the added features of a full-size stroller. For one, the Bee6 lets baby ride facing away from or towards you, a rare feature to find in an umbrella stroller. With a reclining seat and adjustable-height handlebar with faux leather grips, this ride is as comfy for your baby as it is for you.

What to Expect parents appreciate the roomy underseat storage and the fact that it folds down easily. The weight limit is 50 pounds facing out, and 33 pounds facing the parent.

As with the Yoyo+ and Minu V2, the Bee6 is one of the few umbrella strollers that work with many different brands of car seats (the adapter is sold separately) as well as the Bugaboo bassinet (also sold separately), so you don’t have to wait until the 6-month mark to start using it.

Bugaboo strollers are expensive, but many parents say that they last forever and are highly durable, so you can pass them down to siblings.

Weight: 23.2 lbs.

Dimensions: 35.82 x 21 x 20.07 inches

Weight/Height Limit: Up to 50 lbs.

Under-Carriage Storage: Yes

Newborn Attachments: Yes(infant car seat or newborn bassinet sold separately)

Community Reviews
  • “I've had five different strollers and the Bugaboo Bee is the best by far. The Bugaboos are a dream to push. Lightweight but not flimsy and easy to fold.”

  • “Bugaboo Bee, so light and easy to get up and down!”

  • “I have had my Bee for 2.5 years and will continue to use it with baby number two in a couple more months. I love it, have had no problems and it still looks as good as new! Bugaboo customer service is good if you do have issues, too. Definitely worth the money in my opinion!”

Best Lightweight Umbrella Stroller for Travel

GB Pockit

best strollers gbpockit
Buying Option
  • Weighs less than 10 lbs.
  • Extremely compact
  • Ultra lightweight
  • Front swivel wheels
  • One-handed fold
  • Easy to maneuver
  • High weight capacity
  • Doesn’t recline
  • Sun shade is small
Why We Love it
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Why We Love It

Just how small is this umbrella stroller? Weighing in at less than 10 pounds, it was named the “most compact stroller” in 2014 by the Guiness Book of World Records. When folded, the GB Pockit is about the size of a bread box, and can fit in a large tote within the overhead bin of an airplane, making this the stroller of choice for many globetrotters.

The GB Pockit has an aluminum frame and weighs just 9.5 pounds. With front swivel wheels, it’s easy to maneuver, even one-handed down a crowded city street — plus, there’s under-seat storage for all your purchases. And despite its compact size, it also manages to have the highest weight limit on this list, 55 pounds, so you'll be able to use it for several years.

Although What to Expect parents love how compact and lightweight the GB Pockit is, they do say that if you’re used to a sturdy full-size stroller, it will feel flimsy. The canopy, which is very small and offers almost no shade, is an unpopular feature, and the under-carriage basket is tiny even compared to many other umbrella strollers on this list.

Weight: 9.5 lbs.

Dimensions: 28 x 17.5 x 39.8 inches

Weight/Height Limit: Up to to 55 lbs.

Under-Carriage Storage: Yes

Newborn Attachments: No

Community Reviews
  • “This stroller is amazing for travel! It folds up to fit in a bag! It’s super lightweight and the maneuverability is awesome! Downside is you don’t have much storage with it but that’s not an issue with me since we still use a backpack diaper bag.”

  • “I have the GB Pockit. It's very compact, which is why I got it, but the canopy is so small that it's not helpful. It also doesn't recline. I love it for what it is, a very compact, easy to travel with stroller.”

  • “We just came back from a month-long trip from Europe and used our GB Pockit+ every single day. It’s super compact and easy to use. I recommend it to everyone.”

Best Double Umbrella Stroller

Zoe The Twin+

best umbrella strollers zoe
Buying Option
  • Lightweight
  • Narrow
  • Reclining seats
  • Ample storage space
  • 365-day return policy
  • Some parents say it doesn’t take bumps well
  • Seat backs aren’t fixed
Why We Love it
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Why We Love It

Just because you’re pushing two doesn’t mean you can’t get a lightweight stroller. This double umbrella stroller weighs 19 pounds and has a 29-inch width, so it’s relatively easy to squeeze through most doorways. Note that the combined weight limit is 90 pounds, so you should be able to use it for a while. 

Also good: The seats recline to 165 degrees and the stroller comes with a bag, so you can leave your purse at home. Your purchase even includes a number of accessories that are sold separately with other umbrella strollers, such as a parent cup holder, two child cup holders, snack cup and a double belly bar.

Not sure if this is the best twin umbrella stroller for you? Zoe offers a 365-day return policy. And if you think you might have more children in the future, you’ll also appreciate that the Twin+ can be converted to a triple or even a quad with the addition of extra seats.

Weight: 19 lbs.

Dimensions: 29 x 33 x 40.25 inches

Weight/Height Limit: 3 months to 45 pounds per seat

Under-Carriage Storage: Yes

Newborn Attachments: No

Community Reviews
  • “We have a Zoe stroller and love it! It’s great for travel too.”

  • “We love our Zoe Twin+! It was the smallest folded double umbrella that I could find, it's really light and easy to fold and the individual recline and canopies are great. We have used since they were 12 weeks old.”

  • “I now use a Zoe stroller because it can be converted to a quad (or triple) stroller which is great if you eventually want another baby. It’s super lightweight and easy to get in and out of the car and only one piece.”

Most Affordable Umbrella Stroller

Kolcraft Cloud Plus Stroller

best umbrella stroller kolcraft
Buying Option
  • Extremely compact
  • Lightweight
  • Front swivel wheels
  • Easy to maneuver
  • Disney approved
  • Folding sometimes requires two hands
  • Cup holders are small
  • Seat could be more supportive
Why We Love it
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Why We Love It

This affordable umbrella stroller is beloved by families for its simple closing mechanism and compact size — just 18 inches wide when folded, and it stands on its own. The lightweight frame weighs just under 12 pounds, so it's easy to lug up a flight of stairs if you have to.

With bouncy front suspension and swivel wheels, it’s easy to maneuver, even one-handed down a crowded city street — plus, there’s under-seat storage for all your purchases, and the basket is deeper than many others on the market. Disney fans will be pleased to learn it also meets the park's stroller size requirements. 

Overall, this is more of a basic stroller. Parents say the wheels aren’t the greatest, especially on bumpy terrain. But kids and parents appreciate the little extras, like the extendable sun canopy and three cupholders (two for the adults, and one for the kiddo on the removable snack tray) and peekaboo mesh window on the canopy.

Weight: 11.8 lbs.

Dimensions: 30 x 17.6 x 42 inches

Weight/Height Limit: Up to 50 lbs.

Under-Carriage Storage: Yes

Newborn Attachments: No

Community Reviews
  • “I bought this one and I’m obsessed! It has an under compartment, the canopy is removable and there’s a cup holder!”

  • “I have a Kolcraft Cloud and it gets the job done. Great, inexpensive, no frills option. My almost-4 year old still fits fine.”

  • “Kolcraft Cloud. It’s small, light and still has a good amount of under stroller storage, child food tray and parents’ tray with two cup holders. It also has a big canopy that can be extended. It’s Disney-friendly size, too. It fits a smaller diaper bag and a bunch of other stuff. It’s less than 13 lb., we love it!”

Best Umbrella Stroller for Tall Parents

Ergobaby Metro+ Compact Baby Stroller

best umbrella stroller ergobaby
Buying Option
  • Infant car seat compatible
  • Telescoping handlebars
  • Compact fold
  • Expensive
  • Smallish storage basket
Why We Love it
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Why We Love It

The Ergobaby Metro+ is a popular pick among parents in the What to Expect community. In fact, many reviewers say they originally bought this stroller intending for it to be an occasional travel model but now use it as their primary stroller.

At $300, this is one of the more affordable strollers on this list, but its features rival those of the pricier brands: There’s multi-position recline, a spacious under-carriage basket, a UPF 50+ sun canopy and a compact fold (it fits in most airplane overhead storage bins). Taller caregivers will especially appreciate that the Ergobaby Metro+ is one of the few umbrella strollers on the market with telescoping handlebars, a nice feature that helps prevent stress on your back.

There are travel options for newborns, too. You can fully recline it in newborn “nest” mode, and it’s compatible with select Cybex, Nuna and Maxi Cosi infant car seats with adapters (sold separately).You can also purchase a number of optional accessories to give your baby a more comfortable ride, including a belly bar and footmuff.

Weight: 17 lbs.

Dimensions: ‎34.25 x 17.32 x 37.8 inches

Weight/Height Limit: Up to 50 lbs.

Under-Carriage Storage: Yes

Newborn Attachments: Yes (infant car seat compatible)

Community Reviews
  • “Love the Ergobaby Metro+. The seat is very cushioned. Folds up so small that I can fit it behind the driver's seat in the car on the floorboard. And all washable. It’s truly been the best stroller we have out of the three.”

  • “We love our Ergobaby Metro+ so much it has taken the place of our regular stroller.”

  • “I have this stroller and I'm so happy with my purchase. I love that it's so compact and takes up barely any space in my trunk. It's super lightweight, pretty easy to close and open. You can buy the backpack accessory to make it even easier to take it with you on the plane. I wish they had the Metro+ when I was purchasing strollers because I would have only bought this stroller and been done. If mine broke today, I would repurchase it again. My baby and I love it so much. My friends that have larger strollers are envious of my stroller and I got a few of them to make the switch.”

Our Research

We referenced stroller guidelines from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). All of the products on this list meet safety recommendations from these leading expert groups.

As a mom of two and former parenting editor, I’ve also included my experience from testing many of the umbrella strollers on the list.

Finally, we canvassed the What to Expect community boards to learn which umbrella strollers parents feel are easy to use, maneuver well and are made of high-quality materials.


Not sure if you need an umbrella stroller in addition to (or possibly even instead of) your full-size stroller? Keep these considerations in mind:

  • You prefer a small, lightweight stroller. Umbrella strollers are a pared-down version of a traditional stroller and can weigh as little as 10 pounds. They are made to be easy to carry around — some even have a shoulder strap for that very purpose. What's more, they fold down to be about the size of a — you guessed it — umbrella. While most families prefer to have a full-size stroller and possibly an extra umbrella stroller for travel, some parents do primarily use an umbrella stroller, particularly if it comes with a newborn bassinet attachment.
  • You travel a lot. Umbrella strollers are also ideal for travel — not only do these lightweight strollers fold down small, but since this might be your secondary stroller, you won’t mind as much if it gets banged up when you gate check it on your next flight. Many parents also opt to leave an umbrella stroller somewhere they visit often, such as Grandma's house.
  • You live in a city. Perhaps you live in a city and need to carry baby and her stroller up and down your apartment steps or onto a bus, or you simply have limited storage. City parents often prefer to use umbrella strollers for quick errands, since they're easier to maneuver in small stores or narrow streets.
  • Your baby is 6 months or older. Most umbrella strollers are designed for children 6 months and up who are able to sit up on their own, so you'll likely need another option for your newborn. Some light baby strollers are okay for infants, but if you’re planning on putting your newborn in one, make sure it’s sturdy and the seat back reclines completely or there's an option to purchase a separate newborn bassinet.


Most umbrella strollers don’t include a newborn bassinet or infant insert option. As a result, the vast majority of umbrella strollers are designed to be used when your baby is at least 6 months and has met the minimum weight requirement.

However, a small number of umbrella strollers can accommodate newborns, either with the addition of a bassinet attachment or if they’re compatible with an infant car seat to be used as part of a travel system (and in some cases, both). In the list above, we’ve indicated whether or not each stroller can be used with a newborn.

As with full-size strollers, the AAP recommends that parents look for the following safety features when shopping for an umbrella stroller:

  • Easy-to-operate brakes
  • A wide base that can’t easily be tipped over
  • A five-point harness with straps over both shoulders, hips and between the legs
  • One footrest that extends across both sitting areas (for a side-by-side double stroller)

You should also look for the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA) seal, which indicates the product has passed rigorous safety standards. 

Because umbrella strollers fold up easily, it’s very important to make sure to keep baby's fingers far from the folding mechanism. You should also never hang anything on the back handle — you don’t want a tip-over, especially with baby on board.