Breastfeeding has many benefits and gives a baby the perfect balance of nutrients and antibodies he will need to boost his immune system. But while nursing two is definitely doable, it can be tricky.

After all, you've got two mouths to feed, two little ones to balance and with you included, three people who need to figure it all out. For this reason some moms of twins choose to either pump exclusively or supplement breastfeeding with expressed breast milk or formula. No matter which approach you decide to take, here's what you need to know to get started.

What if my breast milk supply is delayed after giving birth to twins?

Even if you're excited to get started feeding your newborns breast milk, your body may need some time catching up to you. Even though breastfeeding is natural, it doesn't always come naturally. This may be especially true with twins.

About half of twins are born prematurely (before 37 weeks), and while many moms who are expecting multiples have successful vaginal births, there's a greater likelihood a twin pregnancy may require an unplanned C-section. Both of these complications can delay your breast milk supply. But the good news is that the delay most likely won't be for long.

With everything else going on, pumping may seem overwhelming at first. But it can help establish your breast milk supply. 

If your babies were born prematurely and need to spend time in the neonatal intensive care unit, ask your practitioner about having skin-to-skin time with them, even if they aren't yet feeding at the breast. Cozy snuggles can let you bond with your little ones — and also stimulate more milk production, which can make pumping in those first few days easier. 

If your babies are beginning to suckle at the breast, pumping after each feeding can also help boost your supply.

Can I pump breast milk exclusively if I have twins?

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends breastfeeding until your babies are 6 months old and continuing (along with feeding solids) for as long as you mutually desire — for two years or beyond. But when you're feeding twins, these guidelines can be hard to follow. 

If pumping breast milk exclusively or supplementing nursing with expressed breast milk and/or formula can actually help you get them breast milk longer, then that's a win for everyone involved.

No matter how your little ones are getting breast milk, they are still getting the nutrients, antibodies and many of the great benefits it provides. Plus, it can give you more freedom, whether you just need a few extra hours of sleep (and what new mom couldn't use that?) or are returning to work.

How often should I pump for my twin babies?

Babies aren't always born hungry. But their appetites will kick in — likely about three days after birth. If you're planning on pumping breast milk for your twins, there's no reason to wait for their stomachs to catch up to you. To help establish your supply, try pumping every two hours — or about eight to 12 times in a 24-hour period.

The amazing thing about pumping as opposed to nursing is that you can sometimes multitask — whether that's digging into a bowl of oatmeal or catching up on bills — while doing it. To help, try getting a hands-free double-electric breast pump and a hands-free pumping bra

Of course, there will be days when you're too busy to squeeze in every pumping session on the clock. If you can, however, try not to skip them altogether.

How long does it take to pump breast milk for twins?

Pumping will take approximately 15 to 20 minutes per session, assuming you're using a hospital-grade double-electric breast pump. (To keep up your supply, try pumping another two to five minutes after you've collected the last drops of milk.)

If you can't put aside 15 to 20 minutes at every session — or are having a busy day — that's okay. Even pumping for a few minutes can help maintain your supply of breast milk.

How much should I pump for my twin babies?

Your twins may have a lot in common (the same button noses!), but they can also have their own unique needs when it comes to feeding.

So when it comes to figuring out how much you should pump for your twin babies, it's best to speak with your practitioner. He or she will keep a close eye on your babies' weight gain at your well visits — as well as other signs, such as how many dirty diapers your babies are producing daily.

What if I'm having trouble with my milk supply?

If your supply of breast milk is still not where you want it to be — or dips down — don't worry. Your doctor may be able to recommend ways for boosting your breast milk production, and you can supplement with formula as well. In the meantime, you can also try the following tips:

Stay hydrated

How much water should you be drinking while you’re breastfeeding? Once again, it can depend on a lot of factors. But most doctors recommend aiming for about eight cups of water per day. 

If you find you’re too busy to stop and sip, try to remember to pour a glass of water each time you pump. And skip sugary drinks, which can matters worse.

Eat a healthy diet

Your breastfeeding diet is in many ways similar to your pregnancy diet — with much more relaxed rules. You'll still be aiming for plenty of nutritious foods like whole grains, veggies, fruits, nuts and beans. 

As your body will be burning through more calories — up to 1,000 calories per day if you're nursing or pumping for twins — you'll want to include plenty of protein and filling snacks such as apples with peanut butter and calcium-rich yogurt.

Massage your breasts before and after pumping

It's not always easy to get things flowing. Massaging your breasts before you pump can help stimulate letdown. 

Move the tips of your fingers in small circles around your breasts using a spiral pattern. Pay extra attention to the outer margins of the breast. Also try stroking and gently tapping your breasts from the outer margins in toward the nipples. After you pump, you can also try draining your breasts completely by expressing the remaining milk from them by hand.

If you're still having issues pumping breast milk for your twins and have spoken with your doctor, consider reaching out to a lactation consultant. There are also lots of support groups available for moms of multiples and connecting with those who know what you're going through and have advice and sympathy can be a huge help when you have questions.