Your tiny babe who’s wrapped like a burrito is going to be an eager crawler or cruiser ready to explore before you know it. And one thing is for certain: you have to start babyproofing your home (and fast — especially if your infant is already an accomplished crawler).

Tackling the entire house may seem daunting, but it’s manageable if you break it down room by room. Baby gates are your number-one concern since blocking access to a space is the best way to keep your busy crawler from harm. Clearing the decks is next. Remove and put away anything hazardous (plants, hard candy) or breakable, like picture frames and glass bowls.

And remember, no matter how much you childproof a home, there’s no substitute for your eagle-eyed supervision — kids can be surprisingly creative when it comes to getting into mischief.

For more help, here’s how to babyproof every room in the house so your sweetie stays safe.

Babyproofing the house 

Babyproofing the house in general is about making sure you have the safety essentials installed and your home’s repairs and renovations are up to date. 

Babyproofing the bathroom

A child can drown in as little as an inch or two of water, so you don’t want to take any chances when childproofing the bathroom. An exterior door lock is easy to install — do it today.

  • Toilet seat lock. Yup, you should babyproof a toilet with a safety latch that prevents your busy bee from lifting the lid and peering inside.

  • Cabinet lock. Lots of folks store toxic bathroom cleaners and small appliances like hair dryers in this space, so move all of these to higher shelves or put a lock on this cabinet.

  • Tub temperature. Set your water heater so it’s at 120 degrees Fahrenheit or less to prevent burns.

  • Medications. Always store pills, cosmetics, shampoo, soap, mouthwash and toothpaste in a locked spot and out of reach of babies and toddlers.

  • Garbage can. Curious kids love to sift through and possibly taste the contents of the trash can. The fix: Store it in the locked cabinet or keep it up high on a shelf.

Babyproofing the kitchen

Kitchen dangers include sharp objects, cleaning supplies and high heat from the oven and stove.

  • Knob covers. Safety covers for stove knobs can keep your child from turning them on. And place a door lock on your oven so it can’t be accidentally opened. It’s also a good idea to cook on the back burners so pot handles aren’t reachable by your toddler. Also be sure to put a latch on the fridge and stash any magnets away so they're out of sight and out of reach.

  • Knives and appliances with sharp edges. Never leave a knife on the kitchen counter or table, and keep them out of reach in a block that’s stored up high or in a drawer with a safety latch. Also keep appliances with sharp edges like food processors locked away and out of your little one's reach.

  • Cabinet and locks. Just as in the bathroom, a lock should be installed on the under-sink and other lower cabinets where cleaners, bleach and other dangerous liquids are typically stored. For extra protection, you can store those household products in high-up locked cabinets instead. 

  • Unplug appliances and stash cords. Make sure to unplug kitchen appliances when they're not in use so that little fingers can't get to them. And be sure there are no dangling cords on windows or appliances around.
  • Clear the edges. Keep hot dishes and liquids away from counter edges where they may fall on your baby, and skip tablecloths (a child can yank the bottom of one, causing heavy plates or serving dishes to topple). 

  • Keep matches out of sight. Never leave matches in a little one's sight or reach. Keep them in a high, locked cabinet.

Babyproofing the living room

Sharp furniture corners, lamp cords and the fireplace are just a few hot spots in the living room. And if you store guns in this space, pay extra close attention to this area.

  • Coffee table corners. Cover these pointy parts of coffee and end tables plus the fireplace hearth with padding to prevent bumps and bruises. 

  • Electrical and window cords. These items can strangle, so tie up lamp and computer cords to keep them out of your baby’s grasp. As for cords attached to window coverings, shorten them, attach plastic covers to the ends, and secure them to the wall with a tie-down device (or buy new window treatments that have kid-safe wands instead of cords). 

  • Window guards. Install metal window guards that screw into the sides of the window frame and have bars no more than four inches apart.

  • Fireplace. Never leave your baby unsupervised in a room with a lit fireplace. Screen or glass doors aren’t the best protection since glass can heat up to dangerous temperatures, screens tip over and nearby fireplace tools are often heavy and may be sharp.

  • Gun cases. The safest home for a baby or toddler is one that doesn’t contain guns, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). But if you own one, make sure the gun is locked away and unloaded, with the ammunition stored (and locked) in another spot.

Babyproofing the nursery

Safe, no-tip furniture, cordless window blinds and smart toy storage are all wise moves when it comes to your baby’s nursery décor.

  • Crib. A bare crib is safest of all, which means nixing a bumper, comforter, pillows and stuffed animals. Slide your baby’s mattress to the lowest setting when she’s starting to pull up and don’t hang a mobile over her sleep space once she's at that stage. (It’s too tempting to grab it.)

  • Dresser. Mount baby's dresser securely to the wall, along with any other furniture that’s heavy and could potentially tip over.

  • Toy box. An open toy box or large basket is better than one with a lid, as crafty toddlers may climb inside and get stuck, or their fingers could be pinched in the hinges.

  • Window blinds. Use cordless window coverings to limit the risk of accidental entanglement or strangulation. If you're shopping for new window treatments, you can easily identify cordless options by looking for the Best for Kids™ certification label. Products with the Best for Kids™ label have gone through third party testing and are designed for use in homes with young kids. If you're unable to replace blinds with cords, shorten or tie them up so they're far out of reach. Always make sure your baby’s crib is placed away from windows in general. (You never know when she’ll learn to pull up in the crib and start to expand her reach.) 

Babyproofing the laundry room

Along with a childproof garbage can and detergents that are stored out of reach, watch out for those liquid laundry gel packs. These colorful pods look like candy — and the results of ingesting them can be dangerous. In fact, thousands of calls to poison centers were made in recent years because of these packets. Keep them out of reach — period — and it's best to avoid buying them altogether until your child is at least 6 years old. Even then, you should continue to keep them stored safely away from curious little hands. You can also buy child locks for front-loading washers and dryers.

Babyproofing the home office

This room is another candidate for an exterior door lock, as the home office is no place for a baby or toddler. Electrical cords are likely snaking around this space, and outlets abound. But the most dangerous items here are tiny button or coin lithium batteries and similar choking hazards that could be on the floor or your desk like paper clips, pen caps, staples, push pins and thumbtacks. 

Babyproofing the home means staying close-by and being observant, of course, but it also gives you the chance to teach your tot that some items are off-limits. When she goes for a dangerous item, use the opportunity to firmly say, “No, that’s not safe to touch. Here’s a toy you can play with instead.” And when you can, use warning words like “ouch!” or “hot!” to reinforce your safety lessons.