Now that your child’s a toddler, you probably feel like you’ve seen it all when it comes to poop. 

You’ve dealt with everything from those seedy, mustardy infant poops to the green poops that appeared after your baby began to eat solids (a fun side effect of introducing leafy greens!), and you’ve surely dealt with your fair share of diaper blowouts.

But if you can believe it, there’s even more to the toddler poop story — and it’s often not a pretty picture, especially when constipation and diarrhea enter into the mix. 

Here’s what you need to know about toddler poop, including what’s considered “normal” and how to troubleshoot common poop-related problems.

How can I tell if my toddler’s poop is normal?

Once your toddler is eating all solid foods, her bowel movements will be adult-like in color and consistency. While her diet can play a role in determining what her poops look like (some red foods like beets and tomato sauce, for example, can cause red-colored stools), as a general rule, tan-, brown- and even yellow-colored stools are considered normal. So, too, are soft BMs that tend to become more formed as she gets older.[1]

The consistency of her poop can also help clue you in to her health status: If her stools look loose or watery, that can be a sign of diarrhea; if they’re hard and dry, it can mean she has constipation.

How often should my toddler poop?

When it comes to toddler bowel movements, there’s a wide range of what’s considered regular. She might go as many as three times a day or as little as every one to two days. 

In fact, despite what you might think, being constipated does not necessarily mean going a few days without pooping. Even if your toddler skips a few days, it may not be a sign that she’s clogged up — as long as when she does poop, the consistency looks normal.[2] 

Types of toddler poop

If your child’s poop doesn’t look normal — for example, the color or consistency looks off — you’re likely dealing with one of these problems:


If your child is pooping less than twice a week, that could be a sign that she’s clogged up, especially if her stool is small, dry and hard. Other signs that your tot is constipated: her tummy looks bloated, she’s nauseous, or she seems to have unusual posture or movements — a potential sign that she’s avoiding pooping, according to the Cleveland Clinic.[3]

Anal fissures

Kids who become constipated can develop an anal fissure (or tear) in the lining of the anus when they have a bowel movement. If your child has an anal fissure, she might be in pain after she passes a stool, and may have some burning and itching. The stool itself may also have streaks of blood in it.[4]


Loose, watery poops that make an appearance several times a day are a sign of diarrhea. This toddler poop problem can happen when your child has a virus, after she’s eaten something irritating to her digestive system, and after she’s binged on a lot of high-fiber foods (like fruit). 

What do different toddler poop colors mean?

The color of your toddler’s poop will often simply tell you what she’s eaten lately. Still, there are some stool colors that may warrant a call to your pediatrician (if only for peace of mind).[5]

  • Red toddler poop: Most of the time, red stools are caused by something your tot recently ate — red Jell-O or red Kool-Aid, red peppers, beets, cranberries and tomato juice are common culprits. Red poop can also be caused by certain medications, like Amoxicillin. Still, red stools — and particularly red streaks in your toddler’s stool — can also be caused by bleeding from the lower GI tract. So it doesn’t hurt to reach out to your pediatrician if you notice red poop but your child hasn’t eaten any red-hued foods and isn’t taking medication.
  • Black toddler poop: If your child recently ate black-colored foods (think Oreo cookies, licorice or grape juice), her stool may appear black. Medications, including iron, can also cause dark-colored stools. Sometimes, however, black poop can also be a sign of stomach bleeding (after passing through the stomach acid, the color of blood changes from red to black). Reach out to your pediatrician if you don’t think diet or medications could be to blame. 
  • Green toddler poop: Green stools are generally very normal (and can be caused by taking grape-flavored Pedialyte or eating leafy green vegetables like spinach, but they’re often mistaken for black stools. If you’re unsure about the color, try smearing a small piece of stool on white paper and looking at it under a bright light — oftentimes, it’s actually dark green. If your toddler has diarrhea, her stool may also look green. In this case, the green color is caused by the matter’s speedy exit through and out the GI tract.
  • White or light gray toddler poop: White or light gray stools are rare, and could be caused by a milk-only diet. Stools of this color can also be a sign of liver disease, so it warrants a call to the doctor right away. 
  • Yellow, tan and brown toddler poop: All are totally normal toddler poop colors.

What causes toddler poop problems?

Constipation, diarrhea and anal fissures usually stem from either your toddler’s diet or her potty habits. Some common culprits include:

  • Not eating enough high-fiber foods, including fruits, vegetables and whole grains. 
  • Not drinking enough. Skimping on fluids can contribute to constipation.
  • Ignoring the urge to poop. Who has time to poop when you’re busy exploring, right? Alas, holding it in causes dry, hard stool to build up in the lower bowels. Some children may also withhold poop when they’re being potty trained or in a new environment, such as day care or school.
  • Being constipated. Constipation is a likely cause for anal fissures, though they can also be caused by a long bout of diarrhea.[6]

Treating toddler poop problems

To get your child’s bowel movements back on track, try these strategies:

  • Add more fiber to your toddler’s diet. Fiber helps soften stools, which makes them easier to pass and helps head off constipation. You can find fiber in fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
  • Fill up on fluids. If your child is backed up, encourage her to drink water to help soften stools. You can also offer her 4 ounces a day of prune juice or pear juice until the problem clears up. If she’s having diarrhea, she should also drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration, although keep in mind that in this case, fruit juice can contribute to loose, watery stools.
  • Go easy on the treats. High-fat foods, as well as those that contain lots of sugar, can be binding (bad for constipation) and irritating to the GI system (bad for diarrhea). 
  • Make sure your child is exercising regularly. A quick romp in the backyard or an after-dinner walk up the street works just fine. This will help get her digestive system moving, easing constipation.
  • If your child has diarrhea and is also vomiting, skip solid foods for a bit. In fact, it's a good idea to avoid giving her anything to eat or drink for the first hour after she throws up, especially if it's the first bout of vomiting. After an hour, give her small sips of water every 10 minutes to see if she can keep it down.
  • Consider giving your toddler a rehydration fluid like Pedialyte. Start off slowly with small sips. If she’s able to keep that down, you can slowly move on to other liquids. When her diarrhea improves, you can gradually resume her usual diet.
  • Ease the soreness. If your child has developed an anal fissure, dab some petroleum jelly onto the affected skin. The fissure should heal once the constipation clears up. 
  • Ask about a stool softener. If all else fails, ask your pediatrician about giving your toddler a stool softener designed especially for young children. But never give your child any kind of laxative unless your doctor gives the okay.

When to call the doctor about your toddler’s poop

Poop problems are usually nothing to worry about, but if your child is having a bout of diarrhea and also is vomiting and has a fever, bloated belly, or blood in her stool (bright red, or dark red or black), call your pediatrician. 

You should also call your doctor if it seems like your child is becoming dehydrated — a real danger when your toddler is losing a lot of fluids and electrolytes (essential minerals) through diarrhea or vomiting. Signs of dehydration include cracked lips, tearless crying and a decrease in urination.

And while an occasional blockage of toddler poop is generally no big deal, chronic constipation can be very painful and affect your child’s eating habits and sleep. If your little one seems backed up often, it’s worth putting in a call to the doctor to see what could be causing the blockages. 

White or light gray poop also warrants a call to the pediatrician. While rare, it could be a sign of liver problems.

It’s totally normal for toddlers to experience some occasional diarrhea or constipation, especially after transitioning to an all-solid diet. Withholding poop, especially during potty training time, can also be common.

With a few changes to her diet (and a little more practice on the potty), chances are, her poop problems will soon be "behind" her.