Hi, Lauren! Hopefully, the labor party has started, the baby fairy has dropped off your very special delivery, and you’re no longer in need for an answer to this question — especially since the answer will probably not be all that satisfying.

Are there any tried and true methods to induce labor when you’re an overdue mama? Well, many have been tried, and few have any truth to them — at least, the kind of truth that scientists rely on when researching this topic.

Still, while there’s no scientific proof that any of the following DIY methods of inducing labor actually produce the results overdue moms hope for, hope springs eternal when you’re waiting on a baby. Scratch that, make it: Desperation springs eternal.  If you’re desperate enough, there’s no harm in trying the following, with caveats as noted:

  • Dates. Not the kind of date you have with your sweetie (though you might as well stock up on those dates, too, while you still have the time), but the kind you eat — also sweet. Not because eating dates will bring on labor sooner, but because research shows that eating dates in the last month of pregnancy can lead to a shorter, easier labor (which could put baby in your arms sooner). Date-munching mamas appear more likely to go into labor spontaneously (avoiding labor induction), have a shorter first phase of labor, and have greater cervical dilation at admission to the hospital or birthing center. What’s in a date that makes it so labor-friendly? Besides all the nutrients that are packed into those tiny sweets, dates have an oxytocin-like effect on the body, helping to stimulate uterine contractions. Their laxative effects (rivaling those of their dried-fruit friend, the prune) also stimulate the uterus, along with the bowels. How many dates will you need to pop to expedite becoming a mom? The researchers had expectant mothers eat six dates daily beginning at week 36 of pregnancy (but no reason not to try doubling down on dates now). Just remember that dates are super high in fruit sugar, so if you have been instructed to mind your sweets due to gestational diabetes, ask your practitioner before you start dating that much. 
  • Hot dates. Sex, that is. As you’ve probably heard (and likely already tried, assuming you can still manage to assume the position), the prostaglandins in sperm may — like the prostaglandins in medications sometimes used to begin induction of labor — help ripen your cervix, but only if conditions are otherwise ripe and ready. Sperm are a less potent source of prostaglandins than medications are, though they’re arguably more fun to employ.  Like I always say, if sex works — great. If it doesn’t work — still great. P.S. It didn’t work for me, as many times as Erik and I gave it a shot. So to speak.
  • Nipple stimulation. Sounds like a lot more fun than it actually is. Funny story: During the filming of What to Expect When You’re Expecting we were on set when Chris Rock (of The Dudes dad group) yelled out “Tweak her nipples!” to the characters (played by Elizabeth Banks and Ben Falcone) who were trying to get labor started by walking through the park. The director yelled, “Cut, cut! Chris, that’s not in the script!” and Chris said, “I read it in What to Expect.” Point being, hours of daily nipple stimulation may release enough oxytocin to get the labor party started, but it’s no picnic and can lead to painfully long and strong contractions, plus very sore nipples. So don’t try this at home without your practitioner’s go-ahead.
  • Walking. A walk in the park won’t make labor a walk in the park, but it’s possible (in theory) that it might help ease the baby into your pelvis, pressuring your cervix to begin opening, literally. The same theory applies to bouncing on a birthing ball (the last thing Emma did before labor started with Lennox — coincidence?)
  • Herbals. True story — I was nearly two weeks overdue with Emma when I gagged down a mug of raspberry leaf tea. Two hours later … baby bingo. Another coincidence? Maybe, maybe not. Some studies show that raspberry leaf tea, block cohosh and evening primrose may be just the ticket you need to hop on the Labor Express, triggering or even speeding up contractions. But check with your practitioner first about dosing, and only go there if your baby bun is fully baked.
  • Certain foods. Can you order up labor on DoorDash? In the category of no harm, no foul and no proof: spicy foods (hot sauce, hot pot, four-alarm chili) to put a fire in your belly … and show your baby to the exit. Or Italian food: Some say it’s the balsamic vinegar in the “labor salad,” others say it’s the herbs in the tomato sauce, still others swear it’s the eggplant that edged them closer to labor. Or pineapple, which contains the enzyme bromelain, which (when consumed in large quantities, some believe) may contribute to cervical ripening and possibly contractions — something to explore if you’re pining for labor. Counting on castor oil? You may want to count it out instead. This powerful laxative will definitely stimulate your bowels, which in theory could stimulate your uterus into contracting. But do you really want to start labor (if it works) with diarrhea, severe cramping and vomiting? Probably not. 

The truth (which no overdue mom really wants to hear) is that babies usually come when they’re good and ready — and often that’s long after their moms are done (and done) with pregnancy. Which leaves you to play the waiting game, knowing only that your time will come, eventually (and that your practitioner will induce you if not). 

Here’s to sooner snuggles with your baby!

Big hugs,


Help Me, Heidi! is a weekly advice column in which What to Expect creator Heidi Murkoff answers your most pressing pregnancy and parenting questions. She’s tackling the stuff you are desperate to know right now — so if you have a question, ask Heidi here or on Facebook and she might answer in an upcoming column. (Not sure if Heidi's answered one of your questions? Check out the rest of the columns here.)