With so much to do for children's birthday parties — sending out invites, prepping food, setting up activities — party safety may be the last thing on your mind. But with excited (and boo-boo prone) tots afoot, it's important to put safety at the top of your birthday party–planning list.

Follow these party safety tips to promote a rousing good time while preventing accidents:

1. Serve safe munchies for munchkins

Food is still a major cause of choking in little kids until about age 5, so pass on potentially dangerous eats, meaning foods that are hard and smooth, round and firm, or sticky and gooey. 

That includes hot dogs (unless cut lengthwise and sliced into half-inch pieces); raw carrots or other veggies; nuts and seeds; raisins and other dried fruit; popcorn; apples and pears; grapes (unless cut into quarters); hard or mushy candy (like marshmallows); globs of peanut butter (if there aren't any food allergies, it's fine to spread thinly on bread); and gum.[1] 

And make sure pint-size partygoers sit down to eat instead of running around with food.

2. Lay off latex balloons

Yes, they're festive, but balloons are a leading cause of choking deaths among children under 6. Uninflated or slowly deflating balloons and broken pieces left lying around can tempt curious tykes who'll put anything in their mouths — especially something of such an intriguing texture. And once it's inhaled, latex can completely seal the airway. 

So, one of the most crucial party safety tips is to opt for Mylar (foil) balloons. They cost more, but they also last longer and aren't a safety risk (though strings can be, so tie them up or keep them short).

3. Childproof play areas

By now, you are a pro at childproofing your home. Your tot has trained you well!

But with tiny visitors on their way (who may be even more adventurous or curious than your toddler, especially when there's a new environment to explore), it's a good idea to give a fresh once-over to any rooms where kids will be (including the kitchen and bathrooms). 

Put away appliances and breakable and sharp objects. Make sure cupboards, drawers and toilets are latched.[2] And close the doors to rooms that are out of the carefully supervised party zone. 

If you're hosting a backyard bash, check that yard tools are safely stored, lock the garage and look over the lawn for sharp fallen branches and hidden holes. Make sure there are no available water sources (like kiddie pools or fountains) that a toddler could topple into unsupervised.

If you have a pool, make sure it is fenced off with self-locking gate with no toys left in sight for temptation. You may also want to limit access by securing exterior doors near the pool.

4. Play it safe

The same kind of party-safety thinking goes for any toddler play toys and craft materials your wee guests will handle. 

Choking hazards include small balls (balls should measure bigger than 1.75 inches across for children under 6); marbles; sponge-like letters, balls or shapes; small stickers; pen or marker caps; and button-type batteries (perhaps left unattended by distracted adults). Ditto any small object you might consider using in a collage or other craft (like acorns or buttons). 

Also beware of dart guns; toy bows and arrows; high-powered water pistols; and other playthings with projectile parts that put little peepers at risk. 

Keep your party-safety hat on when planning your favors as well. Here, too, candy should be age-appropriate and safe; that goes for party-favor toys as well (no small, easily breakable parts).

5. Supervise, supervise, supervise

Don't let their budding independence fool you: Whether they're playing tape the tail on the donkey, wading in a kiddie pool, gluing a craft or gobbling birthday cake, little kids need adults around to watch over them and manage the mayhem. 

If you're renting entertainment (like a bouncy castle) or hiring a place to host the party, ask about the company's party-safety policies and age-appropriateness, and ensure they're being enforced on the big day.

6. Help everyone stay healthy

Skip parties when you or your child are sick. And if you have a newborn (younger than 3 months) at home, it's a prudent idea to avoid parties or large crowds for now.