Setting up your baby-to-be's nursery is incredibly exciting — but the expenses can add up fast. Cribs, changing tables and gliders can come with hefty price tags, and smaller items like crib sheets or décor can seem to pile up in price, too. 

Fortunately, there are strategies for creating a beautiful nursery on a budget. Whether it's knowing which items you can easily live without to getting thrifty with décor, you can create a lovely room for your baby without spending tons of money. Check out these thrifty ideas for creating a cheap nursery for your little bundle of joy.

Save on big-ticket nursery items

While things like cribs can be infamously expensive, there are ways to make big-ticket nursery essentials more affordable.

  • Borrow the non-essentials. Many parents prefer to buy most items in their nursery new. But borrowing some of the extras that family or friends might have outgrown can be a huge money-saver, particularly clothes, décor items and storage solutions like baskets. (Just make sure any hand-me-down gear is up to the latest safety standards, has all original parts and has not been recalled; check the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission's recall list to be sure.)
  • Shop second-hand furniture. Dressers, changing tables and gliders all considered safe to buy secondhand, so don’t hesitate hitting up your local yard sales, secondhand online retailers or thrift stores. (Stay tuned for more info on how to find quality used items!)
  • Invest in a convertible crib. While cribs can be pricey, accepting a hand-me-down crib may not be safe, since it might not adhere to current safety standards. Rather than opting for a used crib, consider a convertible crib for your little one, which converts to a toddler bed and grows with your child, saving you money in the long run.

Find cheap nursery alternatives

Searching for affordable alternatives to expensive nursery items rather than jumping on popular pricey items can help offset costs — and fortunately, there are several ways you can do it.

  • Skip the expensive diaper pail. Until babies start on solid foods, diapers tend not to smell too terribly, so using an inexpensive trash can may work, at least at the beginning. Look for one with a foot pedal so you don't have to take your hand off your baby (even if she's strapped in) to throw away the dirty diaper. And leave a new garbage bag or two at the bottom of the trash can (that way you don't have to dash to the pantry to get a new bag).
  • Ditch the dresser. Instead, line a simple bookshelf with open bins or baskets. Not only is this an inexpensive alternative, but it allows you easy access to things like burp cloths, blankets and binkies — a must when you’ve got a baby in your arms and can’t open a dresser drawer.
  • Create your own sound machine. baby sound machine can help calm a fussy baby and lull her to sleep. But these gadgets can be expensive, so if you have an old iPod that you aren’t using, simply download a white noise app instead and save yourself a few bucks in the process.
  • Use what you have: Got an old dresser lying around? Add a fresh coat of paint and secure a changing pad to the top for a lost-cost changing table. That La-Z-Boy in the man cave? Temporarily move it to the nursery instead of buying a new glider.

Use creative, low-cost nursery décor

Your baby's nursery doesn't need to break the bank to be beautiful.

  • Get creative with wall art. Consider buying inexpensive picture frames from discount home goods stores and use them to display illustrations from vintage children books, scrapbook paper, inexpensive prints found online or sweet drawings from older siblings.
  • Do some DIY decorations. Decorate plain walls with stencils, decals (which are cheap and easy to remove once your child outgrows them) or even your own handprints.
  • Use attractive toys as display items on bare shelves. Décor and storage? Talk about an automatic win-win.

Skip what you don't need

It's easy to get swept away while you're shopping for baby, but remember that while some things are essential (like a safe sleep space and a car seat), you can skip some of the optional items:

  • While some parents swear by wipe warmers, it's not essential and can be crossed off your list if you're looking to save.
  • The same thing goes for a night light: Though it may make things easier for you when you stumble in for a feeding, newborns don’t tend to be afraid of the dark.
  • Although a bassinet may save you money upfront, it can only be used for a limited amount of time. Rather than buying something your baby will quickly outgrow, put that money towards a convertible crib.
  • A diaper caddie may look pretty, but consider stashing your supply on an open shelf and putting extras in your diaper bag instead to save some cash.
  • Blankets and pillows may create a cozy sleep space for you, but they actually pose a hazard to babies. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends keeping your crib free from all items. That includes bedding, like pillows, quilts, comforters, blankets and non-fitted sheets, as well as crib bumpers and toys.

Where to buy used nursery items

Thanks to the internet, yard sales and thrift stores aren’t your only options for buying second-hand baby gear. There are a number of online marketplaces where you can buy (and, eventually, sell) used nursery items. Some popular options include:

  • Facebook: Use Facebook Marketplace to search for specific items in your area (you can adjust the radius up to 500 miles to expand your search) or join a Facebook Community (formerly Facebook Groups) to meet and buy from parents in your area. 
  • GoodBuy Gear: There is a wide array of nursery items and infant gear available, but that’s not even the best part. The site takes the worries out of second-hand shopping, as each item is vetted by GoodBuy Gear "Wingmoms," who photograph, clean, and quality check each item before it’s posted. 
  • Mercari: Through this app, you can search for a wide array of nursery essentials. If you see something you like, you can either buy it or make an alternative offer. 
  • OfferUp: Perfect for an expert haggler, this site allows buyers to “make an offer” on items of interest (including nursery furniture and decor) rather than settling for the listed price 
  • Rebelstork: This online marketplace isn’t limited to secondhand items from fellow parents. Here, you can find surplus and returned (vetted) nursery essentials, like gliders, at a discounted rate. 
  • Toy Cycle: Don’t let the name fool you. Parents use this site to buy and sell all sorts of baby items, including changing station gear and nursery items.