Congrats are in order: Your baby is considered full-term now that month 9 is drawing to a close!
Though your adorable baby isn't aware that you're expecting his arrival any day now, you can count on the fact that he's likely reached his birth weight (or close!) at this point, and when he's ready, he'll make that long-awaited appearance.
At 39 weeks, you'll want to watch out for signs of labor — and get that hospital bag packed, if it isn't already. If you're 39 weeks pregnant, you're in month 9 of your pregnancy. Only a week or two left to go! Still have questions? Here's some more information on how weeks, months and trimesters are broken down in pregnancy. At 39 weeks pregnant, you've got what is officially considered a full-term baby. Your baby now weighs around 7 to 8 pounds and measures 19 to 21 inches. Those measurements won't fluctuate much from now on, but his brain is still growing at an astonishing rate — a pace that will continue for the first three years of life — with changes you'll be able to recognize firsthand as your baby's skill-packed bag of tricks expands almost daily. Heard that babies cry a lot? There's definitely truth to that rumor — as you'll find out soon enough, usually in the middle of the night. But what you may not have heard is that tiny babies don't produce tiny tears when they cry, since their tear ducts aren't fully open for business yet. While you'll be consoling your crying baby right from the get-go, it won't be until sometime after the first month that you'll be wiping tears off those chubby cheeks. Your baby's skin has now finally changed from pink-tinted to white, no matter what its eventual color will be. (Pigmentation will occur soon after birth.) That's because a thicker fat layer has been deposited over the blood vessels, making your baby's cheeks pinchably and kissably round. The end — and a whole new beginning! — is in sight at 39 weeks pregnant. These last few days, or last couple of weeks if your baby is late, may seem to speed by or drag out. You're probably feeling increasingly uncomfortable by now, as you lug around your ever-heavier uterus and its contents — plus your pelvis is feeling achier and achier as your baby bears down. Braxton Hicks contractions are likely increasing in strength and frequency — and that's a good thing, since it means your body's gearing up for the big event. Knowing that you can go any day, you should be watching out for signs of labor. These include the rupture of the membranes that contain your amniotic fluid (also known as your water breaking); diarrhea or nausea, which many women experience just before the onset of labor; spurts of energy, aka the nesting instinct; the loss of the mucus plug, which is the "cork" of mucus that seals the opening of the uterus; and bloody show, which arrives when your capillaries rupture from the dilation and effacement of your cervix, causing any discharge to appear pink- or red-tinged. Once you've seen bloody show, labor is probably just a day or two away — though don't try to set your watch to it, since it's not a definite timetable. Just make sure your bag is packed! Many hospitals and birthing centers are increasingly sensitive to an expectant mother's desire to be awake, comfortable and with loved ones both during and after delivery — even if that delivery is via C-section. Whether you have a scheduled C-section or induction, or are already in labor, these days most places will try to accommodate as many of your requests as possible in a non-emergency situation. Ask if you can use a mirror or clear screen so you can see your baby emerge. You may also be able to listen to music during delivery, have your hands free to touch your baby after birth, have your partner cut the cord and breastfeed in the recovery room. This is one of those times when it can't hurt to ask for what you want. Not sure if your water has broken yet? If you wake up in a pool of fluid that smells like ammonia, and the flow has stopped, it’s probably urine, not amniotic fluid, which has no odor. If your water breaks, liquid will continue to trickle out and you won’t be able to stop it as you would if you were going to the bathroom, so call your provider for further instructions. If you’re told to wait for contractions to start, you’ll want to wear panty liners or maxi pads (not tampons) to protect yourself and your baby against infection. If you tested positive for group B strep, you’ll probably need to go to the hospital right away, since there’s a risk of infection. If your complexion needs a boost, or if you're just trying to pass the time while you wait for your baby's arrival, treat yourself to an at-home facial mask. One simple method is to take a cup of plain yogurt and add a few key ingredients according to your skin type: avocado and honey for dry skin, strawberries and lemon juice for oily skin. For maximum benefit, steam your face for five minutes before applying, and leave the mixture on for 20 minutes. If you're in need of a quick exfoliating scrub, add warm water to some oatmeal until it forms a paste, then massage the mix into your skin. Rinse, and voila! — skin as soft as your baby's. Research has shown that women who are allowed eating privileges have shorter labors — up to 16 minutes shorter. After all, labor lives up to its name — it's hard work, and hard work requires fuel. Laboring on empty can make it tough to summon up the strength for those last pushes. If your practitioner gives you the go-ahead to eat during labor, think small, and if your health care team has suggestions, try to stick with them. In general, light snacks can keep your energy up and liquids will keep you hydrated. Stick with broth, toast with jam, plain pasta, ice pops, sorbet, applesauce or Jell-O. Take it easy! Your body is working overtime to support the full-grown baby in your tummy. Nap whenever you can and let others help you with chores. Feeling pains that shoot from your vagina down your legs? Don't worry, that's just "lightning crotch," which is possibly caused by your baby pressing on pelvic nerves. The good news is that it isn’t dangerous, nor is it a sign that there’s a problem. There’s not always much you can do for relief, but you can try changing positions to get baby off your nerves (literally), by sitting down if you’re standing up, or standing up if you’re sitting down. Wearing a belly support garment can also help lighten the load on your pelvis. With your uterus crowding your insides, you may find your appetite waning. Try to eat regular, small snacks, like a bite of a banana with almond butter, or hummus and whole wheat crackers, instead of big meals. Chances are, your baby is eager to enter the world — and will sail right through with few, if any, problems. But after nine months of floating peacefully inside your uterus, some babies don’t take to the tight squeeze through the pelvis. If there’s a change in your baby’s heart rate during labor — a rapid acceleration or a slowed-down movement — you’ll likely be hooked up to an electronic fetal monitor so your doctors can continue to monitor how your baby is handling childbirth. And your practitioner may decide to hook you up to a fetal monitor beforehand too, in the days and weeks leading up to (or after) your due date, to see how things are going in there.Your Baby at Week 39
At a Glance
39 weeks pregnant is how many months?
How big is my baby at 39 weeks?
No tears just yet
Baby's skin is white
Your Body at Week 39
Almost go-time
Signs of labor
Preparing for a C-section
Pregnancy Symptoms Week 39
Tips for You This Week
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