Noticing a rumbling in your tummy?
It could be pregnancy hunger pangs — or it could be the very first signs of fetal movement, which can happen at around week 18 of pregnancy. If you're 18 weeks pregnant, you're in month 5 of your pregnancy. Only 4 months left to go! Still have questions? Here's some more information on how weeks, months and trimesters are broken down in pregnancy. At 5½ inches long from crown to rump and 5 to 6½ ounces in weight — about the size of that boneless chicken breast you're making for dinner — your baby may be large enough now or anytime in the next few weeks for you to feel twisting, rolling, kicking and punching in the womb. Now for the skill of the week: The art of the yawn has been mastered by your baby, along with hiccupping, which you may feel soon, too! In fact, you might catch a glimpse of that adorable yawn and all those other fetal movements at your ultrasound this month. Something you won't see on the ultrasound — but you'll learn is in working order — is your baby's nervous system, which is maturing rapidly when you're 18 weeks pregnant. A network of nerves, now covered with a substance called myelin that helps speed messages from nerve cell to nerve cell, are forming more complex connections. And those in the brain are further developing into the ones that serve the senses of touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing. Speaking of hearing, your baby's is growing more acute and baby can finally fully hear you this week, making your little one more conscious of sounds that come from inside your body. Meaning you could both be listening to each other hiccup! Is it a girl? A boy? How about a sizeable fruit or vegetable? At 18 weeks, your baby is about the length of a cucumber and your uterus is around the size of a sweet potato — see how you're working your way through the produce department? It can be felt about 1½ inches below your belly button — so have a feel. When you’re 18 weeks pregnant, you'll likely look noticeably pregnant, since your baby and uterus are growing rapidly. But remember that every woman is different as is each pregnancy, so even this far along, some still have small bumps while others have popped a lot. All baby bumps at 18 weeks pregnant are fine and normal and may vary based on how much weight you and baby are gaining, your height and build, and whether this is your first pregnancy or not. Just don’t size up your 18 weeks pregnant belly next to those of pregnant friends at the same stage, or worry that you’re measuring too big or too small. If you’re really concerned, you can always talk to your practitioner, but rest assured that if you and your baby are tracking normally at your prenatal appointments, everything is likely just fine. Something else you may be feeling right now: back pain. Your growing uterus shifts your center of gravity — which means your lower back is pulled forward while your abdomen is thrust out — good for tipping off the person who got the last seat on the bus that you're pregnant, bad for your back muscles. Couple that with the changes that the pregnancy hormone relaxin is instituting — namely relaxing all your ligaments, including those that attach your pelvic bones to your spine, and loosening joints — and that leaves you with backaches and pains, not to mention a shifting posture. Reduce pain by using a foot rest to elevate your feet slightly when sitting. When standing, place one foot on a low stool when possible to take some pressure off your lower back. A long, warm bath can also do wonders. And if your back pain just won't quit, be sure to talk to your practitioner. Forget the burrito with extra jalapeños — sometimes even a bite of toast will set your gut on fire these days. That's the problem with heartburn— an all-too-common symptom that can persist throughout your pregnancy. An ounce of prevention may be worth a pound of Tums — although you might want to keep those handy, too, since they'll banish the burn while boosting your calcium intake. For starters, eat slowly and chew thoroughly. Try not to eat lunch on the run or gobble your dinner standing up, and eat smaller meals and snacks rather than five-alarm gut bombs. After you finish eating, sit upright for a few hours, or as long as you can last without collapsing into bed, and sleep with your head elevated, which also helps with the snoring. And do skip anything on the menu with a picture of a flame next to it! You'll probably notice baby's first little kicks anytime between 18 and 22 weeks — and sometimes as late as weeks 23 or 24 for first pregnancies. Those tiny feet can be felt in many different ways: as the merest flutter, the most insistent nudge, or gas bubbles that aren't gas at all. As for when and how you'll feel your baby move? Several factors come into play: a mom's size (the smaller you are, the more likely you'll feel movements earlier); your muscle tone (the laxer the uterine muscles, the easier it is to feel those kicks — which is why second-timers generally feel them sooner); and the baby's position (it’s trickier to notice movement when your baby kicks facing in). An incorrect due date can also throw off the recognition of those monumental first kicks. Don't worry: There's no mistaking the real thing once your baby gets the technique down — and gets big enough to pack a serious punch. And it's not quite time for kick counts yet if you do feel them already, but that will be coming soon! During the second trimester, your body releases relaxin, a hormone that (as the name implies) loosens the ligaments that hold your bones together. The result: You may feel off balance when you walk. What to do? Take it nice and slowly: Be careful in the shower, try to keep the hallways clear of tripping hazards, and don’t stand on any chairs. Yes, you may be cursing this pregnancy hormone now, but when you're trying to push out your baby's big head, you’ll be thanking relaxin for doing its job. If you're struggling with edema, or swelling, you might find it useful to invest in a pair of support hose or compression socks. Full pantyhose (with extra tummy room) or knee- or thigh-highs that aren't tight on top are good choices. Put them on in the morning before the daily swelling starts so they can do their job more effectively. Also helpful for edema, as well as for leg and back pain during pregnancy: a comfortable pair of shoes. Eating a healthy amount of fiber during pregnancy can help you go when you have to go. The downside: Adding too much fiber to your diet too quickly can trigger bloating, cramping and gas (and let's face it, you probably already have enough of that). If you're trying to fit in more fiber than ever, increase your intake slowly and gently — for example, a sprinkle of chia seeds in your breakfast cereal or a snack of trail mix in the afternoon — so that your body has time to adjust to its new normal. It's one thing to make the commitment to exercise — it's another thing to make time for it, particularly if you're dealing with ongoing fatigue, tummy troubles and shortness of breath (to name a few!). If you can and your schedule allows, try to block out a specific time in your day (or at least certain days of the week) for getting a walk or workout in — rather than waiting until you find half an hour to get around to it. But in the end, fitting in exercise whenever you can is a good thing, so do what suits you best. Do the palms of your hands look as if you've touched a hot pan? You could have palmar erythema, a skin condition in which the palms of the hands or the soles of the feet appear redder or darker than normal. The good news: It disappears after you give birth. But definitely check in with your doctor just to make sure everything is normal. Herbal supplements do make the most tempting of promises — especially when pregnancy leaves you with few self-medicating options. Would it really hurt to pop a couple of ginkgo biloba capsules to give your brain cells a fighting chance of remembering to pay this month's electric bill? After all, the bottles say "all natural" … and you did buy them at the health food store. Actually, it could hurt — particularly now that you're sharing those pills with a little someone else. Herbs and herbal remedies are not tested or approved by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) prior to going on the market and are not required to undergo clinical trials, so their safety, or lack thereof, is unknown. Even supplements that you've heard could be helpful could actually be harmful at different points during your pregnancy — by causing premature labor if taken too early, for instance. And a number of herbs — such as basil oil, black or blue cohosh, clove oil, sassafras, wild yam and many others — can be downright dangerous if taken anytime during pregnancy. Even some herbal teas should stay off the menu. So be safe and check with your practitioner before you pop any pill.Your Baby at Week 18
At a Glance
18 weeks pregnant is how many months?
How big is my baby at 18 weeks?
Baby is yawning
Baby's nervous system is maturing quickly
Your Body at Week 18
Quick growth
Your 18 weeks pregnant belly
Your back aches
Reducing heartburn
Pregnancy Symptoms Week 18
Tips for You This Week
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