Registration and account settings

Q: Is registration free?

A: Yes, registration is quick, easy and absolutely free. To become a member, all you need to do is create an account with your email and due date or child's birthday, or choose "I'm trying to get pregnant." To learn more about what we do with the information you share with us, see our Privacy Policy.

Q: How do I change my account information?

A: Go to the account settings page on desktop and/or tap on your settings icon in the app to update your username, email address, password and other account settings.

Q: How do I change my due date or child's birthday?

A: To change your due date or your child's birthday, you can access the account settings page while logged in and scroll to the My Health & Family section. If you'd like more detail on how to determine what week of pregnancy you're in (and how to update that information on the site), check out our article breaking down pregnancy weeks, months and trimesters.

Q: What if I have a miscarriage?

A: If you experience a miscarriage or another kind of pregnancy loss, please know that you're not alone and we are here to help you in any way you can. If you choose "report a loss" on the app and feel comfortable letting us know what kind of support we can provide, you'll have access to articles, resources and groups that can help you get through this very difficult time. You can also choose not to have any support at all from us.

Either way, another potentially useful resource for you if you think it could help is our Grief and Loss group, which is filled with parents who have gone through pregnancy losses themselves and can offer support.

Meanwhile, to stop receiving emails and updates about your pregnancy from What to Expect and clear your settings (including your due date), when you choose "report a loss," you will be asked what emails and newsletters you no longer want, as well as any What to Expect Community groups you want to stop participating in.

Contacting What to Expect

Q: How can I ask questions about the site?

A: If you have general questions about What to Expect or need technical support, contact our Customer Support team at

Q: How can I contact you for media and advertising inquiries? 

A: For advertising inquiries, contact us at For business partnerships, contact us at

Q: How can I share my feedback about What to Expect?

A: Your feedback is important to us — let us know how we're doing by taking this quick survey.

About the What to Expect Community

The What to Expect Community, which is made up of several groups based on birth month and other interests, was created to be a supportive environment where parents can share joys and concerns with others going through similar experiences.

We’re committed to fostering a safe, positive experience, and in order to do so, we have Community Guidelines in place to protect our users. These guidelines are based on the Terms of Use all users accept when they registered with What to Expect and on our Privacy Policy.

If you believe a post to be in violation of these rules, please report it to the moderators by using the "report a violation" link located on the post. If you have questions or concerns, please email our Community team at