Toddlers and small children mean well when they hug their new Labradoodle puppy or the neighbor’s Beagle. But squeezing a dog’s neck too tightly or tugging on a pup’s tail can prompt an animal to lash out and use its teeth. 

In fact, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), more than 4.5 million people in the U.S. experience a dog bite each year, and hundreds of thousands of kids need medical help as a result.[1]

While it’s a good idea to learn how to treat dog bites in children, it’s even wiser to know the best ways to prevent them from happening at all. Read on for more information so your tot grows up with a healthy awareness of how to treat animals safely.

How to treat dog bites in children

As with any spill, bump or fall, do your best to remain calm in the heat of the moment. If you start to cry or yell, your child may become overwhelmed and even more scared than she already is. 

Next, rest assured that most dog bites are minor injuries. But some can be more serious, especially if complications develop, so it’s important to care for the bite properly. 

If your child experiences a dog bite, here’s how to treat it at home:[2]

  • Wash the area well. For a nip that’s just a small scratch or scrape, clean the skin with soap and water, then rinse well for at least five minutes.
  • Control the bleeding. If there’s blood, apply gentle pressure to the area until it stops. If the bleeding continues, try to elevate the wounded area to ease the flow. 
  • Cover it up. Gently dry the skin, dab on some antibiotic ointment, and place a bandage over it.
  • Get the vax details. It’s critical to get proof of a rabies vaccination from the dog’s owner, as well as the owner’s name and phone number and the contact info of the pet’s vet.
  • Call the doc. Even if the bite seems minor, make a call to the pediatrician — it’s possible that an antibiotic or shot, such as tetanus or rabies, may be necessary. 
  • Describe the incident. It can be important for your doctor to know how the bite happened. For example, a dog who bites because it was hit or poked in the eye is acting in an expected way. But if the pet snapped without warning or reason, the animal could be sick, and this information may help the doctor decide how best to treat your child’s wounds.
  • Seek emergency help. If the bite is deep or bleeding profusely, call 911 right away.[3]

How to prevent dog bites in children

The most important way to keep your child safe around a dog? Supervision! Never leave a little kid alone with any pooch — even a beloved family pet or one that you’ve been told is friendly and well-behaved. 

Beyond that, start teaching your children these important pet safety rules:[4]

  • Treat all dogs the same. Remember, any canine breed can bite — even a tiny fluffy lap dog. Don’t assume little dogs are automatically safe.
  • Be calm and quiet. Some dogs can get scared or upset if a small child is jumping or yelling.
  • Get permission before petting. Never approach a dog without asking the owner if it’s okay. Always caution your child about reaching through a fence or cage to pet an enclosed dog too.
  • Empty her hands before sniffing. Have your child pass any toys or food she may be holding to you. Next, let the dog smell your child before petting. Have her make a fist, palm down, and extend her hand. If the dog comes over with a wagging tail, then it’s fine to pet it.
  • Go easy. When touching a pooch, gently stroke its side or back, and don’t pat it on the head.
  • Nix the kisses. Even the most mellow mutt may not like being hugged or smooched.
  • Skip the teasing. Yanking ears, pulling on the tail, teasing with a treat, attempting to withhold a dog’s toy, or playing tug-of-war should all be strongly discouraged.
  • Let sleeping (and eating) dogs lie. Dogs may snap when startled from a nap or while eating, as they may think a tot who comes near during mealtime is trying to steal their food. You should also be mindful of a dog caring for puppies —  she can feel threatened and act aggressively in mothering mode. 
  • Watch the dog’s body language. Teach your child about certain things a dog might do when it feels frightened or upset, including tucking its tail under, raising fur along the back, licking its lips, and looking away. And, of course, if you hear growling, don’t let your child approach.
  • Stop, drop and curl. If your tot is pushed down by a dog, teach her to curl into a ball and hold her arms and hands over her face to protect her eyes.

When should I take my child to the ER for a dog bite?

No matter how serious the bite, a call to the doctor is recommended since a shot or prescription may be needed depending on the dog’s medical history. Or your provider may recommend an in-person evaluation for cleaning. But if you notice any of the signs below, you should bring your child to the ER right away: 

  • Deep wounds or bites to the face. Children are more likely to have injuries from dog bites on the head, face or neck, according to the AAP. While doctors rarely use stitches on dog bites in kids due to the risk of infection, they may be needed in some cases, such as for a facial wound to prevent scarring.
  • Broken skin. Punctured skin and injured bones, joints or tendons all need immediate care.
  • Lots of bleeding. Seek help ASAP if you can’t stop the blood after 15 minutes of pressure.
  • Redness, swelling or pus. These are signs of infection and may require antibiotics.
  • Low immunity. If your child has a weakened immune system, a dog bite can be more serious.

Dog bites can occur with any size, age or breed of canine. But with a careful approach, a safe and loving relationship with dogs is possible for your child.