The current baby formula shortage is making it incredibly stressful for many families to find the formula they need to feed their little ones. If you're struggling to find infant formula in stock, you may have come across homemade baby formula recipes online. But while these do-it-yourself concoctions might seem inexpensive or look like they contain harmless, basic ingredients, it's never a good idea to serve your baby homemade formula — and the risks are more significant than you may think.

In fact, major medical organizations and regulating bodies agree that you should never serve homemade infant formula to your baby. Here’s why, plus what to do if you’re having trouble accessing store-bought formula during the current shortage.

Can you make your own baby formula?

Making your own baby formula is not safe or recommended, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).[1]

Infants have very specific nutritional needs in order to grow and thrive. Commercially manufactured infant formulas are carefully designed to meet those needs, delivering the same balance of protein, carbohydrates and fats along with vitamins and minerals found in breast milk.

Each and every canister of formula must have all of those nutrients accounted for. Trying to replicate the nutritional balance of commercial formulas at home using ingredients found at the store — like cow’s milk, soy milk, hemp milk or almond milk — would be impossible, medical experts agree.

What’s more, while the FDA regulates commercial formula for safety, there’s no way to guarantee the safety or purity of store-bought ingredients. For example, raw milk, a common ingredient in homemade formula recipes, can put infants (as well as young children, older adults, pregnant people and people with weakened immune systems) at risk for serious or even life-threatening illness, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).[2]

What are the risks of making your own baby formula?

Homemade formulas are not safe or recommended for a number of reasons:

Homemade formula can put your baby at risk of nutritional deficiencies

Commercially manufactured formulas contain the perfect balance of nutrients to help your child thrive. 

Serving your infant homemade baby formula could put her at risk for serious nutritional deficiencies. Over time, that could negatively impact your baby’s development — leading to poor weight gain, inadequate brain growth, poor bone growth and anemia.

It could lead babies to consume too much of certain nutrients 

Homemade formula isn’t safe to offer in a pinch either, since even a bottle or two could quickly cause an imbalance of salt or sugar in your baby’s blood, which could lead to dehydration or even seizures.

It could cause infections 

If an ingredient used in homemade formula was contaminated — a high possibility with raw milk — your baby could develop a serious foodborne illness.

It hasn't been reviewed by the FDA

The FDA regulates commercially-made formulas and their manufacturing facilities. For this reason, you should also avoid imported baby formulas, unless the FDA has permitted their sale in the U.S.[3]

What should I do if I can't find baby formula?

The shortages are causing many parents of formula-fed babies to panic. But it's still important not to give your baby homemade formula. You also should not dilute any existing formula you have.

If you're having trouble finding formula in your area or have financial challenges, you can:

Try a different version or brand

Unless your little one needs a special type, it's fine for most babies to switch to any available infant formula. 

If your go-to brand is unavailable, look for a similar product from a different brand or a different version of the brand you usually buy. For example, if you usually buy powdered formula, switch to the liquid or ready-made version.

You can also try a generic brand. Labels on these products often state which brands they're similar to, which can help guide you.

Call around 

If your regular store is out of formula, others in your area might have some in stock. You may also have better luck finding your brand (or a comparable one) online if you're able to.

Here's a list of in-stock formulas you can buy online during the formula shortage. Local social media groups can also be a helpful resource for locating formula in your area.

Ask your pediatrician about toddler formulas, whole cow's milk or soy milk 

Although these are generally not recommended for infants, the AAP says that in an emergency situation, toddler formula, whole cow's milk or soy milk might be safe alternatives for babies approaching age 1, and would be better options than serving your baby homemade or diluted formula.[4]

Consult your pediatrician for guidance on how to offer these safely and switch back to infant formula as soon as it's available.

Reach out to your baby’s pediatrician

Your pediatrician can help you find an emergency formula supply for the short term to ensure that your child stays fed. He or she might have formula samples to give out, or may know of stores with formula in stock.

Your pediatrician can also recommend resources to help make formula more affordable, if needed. You might qualify for benefits like WIC, SNAP or TANF — programs that provide families with vouchers, Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) or cash for buying formula.

Even families who don’t qualify for benefits may be able to access formula and other infant supplies through local food banks. Visit or call 211 to connect with a specialist who can help you find other resources in your area.