Sure, over-the-counter pregnancy tests can run on the pricier side — some of the more expensive ones cost around $25 a box — but does that mean you should try a homemade version instead? Unfortunately, if you’re hoping to get an accurate result, the answer is no.

The salt pregnancy test is just one of the many DIY pregnancy tests that have recently gained popularity online. While some bloggers and YouTubers swear that the results of the test are accurate, medical experts strongly disagree.

Here’s how the salt pregnancy test is thought to work, and whether you should give it a try.

What is the salt pregnancy test?

The salt pregnancy test is a DIY pregnancy test that requires two ingredients: salt and your urine, which you then mix together in a clear, clean bowl.

Proponents of the test claim that if you’re pregnant, the salt will react with a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which enters your bloodstream and urine after an embryo implants in your uterus. This is the same hormone detected in store-bought home pregnancy tests.

How do you take a pregnancy test with salt?

There’s no one way to take a salt pregnancy test (or an official set of rules, for that matter), but in general, all you have to do is combine a tablespoon or two of salt with a sample of your morning urine and wait a few minutes to a few hours.

If the mixture turns "milky" or "cheesy," then you’re supposedly pregnant. If it doesn’t change appearance, then legend has it that you're not pregnant.

How does the salt pregnancy test work?

There’s no scientific explanation for how salt pregnancy tests work. Fans of the test say that hCG will react with salt, causing the mixture to curdle or change texture. But there’s zero evidence backing up that theory, and no scientific reason why salt and hCG would cause this reaction.

How accurate is a pregnancy test with salt?

The pregnancy test with salt is not accurate at all, just like other DIY pregnancy tests that involve toothpaste, sugar and different household items. 

There’s no reliable evidence — either from studies or major medical organizations — to suggest that the salt pregnancy test can accurately tell you if you’re expecting. Plus, there’s no evidence that salt itself is able to detect or react with hCG in the urine.

What about the women who say that the test worked for them? They got lucky. Taking the salt test is like flipping a coin. Since there are only two possible outcomes — pregnant or not pregnant — there's a chance you’ll be right!

When should you take the salt pregnancy test?

Fans of the salt pregnancy test say that you should take it first thing in the morning, when the hCG is most concentrated in your urine. But because salt can’t reliably predict the presence of pregnancy hormones, that's just a theory.

In fact, there’s no good reason to take the test at all, mainly because you can’t rely on the results.

And an inaccurate result might impact your potential pregnancy in the future. For example, if the test gives you a false negative, you might get a late start in taking prenatal vitamins or seeking regular prenatal care.

If you want to know whether you’re truly pregnant, your best bet is to take an over-the-counter pregnancy test on or after the day your period is supposed to start.

And remember: You don’t have to splurge on expensive brands to get an accurate result. There are plenty of cheap pregnancy tests on the market, and all of them are up to 99 percent accurate if you wait until the day your period is expected and follow the instructions.

How to read salt pregnancy test results

After you let the urine-and-salt mixture sit, all you have to do is look at what’s in the bowl.

What does a positive pregnancy test with salt look like?

Supposedly, a positive pregnancy test will look "milky" or "cheesy," almost as if the salt curdled in the urine. But for some people, the urine will slightly foam at the top — and there seems to be no consensus about whether this indicates a positive result or a negative one.

What does a negative pregnancy test with salt look like?

A negative pregnancy test won’t yield any real changes: The mixture will simply look like a bowl of urine with salt in it.

The salt pregnancy test might be cheap, but there’s no evidence it’ll give you a reliable result. And besides, who wants to wait a few hours to get an answer?

While it’s fine to do it for fun, just don’t take any stock in the results. To verify a pregnancy, always take an actual home pregnancy test. If the result is positive, follow it up with a visit to your doctor to confirm the pregnancy