Busy toddlers typically crash into their beds after a long day of running, climbing and exploring. Yet sometimes kids this age seem to repel sleep, especially when they need it the most — and the result is an overtired toddler. Not getting the requisite Zzzs a child needs each night can wreak havoc during the daytime, affecting his behavior and mood.

To help, it’s a smart idea to learn what sleep deprivation in toddlers looks like so you can recognize the signs and nip it in the bud. And here’s what you need to know about settling your overtired toddler into bed more easily, plus tips for preventing sleep deprivation in the first place.

What is sleep deprivation in toddlers?

Sleep deprivation, also known as insufficient sleep, means your toddler isn’t getting the right amount of sleep he needs in a 24-hour period.

As a guideline, pediatricians and sleep experts alike recommend that toddlers between the ages of 1 and 3 years old get 11 to 14 hours of sleep (including daytime naps). Kids who are between the ages of 3 and 5 years old should aim for 10 to 13 hours of sleep overall.

A sleep-deprived toddler is one who’s missing out on the critical rest that’s achieved during these suggested sleep ranges, and without it, your tot’s ability to navigate the day can go off the rails. Keep in mind that it’s very normal for toddlers to fight sleep at night and naptime, in part because they don’t want to miss out on all the fun that’s happening when they’re sent to bed.

Signs of an overtired toddler

An overtired toddler can come in many guises, and some of the signs you notice may not make sense at first. Here are the more common symptoms of sleep deprivation in kids this age:

  • Tantrums and tears. Crying, along with pumping fists, stomping feet or completely melting down at the grocery store are surefire signs your little one is running on fumes.
  • Low energy. General fatigue or difficulty getting up in the morning are two more.
  • Impulsivity. Think your wound-up tot has energy to burn? Actually, hyperactive behavior and impulsive outbursts or battles (like fighting over a toy with a friend or sibling) could mean he’s getting insufficient sleep at night.
  • Clinginess. Moodiness and clinging to you more than usual are common indicators.
  • Tripping. An overtired toddler may feel dizzy and be prone to tumbles and falls.
  • Sleeping on short rides. Snoozing at school or conking out the minute he’s in the car seat could also mean his night and naptime sleep is being shortchanged.
  • Difficulty falling or staying asleep. Trouble drifting off or staying asleep, whether it’s because he’s wound up or having nightmares, night fears or anxiety, are also signs of sleep deprivation.

Tips for helping your overtired toddler get more sleep and settle down at bedtime

You can expect some trial and error as you determine the best ways to help your overtired toddler get better sleep at night. To get you started, follow these tips:

  • Nail down his sleep schedule. The first step is to figure out what your child’s ideal sleep schedule is. You might jot down when he wakes, takes naps and heads to bed each day for a week and then compare it to his mood to find the right number of hours he needs.
  • Examine his naps. Young toddlers still nap twice a day, but older ones are often down to one longer snooze, so go with what works for your toddler. The goal is to make sure your tot gets the rest he needs, which could mean keeping that longer afternoon nap if it makes him cheerful until bedtime. And check out the sample schedules below as a guide.
  • Make bedtime sacred. You need to worship at the altar of the 7:30 or 8 p.m. tuck-in. It may seem draconian at first, but a structured approach to bedtime, naptime and even wake-up time is crucial for optimal toddler shut-eye and helps to avoid sleep deprivation. Be sure to follow the same bedtime routine at the same time each night too.
  • Adjust as needed. Watch your toddler’s behavior for hints that his sleep schedule needs tweaking. And when he shows signs of sleepiness around naptime or bedtime (crankiness, thumb-sucking, droopy eyes), try to get him to go to sleep before true exhaustion sets in.
  • Bring back sleep training. You may have sleep trained your baby early on, but sometimes a toddler can benefit from it too, such as the chair method or bedtime fading.
  • Be patient. It may take a few weeks of moderating your schedule to land on what works, and then it may take time for your tot to adjust to the new routine. But don’t give up. Once you master toddler sleep (and you will!), you’ll be rewarded with a much happier, healthier child.

Sample sleep schedules to try

If your toddler takes two naps a day:

7 a.m. — Wake up

9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. — Morning nap

2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. — Afternoon nap

7:30/8 p.m. — Bedtime

If your toddler takes one nap a day:

7 a.m. — Wake up

12:30 p.m. to 2:30/3 p.m. — Nap

7:30/8 p.m. — Bedtime

Ways to prevent sleep deprivation in your toddler

Try as you might, your child still might end up overtired if he misses a few naps in a row or he’s up at the wee hours because of a nightmare or other fear. Still, stick to your guns and try these ways to prevent sleep deprivation in your child:

  • Make tuck-in relaxing. Slow down the activity as bedtime approaches and then ease into your regular routine of a warm bath, a few stories, a special song and then lights out.
  • Nix TV close to bedtime. Installing screens in kids’ rooms and watching them before going to bed can interfere with the amount and quality of sleep your child gets. Keep screens out of the bedroom and turn them off two hours before bedtime.
  • Offer a light and a lovey. Nighttime fears are real at this age as your toddler’s understanding of TV images and story tales has become more sophisticated. To help ease his anxiety in the dark, turn on a night light or hall light and offer a stuffed animal to hold.
  • Treat weekends like weekdays. It’s tempting to let your tot stay up later to watch a movie or sleep in on Sunday, but this pattern will only knock his practiced sleep schedule off track. Your best bet: Follow the same routine every single day without fail.
  • Skip caffeine. A small snack before bed is fine, but don’t offer soda, chocolate or anything with caffeine. And watch out for bottled clear liquids (check labels if you're not sure).

When to call the doctor about sleep deprivation in your child

If you spot some of the signs of sleep deprivation in your child or you’re having a hard time dealing with your tot’s general refusal to tuck in, give your pediatrician a call. Your child’s doctor can suggest sleep strategies to try and may examine him to rule out underlying fears, anxiety or physical causes such as sleep apnea, a cold or flu, teething or an ear infection.