Summer camps for toddlers can be the perfect opportunity for even the littlest kids to have some fun in the sun. And if your child hasn’t yet attended a day care or preschool program, it’s also a chance for him to practice being apart from you, at least for a few hours.

Not to mention, day camps are a great place for toddlers to make new friends, get exercise, create adorable arts and crafts projects, and more. 

Summer camps for toddlers typically are full- or half-day programs, not sleep-away camps. (Your child likely won’t be ready for those until he’s 7 or 8 at the earliest, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.)[1]

Your usual child care center or preschool may also offer a special program during the hot-weather months; for example,they might add more outdoor play or water activities, or hold special theme days like beach days.  

No matter what kind of program you’re interested in, summer camp may make sense for your toddler or preschooler if you can find the right one for your budget and your child. Read on for more about what parents need to know to ensure little campers stay safe and have fun. 

Should you send your toddler to summer camp?

The answer, like so many parenting questions, is that it depends. Many families find themselves needing short-term child care in the summer (because your day care or preschool is on break, or your regular babysitter or nanny is unavailable, for example). A toddler summer camp can be the perfect solution. 

But if your toddler is already in a day care that you’re happy with and the program will be offering more outdoor time and activities in the warmer months, it’s likely not necessary to also book your tot in a summer camp. For most families, there’s no sense in making the switch to something new if your cutie (and you) are happy with where he is. 

A summer program can be a good way to help your child get used to being around other adults and toddlers if he’s not currently in day care. That, in turn, can ease his transition into preschool. And in addition to being exposed to a wide range of activities, he’ll be able to run around and reap the health benefits of being outside. 

Is my toddler ready for summer camp?

If your work schedule requires you to enroll your toddler in a summer program, know that most tots adjust easily and quickly.

But if you have multiple care options and are debating whether or not to send your child to a summer camp, there are some readiness signs to look for that can make the transition to camp a little easier:

  • Your toddler can calm down when you walk out the door after a few minutes — even if he’s upset and sobs for a bit when you leave him with a sitter or a family member. 
  • Your child has had playdates with other toddlers, been in a regular playgroup, or gone with a caregiver to storytime or other classes.
  • Your child is used to being left with other caregivers.
  • Your toddler can do some things on his own, like feed himself and ask for things if he needs them.
  • Bonus: Your toddler is potty trained. Though not always, it’s sometimes a requirement, so check with the summer camp director.

If your toddler has a bad case of separation anxiety, the transition to a summer day camp may be a little more difficult.

Preparing him in advance for what’s going to happen can help (remind him that you’ll always come back to pick him up at the end of the day), as can giving him a chance to get to know his camp caregivers ahead of time, if possible.

If your toddler has a regular playmate (or older sibling), enrolling the two of them in the same camp program may also help him feel excited to go.

Toddler summer camp pros and cons

Toddler summer camps can offer a number of benefits, including: 

  • Physical exercise. Getting your tot moving is beneficial for many reasons, including better sleep, improved mood, and strengthening his bones and muscles.
  • Improved fine motor skills. Exposure to arts and crafts activities at a summer camp can help strengthen your tot’s fine motor skills, such as his ability to draw or hold a crayon.
  • Improved gross motor skills. Running, jumping, climbing and kicking a ball are examples of gross motor skills, all of which get a boost from a camp program that offers plenty of outdoor games.
  • Improved social skills. Even if your tot is still in the parallel play stage, he’ll benefit from being around other kids.
  • Exposure to new activities. Many parents appreciate that summer camps can introduce kids to activities that they may not have had the chance to try at home or in a day care setting. Tots may also get a self-esteem boost when they learn a new skill or sport. 

While there are no real cons, some families struggle to find a summer camp in their area that admits toddlers (many are for older kids). Summer camps can be expensive too, and the hours may be shorter than a typical day care program, which can leave families struggling to find afternoon coverage. 

Tips for choosing the best summer camp for your toddler 

Choosing the best summer camp for your toddler is a bit like choosing a day care or preschool program, and there are a number of factors that go into finding the best fit.

You’ll want to consider your child's personality, developmental level, and social savviness. Does he like being around other kids? Does he melt down when things are super stimulating or loud?

Here are some tips to keep in mind as you start your search:

  • Don’t shy away from programs that don’t cater 100% to your child’s interests. Little kids can benefit from trying something outside their comfort zone. For example, even if your cutie doesn’t seem too interested in sports yet, he still may enjoy a camp that offers outdoor games and activities, and may learn a new sport he enjoys.  
  • Look for programs that offer a variety of activities. From arts and crafts to structured games to unstructured playtime both indoors and out (all supervised, of course). The more activities your toddler is exposed to, the more skills he’ll gain, such as kicking a ball, running faster, being able to use kid-friendly scissors, and making new friends.
  • Specialty sports programs can be fine for preschoolers who have the gross motor skills to pick up the basics of soccer, tennis or basketball. Just make sure the program focuses on fun, and the equipment and expectations are scaled down so 3- and 4-year-olds find it rewarding, not frustrating. That way, your cutie will gain confidence from learning a sport.
  • Don’t expect the program to offer swimming. It’s the rare camp that offers swimming lessons for kids younger than 4. But you may find programs with some age-appropriate water activities, like wading pools or water tables, for 2- and 3-year-olds.

Questions to ask to decide whether a summer camp is right for your child

If you’ve identified a few summer camp possibilities for your toddler, it’s time to do some research to confirm the camp you’re considering is a safe and fun place for him to learn and play.

The best way is to get referrals from other parents who have sent their children to the camp. You can also ask the camp director these questions:

  • Is the program accredited? If it’s not your usual day care or school program, then the camp should be accredited by the American Camp Association (ACA).
  • What is the ratio of counselors to kids? If a day camp is ACA-accredited, it must have a ratio of one counselor for every six kids who are younger than 5 years old.[2]
  • What percentage of the staff comes back every summer? If there’s high turnover, that could be a red flag. You might also ask about the ages of the counselors — are they high school or college kids? And if you have a child with special needs, you might ask if any of the counselors have experience working with other kids with special needs.
  • Is there a nurse on staff? If not, are there providers or counselors who are trained in CPR? (This is a must.) If you have a toddler with an allergy, make sure the counselors also know how to administer his EpiPen. 
  • How often do the counselors reapply sunscreen? The AAP recommends kids reapply sunscreen every two hours or after swimming.[3]
  • Does the camp offer swim lessons? If so, do they have a lifeguard on duty? If they don’t, how are the toddlers and preschoolers supervised around water activities?
  • What are the activities like during a rainy day or when it’s too hot to go outside? You want to have an idea of the backup plans in case toddlers are stuck inside. If it includes movies or other screen time, ask how entertainment is chosen. Of course, screen time shouldn’t be part of the normal activities.
  • How do they handle behavior challenges and discipline? This will give you an idea of the camp’s philosophy and rules.

How much does summer camp cost? 

Depending on the summer camp, fees might range from $100 to more than $1,000 a week, according to the ACA.[4]

It’s a good idea to find out what’s included in the fee: For example, are there buses to pick up and deliver the children? Are snacks and meals provided? Are there before- or after-care options? 

Remember, too, that there may be special discounts if you sign up early or enroll your tot for the whole summer. Some camps start registrations very early, like the beginning of the calendar year, so it's best to find out in advance.

Plenty of towns and counties also offer day camp options, or at least a few hours of activities during the week for preschoolers, which can be a little more affordable.

Toddler summer camp supplies you’ll need 

No matter where you send your cutie to camp, he’ll need some gear. Ask the camp director to send you a list (many camps do). Get a little backpack where your toddler can keep his stuff in one place.

Be sure to include the following supplies:

  • An extra set of clothes, including underwear if he’s potty trained or spare diapers and wipes if he’s not
  • A bathing suit and towel if the camp includes water play or swimming lessons
  • Sunglasses (if your tot will wear them) and a sun hat 
  • A toddler-friendly water bottle 
  • Sunscreen
  • A plastic bag for wet clothing
  • Snacks or lunch if the program doesn’t provide them

Summer camps are great for kids of all ages. And while your toddler may be hesitant at first, especially around unfamiliar faces, savvy camp counselors know how to get kids engaged. Before long, your little one won’t want the camp day to end!