No parent wants to see their child bleeding, but there’s something especially upsetting about a nosebleed. Perhaps it’s the amount of blood that can suddenly gush during a nosebleed or that it’s coming from your little one’s face. Either way, it can be nerve-racking for both parents and kids. 

Unfortunately, nosebleeds in children are more common than you might think — and if you have a toddler, he’s in the prime years for nosebleeds. 

A combination of factors can put toddler noses at higher risk. For starters, young kids are unsteady on their feet, highly curious and notoriously clumsy — they tend to fall into furniture or smack themselves with toys or books. Some little ones also develop a mindless nose-picking habit, which irritates the lining of the nose, and others may stick things in their noses, which can also cause bleeding. 

And there's the anatomy of their little noses, which are full of tiny blood vessels that can bleed easily, especially when they’re dry or irritated. A bump on the nose (or even on the head) can also cause surprising amounts of blood to pour forth.

Here’s what every parent should know about toddler nosebleeds, including tips for treating them at home and when to call your child’s doctor. 

Causes of nosebleeds in toddlers 

There are two types of nosebleeds: anterior and posterior. Anterior nosebleeds come from the front of the nose and are the most common. They’re caused by breaks in the tiny blood vessels in the delicate skin inside the nose. 

Posterior nosebleeds come from the back of the nose and cause blood to go down the throat. These are rarer in children (though they can occur from significant trauma) and are more common in adults with high blood pressure.[1] 

Nosebleeds in young children can be caused by a variety of issues, including: 

  • Nose-picking. Not only can this habit spread germs, but tots who pick their noses are also more likely to develop nosebleeds.
  • Dry weather. Nosebleeds in children tend to occur more often during winter months, and dry weather is one of the most common causes in young kids. That’s because indoor heating can dry out the nasal membranes, making them more susceptible to irritation. 
  • Frequent colds. Little kids catch more colds (up to 10 a year). All that wiping and blowing can irritate the delicate skin inside your child’s nose, making broken blood vessels more common.
  • Falls or a bump to the nose. Toddlers are especially prone to bumps on the nose from accidents, which can easily trigger a nosebleed. 
  • Abnormal growths or anatomical problems in the nose. Less commonly, usually benign polyps can lead to nosebleeds. 
  • Other factors. Antihistamines, for example, can dry out your child’s nasal passages, as can chronic allergies. Children with chronic health issues may experience nosebleeds as a side effect of medications. And an object stuck in the nose can cause a nosebleed too.

Tips for treating your toddler’s nosebleed at home

Staying calm is step one, since your toddler will take his cues from you. From there, follow these tips:[2]

  • Have your child sit up. If he’s lying down, he may swallow or breathe in some blood, which can lead to vomiting. 
  • Place your hand on his back and gently encourage him to lean forward slightly. This also helps to keep blood from flowing down the throat.
  • Pinch the soft parts of his nose (not the bony part) with your thumb and forefinger so his nostrils are closed. You can also use a tissue.
  • Hold this position for a full five minutes before checking to see if the bleeding has stopped (no peeking). If it hasn’t, wait another five or 10 minutes and check again.
  • Don’t place anything inside the nose, like cotton balls, tissue or gauze. You can apply a cold compress to the bridge of the nose to help prevent the bleeding from recurring. 

When to call the doctor about a nosebleed in your child

If your tot is experiencing regular nosebleeds, it’s time to let your doctor know. You should also talk to the pediatrician if your child bruises easily, bleeds heavily from minor wounds, has bleeding gums, or has recently started taking a new medication.

These could be signs of an underlying health issue, like a medication side effect or a bleeding disorder. 

When to go to urgent care or the ER or call 911 for a toddler nosebleed

Most of the time, nosebleeds can be dealt with at home. But there are situations when a nosebleed needs immediate care in the ER. These include:[3]

  • A nosebleed that won’t stop after 10 minutes of pinching, repeated twice
  • Trouble breathing 
  • The nosebleed is the result of a serious or forceful head injury 
  • Something is stuck in the nose
  • Your child is dizzy, weak, pale, sweaty or unresponsive  

What to do about chronic nosebleeds in toddlers and children

Recurring nosebleeds may be caused by blood vessels that are having trouble healing due to frequent irritation. This could be due to colds, seasonal allergies, or nose-picking. Your doctor may recommend saline drops or gel for your child’s nose, which provide moisture to encourage the blood vessels to heal.[4]

If the nosebleeds persist even after using saline drops or gel regularly, your doctor may recommend some extra testing to rule out a bleeding disorder. Some kids may need cautery, a procedure in which blood vessels are closed off with an electric current, a silver nitrate or a laser. This procedure is usually done by a pediatric ear, nose and throat specialist (ENT).

Your doctor may also recommend an in-office treatment where the nose is temporarily packed with gauze or an inflatable balloon that places pressure on a problematic blood vessel.

How to prevent nosebleeds in toddlers

Toddlers are notoriously prone to accidents and colds (thanks, day care!) — common nosebleed culprits. So preventing nosebleeds entirely can be hard. But there are a few strategies that can help, including:

  • Run a cool-mist humidifier in your tot’s bedroom to keep the air moist.
  • Place a very light coating of petroleum jelly along the skin right under the nose and just inside, especially at night. Use a cotton swab to apply.
  • Keep toddlers’ fingernails trimmed — and gently discourage nose-picking when you see it. 
  • Use a saline spray when your child has a cold or is stuffed up to keep his nasal passages moist.

Nosebleeds can be scary, but most kids will experience them at least once, so do your best to stay calm when they occur. Luckily, in most cases, nosebleeds can be easily dealt with at home.