Your own sleep probably isn’t affected much by small time changes when traveling, but little ones can get a bit rattled. A case of jet lag after flying for vacation or to visit family can mean a big shift in your baby’s nighttime routine, leaving her struggling to play catch-up on sleep.

Fortunately, you don’t have to put off that much-needed upcoming trip. Read on for more about managing jet lag in babies, plus ways to prevent it so your little one is rested and ready to go upon arrival.

How long does jet lag last in babies?

Jet lag is temporary and typically lasts for just a few days in babies and toddlers before they’ve adapted and are back to normal.

For babies under 6 months who don’t have regular sleep cycles, a time change of an hour or two may not cause a fuss. (You’ll know your baby is out of sync with her sleep needs if she’s fussy or extra clingy.) 

An older baby or toddler can have a harder time with her internal clock if she misses a nap due to travel or if you try to coax her to sleep when it's still light out.

How do I help my baby with jet lag get back on schedule?

The good news is that with the right strategies, a baby or toddler should adjust to a time change in a matter of days. Here’s how to help your little one recover from jet lag fast:

  • Aim for consistency. Babies and toddlers thrive on an established bedtime routine, so don’t forget to take yours on the road. A bath, favorite book and that little ditty you love to croon will signal to her that it’s time to sleep.
  • Pack a piece of home. Does your toddler have a special lovey she adores? Bring it along to ease crankiness due to jet lag. You might also pack your baby’s crib sheet since the fabric’s familiar smell may be calming and improve her sleep.
  • Watch for sleepy cues. Avoid overtired baby territory when you’re on a trip and dealing with jet lag. Note your baby’s sleepy signs, such as yawning, eye rubbing and fussiness, and then put her to bed drowsy but awake so she can settle down in the crib by herself.
  • Look on the bright side. Sunlight may play a key role in resetting the body’s internal clock, so spend time outside when you arrive. It can help ease jet lag in toddlers — and adults too.
  • Keep moving. Staying awake and active during the day can help with jet lag. Head to the playground, park or pool, and let your little one crawl or toddle around to use up some energy.
  • Be patient. Adjusting to a time change is a process, so give your baby or toddler a few days to return to her usual happy self. For now, take it easy and be understanding if she's a little cranky or needy.

How can I prevent baby jet lag?

You may not prevent jet lag completely, but if you know your travel plans in advance, you can try to lessen its impact. Here’s how to prep your baby or toddler before you board the plane:

  • Decide whether to reset. Going on a short trip? If you’ll be home in less than a week, ask yourself whether it’s worth the effort to reset your baby's body clock and sleep schedule. After all, just when your child has gotten used to the new time zone, you'll need to head back. 
  • Gradually shift the schedule. If the answer is "yes" or you’ll be gone for longer, slowly adjust your child's sleep schedule a few days before you leave. Shift the tuck-in timing by getting her to bed a bit earlier or later each evening (depending on the destination). 
  • Sleep well before departure. Start off on the right foot by making sure your tiny time traveler is well-rested. Being tired from the get-go will only make jet lag in babies and toddlers worse.
  • Consider night flights. Depending on where you’re going, evening or late-night flights can be a boon to parents. Whether or not your child sleeps during the flight, she's still likely to be tired enough to go to bed when you want her to without putting up much of a fight.

Travel with babies and toddlers is both exciting and a bit exhausting, but the jet lag that comes with it can definitely be managed. With enough time to adjust, your little one will be sleeping just fine and you can shift your focus to the fun-filled trip you’ve planned.