They say timing is everything, and that's definitely the case when it comes to vaccines. They're most effective when they're given at the right time — and lots of careful consideration goes into deciding when exactly that is.

How is the vaccine schedule determined?

In coming up with the best vaccine schedule for your baby, experts (including those from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) take into consideration age-specific risks for disease, age-specific risks for complications, and age-specific immune response to the vaccines.[1]

Once doctors and the CDC have that information, they decide on a timetable for each vaccine that will safely and effectively protect children at the youngest possible age.

What is the recommended baby vaccine schedule? 

Curious what shots your child needs and when? You can take a look at the recommended vaccine schedule put out each year by the CDC or ask your pediatrician, who will give your baby the needed vaccines at the appropriate well-baby checkups.[2]

Why does my baby need to get vaccines on time? 

By staying up-to-date with your baby’s vaccine schedule, you'll ensure that your little one will get the best protection possible against vaccine-preventable diseases at just the right time. And you’ll also be protecting your family, friends and community.

Vaccines are crucial for immunity and protection against potentially harmful diseases like measles, polio, RSV, COVID-19, and the flu, to name a few.

The FDA extensively tests and approves all vaccines and continues to monitor their safety during production. If you follow your doctor’s advice and stick to the recommended vaccine schedule and timing, you’ll help prevent illnesses that have claimed the lives of many babies, infants and children.[3]

Can I delay vaccines for my child if I want to?

It's never a good idea to delay vaccines for your baby. It is especially important to follow the recommended vaccine schedule during a pandemic and during flu season, when there may be many viruses circulating.

Delayed vaccinations can also result in children catching preventable illnesses or needlessly being sick at a time when hospitals may be overwhelmed.

Another reason to keep up with the vaccine schedule is that children who fall behind on their shots are statistically less likely to be fully vaccinated later on (and therefore less protected).

If you miss one or more of your child's routine vaccinations, make an appointment with your child's pediatrician right away to get back on track.

What should I do if I'm worried about vaccines?

Your child’s doctor is the best person to advise you on any vaccine questions or concerns you may have.[4] So be sure to ask your pediatrician if you're unclear or worried about anything involving vaccinating your baby.

Just know that in spite of some tears and discomfort along the way (potentially for both of you!), paying close attention and adhering to the proper vaccine schedule for your child is the right thing to do and the best way to protect your baby's health, now and in the future.