Here’s great news for working moms: breastfeeding is not an all-or-nothing proposition. In fact, many moms who spend their days away from their babies only breastfeed in the mornings and evenings. You’re smart to think about it in advance, since the transition will go more smoothly for you and your baby with a little planning. Here’s how:
Give yourself time
The key to weaning your baby off his daytime breastfeeding sessions is to start slowly, at least two or three weeks before you need to be back at work. Gradually cutting down on the number of times you nurse during the day gives your baby — and your body — a chance to adjust.
Stopping abruptly not only distresses your child but can lead to engorgement of your breasts (and sometimes even a painful inflammation of the breasts called mastitis).
Bring in the bottle
Start by switching over to a bottle feed midday. If your partner, a grandparent or your baby’s future caregiver is around to offer the bottle, that’s ideal. Some breastfed babies resist taking bottles from mom — possibly because they’re confused — but quickly accept it from somebody else.
If you’re the one to do it, though, that’s fine — just try to minimize any cues your baby is likely to associate with your breast. For example, don’t wear your usual nursing top or sit in the glider where you always nurse him. If he plays with your long hair while he nurses, put it up.
A change of scenery can help too. So if you normally breastfeed him indoors, try getting outside. Go to the park or even just your backyard deck, where the clouds, the birds and a nice warm breeze will help distract him.
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Once you’ve successfully swapped in a bottle in the middle of the day, move on to either the mid-morning or mid-afternoon feed. Keep cutting back until you’re breastfeeding your baby just between the hours you’ll be nursing once you’re at work.
Feed right before — and after — work
Your first week back on the job is likely to be at least a bit emotional, no matter how well you’ve prepped. Make it a bit easier on both you and your cutie by setting your alarm early so you have time to nurse before you get out of bed, and then again right before you leave for work. You’ll feel more relaxed walking into your workplace.
Also ask your caregiver not to feed your baby within an hour of when you usually arrive in the evening. If you’re going to be late, call so your sitter knows to give him just enough to hold him over until you’re back.
Just remember: Countless new moms have done what you’re trying to do, and they succeeded. So will you!
Good luck!