No one needs to tell you that your 5-month-old baby is going through wonderful changes — you're experiencing them every day. One minute he's quiet, the next he's cooing, babbling and gurgling up a storm as he experiments with sounds and mimics speech.

Playtime is getting more interactive. He may be shaking his rattles and rolling onto his tummy and back again. He's more interested in the world around him.

Whether he's breastfeeding or formula-feeding, your 5-month-old is consuming about 24 to 36 ounces a day. He needs all that nourishment, because every inch of his body is developing fast. Physically, his vision is sharper, his neck, arms and legs are stronger, and his gums may show signs of new baby teeth.

All these changes can impact his sleep patterns. At 5 months, your baby's overall sleep needs decrease slightly, and he will likely spend more time snoozing at night.

Whatever you're experiencing with your 5-month-old — sleepless nights, early wakings, fussiness, marathon nap sessions — know that there's another family going through something similar. Here's what you need to know about your 5-month-old's sleep schedule.

How much should a 5-month-old sleep?

Your 5-month-old should sleep around 12 to 15 hours a day. That includes about 10 to 11 hours of solid nighttime snoozing (though he might still wake up a few times) and three naps that last 30 minutes to two hours each.

Keep in mind that your baby's sleep schedule is changing as much as he is and is likely to still be in flux at this age.

Sample sleep schedule for a 5-month-old

Your baby's sleep schedule can vary quite a bit at this age depending on his sleep style, stage of development, preferences and temperament, but generally he should take three naps a day and log a solid 10 to 11 hours at night.

This schedule assumes your little one is awake for up to two hours at a time and naps three times during the day.

  • 7:00 a.m.: Awake
  • 8:45 a.m.: Nap
  • 10:45 a.m.: Awake
  • 12:30 p.m.: Nap
  • 2:30 p.m.: Awake
  • 4:30 p.m.: Nap
  • 5:00 p.m.: Awake
  • 6:30 p.m.: Bedtime routine
  • 7:00 p.m.: Bed

Can you sleep train a 5-month-old?

If your 5-month-old is struggling to fall asleep on his own, sleep training may help. While it's not necessary to sleep train your baby, these methods can teach little ones how to drift off without the need to be rocked or fed to sleep. Once your child is between 4 and 6 months, most pediatricians will give you the go-ahead to give it a try.

There are different sleep training methods, and the right one for your family will depend on your own preferences and comfort level. Some recommend no parental intervention at all, while others, such as the Ferber method andchair method, allow for some soothing that gradually decreases over time.

Studies show sleep training effectively improves sleep problems in many, but not all, babies. The long-term benefits — a happy baby who goes to sleep without a fight — do wonders for parents' moods too.

Is there a 5-month sleep regression?

If it seems like your baby is suddenly unlearning every sleep habit you thought he mastered, he might be going through a sleep regression.

Although sleep regressions — phases in which a baby struggles to sleep well, often accompanied by a new developmental milestone — typically strike at 4 months and 6 months, they can occur at 5 month, too. Signs include resisting bedtime or naptime, regular night wakings, waking up too early or not wanting to go to bed at night at all.

While sleep regressions can be incredibly frustrating for parents — not to mention exhausting! — they're normal and temporary. Encouraging healthy sleep habits should help your little one get through this regression in a few weeks.

5-month-old sleep tips

  • Learn signs of sleep readiness. Rubbing eyes, fussing, thumb sucking and yawning can all signal that your baby is ready for a nap or bed. These signals can vary from baby to baby, so the more tuned in you are to your little one's specific sleepy cues, the better you'll be at putting him down to sleep as soon as he's ready.
  • Stick to a routine. A consistent bedtime routine that includes steps like reading a book, listening to music and taking a bath helps get your baby into the right mood for bed.
  • Carve out time for naps in his crib. There will inevitably be days when your baby naps on the go, but do your best to put him down to nap in his crib when you can.
  • Help him practice new skills during the day. Because sleep regressions often occur around the same time that your baby is approaching a big developmental milestone, make sure he has plenty of time during the day to test out his new abilities. That way, he'll be less tempted to practice them at bedtime. At 5 months, that could be rolling or flipping over (so lots of tummy time is a must!), babbling and even starting to creep or crawl.

5-month-old sleep problems

While some babies seem to fight sleep for no obvious reason, other sleep problems are unique to your 5-month-old's age and stage of development. Here's how to handle some of the most common sleep issues that might pop up at this age.

  • Crankiness. Is your good-natured baby suddenly crankier, especially at bedtime? He could be teething, even if you haven't seen any pearly whites yet. Symptoms, besides the telltale baby teeth, include drooling, a chin rash, biting and ear pulling. Try giving him a teething ring to ease the pressure. If symptoms persist, talk to your pediatrician about offering infant acetaminophen.
  • Night waking. Your 5-month-old was, until recently, a "great sleeper." Now he's turning into a night owl who wants to get up and out of bed in the wee hours of morning. Night waking is common at this age as he settles into new sleeping patterns, and it could also be sleep regression. What to do? See if he can settle himself back to sleep without your help. If you feel the need to offer comfort, try a gentle pat or a soft lullaby. Try not to pick him up unless you think he's hungry, needs a diaper change or could be sick.
  • Shifting nap schedules. Your 5-month-old may start to nap less often, which could make him overtired. If you suspect his changing routine is making him fussy, try an abbreviated version of his bedtime routine at naptime (slowing down, quiet music, darkened room). Eventually, he'll start to nap more consistently.

Your 5-month-old is going through lots of changes, and sleeping is one of them. Although babies with changing sleep routines can be fussier, continuing to encourage healthy sleep habits can help the whole family get back on track..


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