Influenza (aka the flu) is a seasonal illness caused by a respiratory virus and is spread mostly through sneezing, coughing and even talking and breathing by people who have the infection. Less often, a person may also catch the flu by touching a surface that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, eyes or nose.

Flu symptoms include fever, sore throat, coughs, runny or stuffy nose, headaches, chills, fatigue and muscle aches. (Some of these signs are the same as those of COVID-19 in children. If your child has symptoms like these, ask your pediatrician if your little one should get tested for COVID-19.) Flu complications can range from ear and sinus infections to pneumonia and even death — which is why a flu shot provides invaluable protection.

When should my baby get a flu shot?

Yearly flu vaccination is recommended for children beginning at 6 months old.[1] Children 6 months through 8 years of age who are getting the flu vaccine for the first time or who have received only one dose before July 1 should receive two doses of influenza vaccine, ideally by the end of October of the same year.

Why do some children need to get two flu shots?

The first dose "primes" the immune system and the second dose provides immune protection. Children needing only one dose of the vaccine should also get it by the end of October if possible.

If your child needs two doses, begin the process early enough to ensure that your little one is protected before the flu starts circulating in your community. Children who only get one dose but need two doses can have reduced or no protection from a single dose of influenza vaccine.

Your pediatrician can tell you if you're still not sure whether your child needs two doses. After the initial double dose, children need just one annual dose of flu vaccine. Kids who are 9 years old or older only need one dose, regardless of vaccination history.

When can children get the nasal spray flu vaccine?

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends either the flu shot or the nasal spray vaccine and says both are effective against the flu virus.[2] But only children 2 years old and up can receive the nasal spray form of the flu vaccine, not toddlers and babies under 2.

Why is it so important for children to get the flu shot every year?

Influenza is different from many other vaccine-preventable diseases because the viruses are always changing, meaning that immunity acquired one year may not protect against future influenza viruses. That's one reason a yearly vaccine is recommended. (The other is that immunity provided by the flu vaccine wanes over time.)

The flu shot helps protect against the flu viruses that research suggests will cause the most influenza illness for that particular season.

Are there situations when my child should not get the flu vaccine?

You should talk to your child's doctor before getting a flu vaccine if:

  • If your child has an allergy to eggs or any of the ingredients in the vaccine. It's important to tell your child's doctor about any severe allergies your little one may have, as most, but not all, types of flu vaccine contain a small amount of egg. Most of the time, children with egg allergies can get the flu shot with no problem, but check with your pediatrician just to be sure.
  • If your child has ever had Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS). GBS is a severe, paralyzing illness. Some people with a history of GBS should not be vaccinated.
  • If your child is not feeling well. If your child is under the weather, tell the doctor, as he or she may suggest waiting until your little one feels better before giving the flu shot.

And in case you're wondering, if your child is eligible for both a flu shot and a COVID-19 vaccination, it's perfectly safe to get them both at the same time — and give your child protection against two serious viruses in one go.