For some new babies, the thrill of "open mouth, insert thumb" begins within weeks of birth. For others, thumb-sucking is a continuation of a habit perfected well before they were born — and the proof is in those adorable ultrasound pics.

But whether your little one started thumb-sucking in utero or acquired a taste for her thumb soon after birth, it’s normal to wonder whether a fondness for sucking her thumb now means it will carry over into middle school — and you’ll end up footing a giant bill for all the orthodontic work she’ll need.

You don’t need to pull the plug just yet, though. Get the low-down on your baby's thumb-sucking habit. 

Why do babies suck their thumbs?

It’s perfectly natural for newborns to suck their thumbs. Here’s why:

  • Babies are born to suck. Sucking is a normal newborn reflex because it’s how they eat. So it’s definitely a good thing that your baby has figured it out already.
  • Sucking calms your baby down. Even when you’ve just finished feeding your baby, she might still need to suck some more. But that doesn’t mean she’s ready to eat again. Not only do they have to suck to fill their tummies, babies also need "non-nutritive" sucking, the kind that soothes them. It’s the whole reason we have pacifiers in the first place. And some babies, like your own little thumb-sucker, like non-nutritive sucking more than others.
  • Thumbs are always at hand. There's another explanation for why your baby is already sucking her cute little thumb: It's right there. Of course, the first few times were probably just accidental taste tests, but when your baby figured out how comforting (and accessible!) her thumb was, she quickly learned how to get it into her mouth on purpose.

Benefits of thumb-sucking for babies

There are also some advantages to a thumb-sucking baby: With her thumb literally at her side, your newborn has a built-in way to calm herself down any time she’s feeling cranky, no help required. (Just be sure she isn't sucking because she's hungry.) 

So what about getting your baby to suck on a pacifier instead? Well, you can, if the thumb-sucking really bothers you. And as a bonus, you have more control over when and where your baby uses a pacifier, which makes it easier to take it away in the end. Something else to consider: Studies show that using a pacifier while sleeping reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

When to stop thumb-sucking

A good rule of thumb if your baby continues to uses her thumb or a pacifier for the long-term: As she grows, too much of either can disturb the alignment of her teeth and even the structure of her mouth, so you’ll want to wean her off well before her permanent front teeth come in. Dentists typically recommend getting rid of pacifiers and thumb-sucking before age 3.

A lot of kids will stop thumb-sucking on their own, often because their preschool classmates tell them it’s babyish. You can help that process along while your child is still a toddler by offering other comfort objects like a beloved stuffed animal when she reaches for her thumb.

But for the time being, you can let your happy little sucker suck her thumb to her heart’s content and be glad she’s found such a handy way to soothe herself.