When Shannon Brescher Shea prepared to give birth to her son without an epidural, she knew a birthing ball would be a part of her labor plan. "Movement is very important to me. I took prenatal yoga, so the idea of moving through physical pain instead of just sitting there was very appealing to me," she says.

Brescher Shea, who's a mom of two, isn't alone. Birthing balls are go-to tools for women seeking unmedicated births, since they can make contractions more manageable. "For my patients who opt out of epidural anesthesia, I'd highly recommend a birthing ball. Sitting up and being in motion on the ball eases labor pains for most women," says Sheila Chhutani, M.D., an OB/GYN on the medical staff at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas in Dallas, Texas.  

Here's what to know if you're thinking about trying one during labor — plus, how to use your birthing ball during pregnancy and postpartum.

What is a birthing ball?

Birthing balls are round exercise balls (like the kind you might see at a gym) that you can use for sitting, rocking and rotating your pelvis during labor. Sitting on a ball during labor gets you into a squat-like position, which can help widen your pelvic outlet.[1] That can help you feel more comfortable as your baby moves down the birth canal.

Birthing balls are typically only used in unmedicated births, since you often need to stay in bed with an epidural. You can bring your own ball to the hospital if you'd like, but most birthing centers and hospitals will provide one for your use. “They are easily cleaned and are typically used with protective sheets," Dr. Chhutani says. 

What's the difference between a birthing ball and a peanut ball?

Both birthing balls and peanut balls can help make labor a little easier and more comfortable. But they have different shapes and can be used in different ways.

While birthing balls are round and meant to be sat on, peanut balls have a peanut-like shape and are meant to be tucked between your knees while you're laying down. Since it's meant to be used in bed, it can also be used by women who are getting an epidural.

Tucking the peanut ball between your knees puts your legs into a squatting position, similar to a birthing ball. "It can be used to help position a patient in a way so the baby can 'turn,' or go from looking upward at the pubic bone to looking down at the spine," Dr. Chhutani explains. "Looking down makes pushing and delivery easier."

How can a birthing ball help with labor?

Birthing balls have been shown to help significantly reduce labor pain.[2]

Experts don't fully understand why, but it's thought that sitting, rocking or bouncing on a ball could reduce pressure on the nerves on the sacroiliac joints, the joints that connect the pelvis to the lower spine.

"I bounced on it to help me work through contractions. It seemed to help," says Brescher Shea, who adds that she would've used the ball when giving birth to her younger son too, but that labor was so fast that she didn't have time.

There's no evidence that birthing balls shorten labor time, and they also don't seem to reduce a woman's chance for vaginal tearing or C-section.

How to use a birthing ball during labor

There a a few ways to use a birthing ball during labor:

  • Sit on it. Sit upright on the ball with your legs open wide, like you're in a seated squatting position, and bounce up and down or rock from side to side. Or try leaning forward while holding onto a chair or the bed.
  • Lay over it. Get down on all fours with your knees spread and drape your head and arms on the ball. This position can be especially helpful for managing back labor pain.   
  • Stand and rock. Place the ball on your bed and while facing towards the ball, lean on it and rock or sway back and forth. 

How can a birthing ball help during pregnancy?

A birthing ball can help you cope with lower back or hip pain during pregnancy, especially in the third trimester, Dr. Chhutani says. Sitting on a ball instantly improves your posture, which takes some of the pressure off of your back, pelvis and tailbone.  

Exercising on a birthing ball during pregnancy can help strengthen your core too. A stronger core can help ease pain and fatigue — and reduce the likelihood of an episiotomy.[3]

How to use a birthing ball during pregnancy

If you're looking to take some of the pressure off of your achy back or pelvis, try sitting on a birthing ball instead of the couch when you're watching TV. Do little bounces, tilt your pelvis forward and back, or circle your hips to help loosen things up and get a little more comfortable. 

Looking to add some core work to your prenatal exercise routine? Here's an exercise to try:

  1. Sit upright on top of the ball. Relax your arms by your sides, and place your feet on the floor hips-width apart.
  2. Lift your arms out to the sides to shoulder height.
  3. Straighten your right leg and lift it to hip level. (It's also okay to keep your knee bent if that's too difficult.) Lower your leg and arms, and repeat with your left leg.
  4. Repeat 6 to 8 reps with each leg.

How can a birthing ball help postpartum?

Your birthing ball might not be the most comfortable spot to sit in the days and weeks after giving birth. "Sitting on your bottom with legs spread is not that comfortable, especially if there are any vaginal lacerations or stitches," Dr. Chhutani says.

But the ball can be useful once you're fully healed, she says. Brescher Shea used to bounce her newborn son to soothe him when he fussed. "It was one of the few things that would calm him down. I ended up with very strong legs from the amount of bouncing," she says.

And speaking of strength, working out on a birthing ball can be a great way to build up your core muscles once your doctor has given you the green light to get back to exercising. You can do crunches on the ball, or hold a plank position while resting your upper thighs on top of the ball, for instance.

What to look for when using a birthing ball

Any fitness ball can be used as a birthing ball. "There aren't any specific types that are better than others," Dr. Chhutani says. Just make sure you get a ball that's the right size for your body. If your knees are at a right angle when you sit at the ball with your feet flat on the floor, it's a good fit.[4]

A birthing ball is one option to manage your pain during an unmedicated birth. But if you don't find it helpful or comfortable, that's okay too. "I would say to try it and if you don't like it, don't use it," Brescher Shea says. "It's just a tool that can help."