Around 3 weeks and again at 6 weeks, your newborn is probably sleeping better, and for longer stretches during the night. That's the good news. The downside is he may wake up ravenous.

Cluster feeding happens when your baby wants to nurse more often than usual, eating once and then coming back for more feedings. Cluster feeding commonly happens during growth spurts or in the evening. While cluster feeding can be stressful and limiting for you, it tends to be a passing phase.

What is cluster feeding?

Cluster feeding is when your baby feeds very often, typically every 30 minutes to an hour. This may go on for several hours at a time and is common while your milk is coming in after birth. Your baby may also cluster feed to boost your milk supply during growth spurts, especially around three weeks and six weeks. There's nothing wrong with your milk or supply, but baby's instincts know that feeding every hour or so is the best way to trigger your body to produce more.

Cluster feeding and milk supply

Your milk supply is tailored to your baby’s demands. At first, he probably did more sleeping than eating, nursed on a somewhat predictable schedule and snacked occasionally. As he grows, so will his calorie and nutrition needs.

Babies' intake of breast milk or formula nearly doubles during the first six months, and cluster feeding — nursing frequently to coax more supply — is one way of making sure you'll have enough in the tank when his appetite increases.

When do babies cluster feed?

Cluster feeding sessions are most common around 3 weeks and again at 6 weeks. That's when babies have their first of many growth spurts, and it's in both of your interests to make sure your milk supply can keep up with your baby’s hungry belly.

How do you know a cluster session is looming? By now you're probably in tune with your baby's hunger cues, which could give you a signal. If he starts smacking his lips, trying to position himself to nurse, rooting around for the breast, or starting to cry, you know a long feeding may be about to happen. 

How long does cluster feeding last?

Marathon feeding sessions may be fun for your baby, but they can be emotionally and physically draining for you. Hang in there. Cluster feeding sessions rarely last for more than two days. (If they go on for more than a week, check his weight; he may not be getting enough calories.)

While it's almost impossible to get enough sleep when your baby is demanding a feeding every hour, try to relax and go with the flow — literally.

How to deal with cluster feeding

Cluster feeding can be hard. Here are some tips for making this time more bearable.

  • Make sure you're well nourished, hydrated and rested. Keep healthy snacks and water handy.
  • Plan ahead for entertainment during frequent cluster feeding sessions. Have your favorite movie cued up, a calming music playlist or a friend to talk to.
  • Enlist your partner or a friend to keep you company, help with other household tasks or give you a short break.
  • Try moving around. You can breastfeed anywhere, and some moms successfully cluster feed on the go with their babies in a sling or carrier.
  • Try not to get discouraged or start to think that your milk supply isn't adequate. It is. It can be tempting to turn to formula to appease your baby's appetite, but this tactic can backfire by stalling your milk production and potentially causing you to quit breastfeeding earlier than planned. 

How does cluster feeding start?

If your 3- or 6-week-old baby starts fussing immediately after feeding, or if he starts rooting around for more after he's drained one or both breasts, he may be starting to cluster feed. 

This often happens when your baby starts sleeping more during the night, making his less-frequent feeding sessions even more important.

How to stop cluster feeding

Cluster feeding is nature's inconvenient and exhausting way of making sure your body is primed to feed a growing baby, so settle in for the ride if you can. Pumping between feedings can help keep your milk flow on overdrive as you sate your baby's appetite, as can "power pumping," an on-and-off kind of pumping that boosts milk supply by mimicking cluster feeding (where you pump for 10 to 20 minutes, then rest for 10 minutes and repeat for an hour).

If cluster feeding is too burdensome and you find yourself worrying whether your baby is getting enough milk, meet with a lactation consultant. He or she can offer tips on caring for your nursing baby and help you stick to your breastfeeding goals during these crucial months in your baby's development.