Baby clutter sneaks up on even the most orderly moms and dads. (It’s possible it multiplies overnight.) And very understandably so — you’re busy being the center of your little one’s universe; things are bound to get a little unorganized sometimes!

Whether you’re in the midst of handling a poop-losion and are searching for diaper wipes in the middle of the night or are frantically looking for the perfect outfit before early-morning day care drop-off, it can be all too easy to get overwhelmed, especially when you couple sleep deprivation with not being able to find what you’re searching for.

That said, while life with a baby can certainly be messy, there are ways to maintain (some) order. Follow these space-saving tips for a more organized nursery in no time.

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Nursery organization and space-saving tips

Edit your little one’s wardrobe.

It’s tempting to hold onto every bib and itty-bitty onesie you’re given, but you’ll likely wind up with more than you really need. If your little one’s dresser is bursting with clothes, set aside any extras for your next bambino or donate them to a women’s shelter. (Keep in mind that you shouldn’t need more than a week’s worth of anything.)

Move outgrown and next-size clothing into plastic containers and relocate them to a spare closet. Clothes you may want to toss or donate: anything with a stain you just can’t get out or apparel with elastic (such as an elastic waistband), which might disintegrate over time.

Corral diapering supplies.

A streamlined changing-table routine will make life more pleasant for you and baby. Save time by keeping everything you might need at the ready. Stash diapers, wipes and creams in a basket or caddy along with a cloth diaper or rag for any unexpected messes.

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>>Anatomy of a Changing Table...? ? I’m a planner ??????? and I loved getting my changing table set up before both my babies were born. Organizing the nursery is a great way to focus nesting energy. Here’s how I have mine set up!? ? Swipe to see my version of the baby junk drawer. PSA — Some mamas don’t even use a changing table! So don’t stress if you don’t have yours ready yet or it’s piled high with baby clothes. All you really need is a flat, wipeable surface, diapers, and wipes. Personally, I love having all my baby supplies in one place, and being tall, the changing table helps save my back! ??? ? ?? Shout out ?? to my husband for building this changing table from scratch! You know, back when we had oodles of time pre-kids ??.? ? How about you? Is your nursery neatly organized or is it a tornado in there?

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Look for a crib with built-in storage.

Babies may be teeny-tiny, but their stuff ranges in size from bite-sized to behemoth — and there’s lots of it. Consider a crib that has bonus storage space (such as a model with shelving or drawers) to stow spare crib sheets or bulk buys, like backup diapers.

Rotate nursery decorations.

While all of those handmade blankets and framed photos are certainly worth saving, you don’t need to display every decoration at once — who wants to spend all their spare time dusting? Divide seasonal décor into four piles, and swap out the collections as the weather and holidays change.

Add baskets to open shelves.

Wide shelves are great for baby toys and books — if you have the energy to organize everything just so. For unfussy storage, line shelves with canvas bins and toss just about anything into them. Bonus: It’s easy for kids to help keep this setup neat when they’re a little bit older.

Build baby’s closet up and down.

If your newborn’s closet used to hold grown-up clothes, customize it to hold a pint-sized wardrobe. Hang a second clothing rod a few feet below the first and — voilà! — you’ve doubled your closet space. Maximize overhead space by adding extra shelves, perfect for stuff you’ll store long-term.

Rearrange based on access.

If you set up baby’s nursery while you were pregnant, you probably have since discovered that some of your pre-baby decisions aren’t serving you as well as they could. Maybe back-up diapers are stashed too far from the changing table, or the sound machine is on a low shelf that baby can now reach. Consider setting aside an afternoon for a quick reorganization based on what you use the most to save time in the long run.

Use what you already have.

The best organization tools are often items you already own. That over-the-door shoe organizer you never use? Store socks, loveys and bows in it instead. Don’t want to invest in a glider? Perhaps the old recliner in the basement could do the trick. Once you start looking for products that can be dual purpose, you’ll find them everywhere.

Maximize the space.

Work smarter, not harder, to save space in baby’s room. For example, can you put your little one’s dresser inside the closet to create more floor space for playing and reading? Can you move a floor lamp behind the glider rather than in the middle of the room? Getting crafty with the layout can make a big difference.

Invest in a nursery closet organizer.

If you’re overwhelmed by closet clutter, it may help to add a space-saving organizer. Some options (like this one) can be quickly installed over the closet door for provide instant storage, while others fill up the whole closet for maximum organization (like this one). 

Resist the urge to hoard “keepsakes.”

If you box up every token from babyhood, you’ll quickly wind up with a houseful of cast-off rattles and stuffed animals — and little room for much else. Sort through your mementos and save only an extra-special few, which you can store in a single-lidded plastic container.