Toddlers are busy bees, racing from one room to the next or up and down stairs. Since tots are also naturally clumsy, tripping over toys or their own two feet is bound to happen from time to time.

Fortunately, sprains are less common in young kids because their ligaments, where this type of injury occurs, are actually stronger than the growing bones and cartilage that surround them.[1]

Still, sprains are certainly possible in little ones, so it’s a good idea to understand this kind of injury so you can help spot the signs and seek treatment.  

Here’s more on sprains in babies and toddlers, as well as ways to prevent these boo-boos from happening in the first place. 

What is a sprain in a baby or toddler? 

A sprain refers to an overstretched or torn ligament, which is the connecting tissue located between two bones that keeps a joint in place.[2]

Sprains can affect any joint in the body, but they typically occur in the knees and ankles. In young children, ankle sprains are the most common, followed by knee and wrist sprains, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). 

There are three types of sprains: grade I, a slight or mild tear or pull; grade II, which is a larger tear; and grade III, a complete tear of the ligament.

Signs of sprains in babies and toddlers

In babies and toddlers, symptoms of a sprain could include the following:[3]

  • Severe pain and crying
  • An inability or unwillingness to walk or bend the joint
  • Limping, weakness, or difficulty bearing weight
  • Swelling and bruising near the joint
  • Warmth or redness at the site of the injury

It can be tricky to distinguish between an ankle sprain and a fractured bone because the symptoms are similar. 

However, a bone fracture may be accompanied by severe pain (particularly in one spot), inability to bear weight, a bent position of the limb, a snap or grinding noise when the injury occurred, or even bone sticking through the skin. Your doctor can examine your child to confirm the type of injury she has.

What causes a sprain in a baby or toddler? 

Sprains are more likely to occur in older kids, often while playing sports. In babies and toddlers, fractures are actually more common, though sprains can still happen. 

If your tot does get a sprain, it tends to be the same as it would be for an older child or adult: The ligaments between the bones may stretch beyond their normal range or even tear a bit. This could happen during a sudden fall, or your little one could experience a sprain when twisting or wrenching his foot, knee, or wrist while playing or running.[4]

How to treat a sprain in a baby or a toddler

Treatment for a sprain in a baby or toddler will depend on how bad the injury is, as well as her age and symptoms. Here are the various remedies that are usually recommended for sprains:[5]

  • R.I.C.E. This should be started within the first two days of the injury and stands for Rest, Ice (use an ice pack wrapped in a cloth for 20 minutes at a time, three or more times a day), Compression (support the injury with a compression bandage for at least two days) and Elevation (keep the leg or arm raised above the heart to ease swelling).
  • Pain relief. Ask the doc about over-the-counter meds like ibuprofen or acetaminophen. 
  • Splint. Some sprains may need to be immobilized with a splint.
  • Crutches. Older kids may benefit from leaning on crutches to give the joint a rest.
  • Physical therapy. Once the sprain is better, your doctor may recommend that your child work with a physical therapist to strengthen the area. Exercises can be recommended to increase your child’s range of motion.
  • Surgery. Although usually not necessarily, surgery might be recommended if your child’s injury recurs or if a ligament is very badly torn. 

How to prevent a sprain in your child

While you can’t avoid every fall — after all, spills are part of the territory with young children — there are a few common sense strategies that can help keep baby and toddler sprains from happening:

  • Check footwear. Make sure your tot’s shoes and sneakers fit properly. Comfortable, well-fitting shoes with non-skid soles such as sneakers are best. Inside, she can go barefoot or wear non-slip socks.
  • Clear the decks. Do a good sweep of the play area so it’s as free from obstacles as possible. You might even suggest your little one help you put away toys as a bedtime ritual.
  • Opt for soft surfaces. Always choose playgrounds with padded materials underfoot.
  • Gate the stairs. Install baby gates at the top and bottom of stairways to avoid tumbles. At the top, make sure to select a hardware-mounted gate — though both hardware- and pressure-mounted gates are safe, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) says hardware-mounted gates are the only type that should be used on the top of stairs.[6]

When to call the doctor about a sprain in your child

If you notice any of the above signs of a sprain, bring your tot to the doctor’s office or emergency room for an evaluation. Some urgent care centers can see your child too (though if you’re unsure, call ahead to find out.) The pediatrician or ER team may need to order an X-ray to rule out a fracture. 

And be sure to call your doctor if your child’s sprain doesn’t seem to be healing, or the swelling returns to the affected area. Further injury to the joint is possible if a sprain isn’t diagnosed and treated early.

While sprains can certainly be painful, know that most minor ones tend to heal in about two weeks. In the meantime, settle your tot down for some quiet time while it gets better, and soon enough, she’ll be back to her usual running, exploring and leaping around.