Corn’s a no-fail crowd pleaser when it comes to family meals. But the small shape and crisp, crunchy texture of corn kernels can make it trickier to prepare for babies and toddlers. Here’s when it’s okay to put this sweet side on the menu as a finger food, plus the safest ways to serve corn to young eaters.
When can babies have corn?
Your cutie can try corn whenever she starts solids, usually around 6 months. That's the case whether you're spoon-feeding purées or trying a baby-led weaning approach (which introduces solids in the form of gummable finger foods).
In fact, the crunchy yellow treat is a great way to promote healthy oral development, since gnawing on the cobs helps strengthen your child's developing jaw muscles.
As for whole corn kernels? They’re a possible choking hazard for babies and younger toddlers. Avoid serving them until at least 18 months, and possibly longer, depending on your child’s chewing abilities.
How to prepare corn for your baby
Make corn on the cob your go-to serving method through early toddlerhood — at least until your child is 18 months. Dishes made with well puréed corn are okay, too.
You can boil, steam or even bake the cobs, just make sure the kernels are soft and well cooked. Slice the cobs into manageable pieces and take care to remove any lingering husk or silk before serving.
As for toppings and seasonings? Things like unsalted butter, lime juice or fresh herbs can all add flavor. But steer clear of salt for babies under 12 months — their tiny bodies don’t need the extra sodium.
The tips below can help parents determine how to serve corn at different stages, but keep in mind that all babies develop at their own pace. Speak with your pediatrician before beginning baby-led weaning, and talk to him or her if you have any concerns about your child's oral-motor skills, chewing skills, swallowing skills or if you're unsure whether or not your baby is ready for certain food preparations.
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How to prepare corn for a 6-month-old
Cut cooked corn on the cob into 2-inch rounds for your baby to pick up. Puréed corn is also an option — either on its own or stirred into soups or stews. You can serve it on a preloaded spoon for your baby to practice feeding herself.
How to prepare corn for a 9-month-old

Whole corn kernels off the cob are still a choking hazard, so stick with corn on the cob or puréed corn until your child is 18 months or older.
How to prepare corn for an 18-month-old
Your toddler may be able to handle whole corn kernels off the cob between ages 1 1/2 and 2, depending on her chewing skills (which might, in turn, depend on how many of her molars have come in). When in doubt, ask your pediatrician.
Corn recipes for babies and toddlers
Even though you’re limited to corn on the cob or purées, there’s still room for some culinary creativity. Just remember to always introduce one food at a time, especially top allergens like eggs, peanuts, soy, wheat, dairy and seafood. Some ideas to try:
- Street-style corn on the cob. Smear cooked corn on the cob with unsalted butter and roll in Parmesan cheese.
- Cilantro-lime corn on the cob. Season cooked corn on the cob with unsalted butter, fresh lime juice and chopped fresh cilantro.
- Pesto corn on the cob. Slather cooked corn on the cob with homemade or store-bought basil pesto (if store-bought, look for a brand that's low in sodium).
- Guacamole corn on the cob. Skip the butter and spread fresh guacamole on cooked corn on the cob instead.
- Corny potato mash. Fold cooked, puréed corn into mashed potatoes.
- Cheesy corn cakes. Combine cooked, puréed corn with flour, beaten egg and shredded cheddar cheese to form a pancake-like batter. Drop spoonfuls of batter into a skillet and pan-fry until golden.
- Corn seafood boil. Simmer shrimp or crab, potato and corn on the cob in water or broth to make a simple seafood stew. Remove the corn, potato and seafood from the broth and cut into age-appropriate pieces before serving.
What are the benefits of corn for babies and toddlers?
You might not know it, but corn is actually a whole grain — just like whole wheat and brown rice. So it’s a good source of fiber-rich carbohydrates, which are one of the best sources of fuel for your baby or toddler’s brain. The roughage can help keep constipation at bay, too.
More reasons to add corn to the menu: It’s rich in both vitamin A and antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin that are important for eye health and development. Emerging research also shows that lutein plays a role in your baby’s brain development and healthy cognitive function.
Spot whole kernels in your baby’s diaper after a corn-filled meal? Don’t worry — it’s normal. Corn kernel’s outer fibers don’t break down easily in the digestive tract, so some unchewed pieces can make their way into your baby’s poop. But if you’re at all concerned, bring it up with her pediatrician.
Can babies be allergic to corn?
Corn allergies are rare, but they can occur. So it’s always a good idea to know the signs of a possible allergic reaction, especially when you’re serving a food for the first time. Your baby or toddler might have a food allergy if, soon after eating (within minutes to a few hours), she experiences:
- Hives
- Itching
- Skin, lip or tongue swelling
- Sneezing
- Wheezing
- Throat tightness or trouble swallowing
- Nausea, vomiting, stomach pain or diarrhea
- Trouble breathing
Call your doctor right away if your child experiences symptoms of an allergic reaction. An allergic reaction may be more severe or possibly life-threatening (called anaphylaxis) if multiple areas of the body are affected. In the rare event that your child shows signs of a life-threatening allergic reaction like trouble breathing or swallowing, call 911 right away.
Is corn a choking hazard for babies?
Whole corn kernels are a choking hazard for babies and toddlers. Prepare corn safely by offering it on the cob or puréed for little ones.
Make sure, too, to always supervise your young child when she's eating, sit her upright during mealtimes and never serve food while she's reclining, walking, sitting in a car seat or playing.
Corn kernels on their own are too tough for babies and young toddlers to handle, but your new eater can get in on the tasty goodness with corn on the cob or corn purées. Plus, all that gnawing will give her developing mouth muscles a healthy workout.