Few things are scarier than a sick child, especially one with a burning fever. But bear in mind that keeping your own cool is the best approach in this situation as not all toddler fevers are cause for great concern.[1] Remember, a fever is simply the body's signal that an infection has settled in and your tot's immune system is doing its darndest to fight it off.
And fever is only one of several symptoms that warrant a call to the pediatrician. Still, you need to get an accurate reading from the tool you use so you can treat the illness he has in the right way.[2] Here's more about thermometer types, plus when to reach out to the doctor about a fever.
Types of thermometers for taking your toddler's temperature
Before you take your child's temperature, a word of caution about mercury thermometers. These slender glass tools are no longer recommended as they can break easily, allowing dangerous mercury vapors to escape.[3] If you own this type, it's best to remove it from your home and recycle it properly.
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the best thermometer to use is a digital one.[4] To help you stock your medicine cabinet safely at home and decide which digital instrument is right for your child, take a look at the following list of thermometer types:[5]
Rectal thermometers
As you can tell from the name, a rectal device is inserted into the anus.[6] It's considered the most accurate measure for babies, especially those under 3 months, and for toddlers up to 4 years of age. With a rectal tool, you'll get a fast and correct reading of your baby's or tot's temperature, though some parents feel squeamish when using one or may worry about hurting their child.
More About Sick Toddlers
Oral thermometers
If your child is 4 years or older, an oral version can measure his temp by mouth. This device works when the tip of the tool touches the body and, when used properly, can accurately give a reading.
You need to wait to use this type after eating or drinking as anything in the mouth can affect the result. And take extra care if you have a thermometer that has swappable parts for different areas of the body (rectal, oral or in the armpit) so the pieces aren't misused or confused with each other.
Under-the-arm thermometers
The armpit method is officially called an axillary reading. While taking a temp this way is easy, it's also the least accurate approach, per the AAP.
Underarm readings tend to be about 1 degree lower than oral ones, which means any temperature over 99.4 degrees F is likely a fever. But you can still use this device to check if you suspect a fever is present in your kid.
Ear thermometers
Also known as tympanic thermometers, these tools rely on an infrared ray to check the temp inside the ear canal. The instrument is fine for babies 6 months and older as well as for toddlers, but it's not for use on younger infants as their ear canals are too narrow to get a good reading. Ear wax affects the temp's accuracy, and placing it correctly in the ear can pose a challenge.
Forehead thermometers
These also use infrared technology, but they check the heat waves in the blood vessels on the surface of the forehead instead of inside the ear.
Also called temporal artery thermometers, these fast and easy tools work on kids of all ages. However, they're also more expensive than other options listed here, and holding it too far from the head can mess with the reading.
Pacifier thermometers and fever strips
Like ear and forehead thermometers, a pacifier device or a plastic strip that attaches to the forehead is very easy to pop into the mouth or stick on the skin for a reading. But these aren't as accurate as rectal, oral or even underarm measures. Using one is fine when you're on the go, but you should follow up with a better method later on.
How to take a child's temperature
Here's how to take your child's temperature based on his age:
A rectal temperature is the most accurate, especially for babies under 3 months old.
To use this device, put a small dab of petroleum jelly on the end of the tool. Next, lay your infant belly down across your lap (or on his back with the legs pulled up) and gently pull the buttocks apart. Slide the tip in carefully just a half inch for babies who are less than 6 months of age or about an inch if he's older.
Hold it in place until you hear the beeping sound. Clean the rectal device well after use with soap and water or a disinfecting alcohol wipe.
Babies 6 months and up
You can keep using a rectal device for this age, but forehead thermometers work on kids of all ages and the ear type is fine for babies 6 months and up. Read the labels to learn how to place these thermometers on the skin or inside the ear.
Take special care if you opt for an ear thermometer. You may have to pull back the ear slightly in order to angle the tip of the tool in the canal.
You can use a variety of thermometers (rectal, ear, forehead) since this age spans the years from 1 to 3.
You can also take a toddler's underarm temp with an oral device, though it's not as accurate as the other instruments. Make sure the armpit area is dry and that the thermometer touches just the skin. Fold his arm over the tool and wait for the beep. Take a few readings this way for accuracy.
When to call the doctor for a fever
A fever is of concern if the number climbs to a certain level or your baby is very young. For instance, you should always call the doctor for a fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher in babies under 3 months. And if your child has a fever or other concerning symptoms, the pediatrician may recommend a test for COVID-19.
But a mild fever in an older child may be nothing to worry about. The doctor might recommend easing any discomfort by giving an over-the-counter medication such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. (Note that ibuprofen is approved only for children over 6 months.)
If medication doesn't bring down your toddler's fever, you'll want to get in touch with the pediatrician and ask if you need to adjust the dosage. And make an immediate call if your child's fever has lasted a couple of days, he doesn't seem to be improving or you notice other symptoms with the fever. Certain ones — like rapid breathing, blue lips, excessive drooling or signs of dehydration — may require a trip to the ER or urgent care depending on the situation and severity.
Try to keep a cool head when faced with a fever in your baby or toddler. Once you've got the right thermometers and have mastered how to use them, you'll have the tools to obtain an accurate temperature at home.
Thermometers for taking baby's temperature
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