Hemorrhoids can be itchy, uncomfortable and downright painful. While it may not make you any more comfortable now, know that they're harmless and common, afflicting more than half of all pregnant women.
There is some good news: There's a lot you can do to treat them, and thankfully they should go away after delivery.
What are hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids are varicose veins in the rectum. They're also known as piles because of the resemblance these swollen veins sometimes bear to a pile of grapes or marbles (now you know why they're no fun to sit on).
When do hemorrhoids start during pregnancy?
Hemorrhoids are especially common in the mid-second to third trimesters of pregnancy, although they can appear at any time.
What causes hemorrhoids during pregnancy?
Pressure from your enlarging uterus starting around week 25, plus increased blood flow to the pelvic area, can cause the veins in the rectal wall to swell, bulge and itch.
Constipation can aggravate, or even cause, hemorrhoids.[1] When stool is hard, the extra straining you'll need to eliminate it can put pressure on the veins in your rectal area and cause them to swell and bulge.
Hemorrhoids may also develop postpartum as a result of pushing during labor.
What you can do about hemorrhoids during pregnancy
- Stay regular. The best hemorrhoid treatment during pregnancy is to stay regular, so drink plenty of water and up your fiber intake to avoid constipation.[2]
- Do your Kegel exercises. In addition to preparing your perineal floor for birth, Kegel exercises during pregnancy can help prevent hemorrhoids by improving circulation to the area.
- Sleep on your side. Avoid snoozing on your back, which you shouldn't be doing anyway after your first trimester. This reduces pressure on the affected area. You can also try lying down on your left side a few times a day to relieve the pressure on your rectal veins.
- Keep moving. Don't sit or stand for long stretches at a time. Try taking a brisk five-minute walk every hour or so to improve circulation to the area and flush things out. And if you have your doctor's okay, keep up safe pregnancy exercises right until your due date.
- Don't force it. Don't strain or linger on the toilet.
- Stay clean as a whistle. Use warm water and white two-ply toilet paper to wipe after bowel movements. Don't wipe too hard, either, which can irritate sensitive tissues. Try wipes if toilet paper is too harsh for your sensitive backside.
- Take a warm bath. A 10- to 15-minute soak in the tub will help you stay clean and may help reduce discomfort.
- Try witch hazel pads or wipes or ice packs. These can both help soothe the sting of hemorrhoids.
- Get a donut-shaped pillow. If sitting is really uncomfortable, it can ease the pressure.
- Talk to your practitioner about hemorrhoid treatments. He or she may recommend a stool softener or topical cream or ointment to relieve the itching and pain. You can purchase many of these over the counter.
Forget about your grandma's cure — downing a spoonful of mineral oil — since it can carry valuable nutrients right out the back door.
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When to call your doctor about hemorrhoids during pregnancy
If you experience any bleeding, be sure to see your doctor. It could be it's the hemorrhoids bleeding (likely when you're bearing down during a bowel movement) or it may be an anal fissure (a small tear in the skin that lines the anus caused by straining from constipation, which may be incredibly painful).[3] But it's best to check in with your practitioner just to be safe.