The early days of parenting are a special and vulnerable time. A baby naming ceremony gives parents the opportunity get some much-needed support and celebration while introducing their new bundle of joy to their community 

"Ceremonies and traditions are profoundly beautiful ways to give us a sense of stability during significant transitions," says Nikki Coleman, Ph.D., a Houston-based therapist who specializes in interpersonal relationships and identity. "Naming ceremonies reflect our interconnectedness to our family lineage by honoring our individual contribution to that lineage. They can be grounding in a time when everything seems to be in upheaval, giving us a sense of calm and support."

Here's how different cultural traditions and modern parents have honored a baby's arrival through a naming ceremony — and how you can incorporate these meaningful gestures into your own unique celebration. 

What is a baby naming ceremony?

A baby naming ceremony is a way to formally announce a baby’s name, often for the first time, and explain its meaning to your community. Some parents who hold them won’t even put a name on the birth certificate until the ceremony, giving them time to decide based on the baby’s personality. In many cultures the ceremony involves prayers, paying respects to elders in the baby’s life and a celebratory meal.

"Naming ceremonies are highly personalized events," says Marylin Rebelo, a celebrant who holds secular naming ceremonies in Switzerland. "They demonstrate the significance of welcoming a child with meaning and thoughtfulness, reflecting the family's values, aspirations, or cultural background. This emphasis on personalization encourages a deeper connection to the child."

When does a baby naming ceremony take place?

The date of your baby naming ceremony will depend on a few factors, including whether you're following any religious traditions. In some cultures, the ceremony happens seven or eight days after a baby is born, but that can change if unexpected obstacles arise, such as a baby needing extra medical care

Many modern parents choose to hold this ceremony whenever they want, based on how they are feeling and adjusting after their baby arrives. Ultimately, when you choose to formally announce your baby to the world is entirely up to you.

What happens at a baby naming ceremony?

Since baby naming ceremonies are all unique, what happens at them are as diverse as the family members planning them. Many are casual gatherings, with guests coming and going throughout the day. This party can last for a set time or for as long as it takes for people to devour the food. Though gifting occurs at many naming ceremonies across cultures, it’s normally not the focus. 

The Islamic naming ceremony called aquiqah, for example, is a ritual meal that can be held at home or in a mosque or even at a park seven days after birth. It's when the baby's name is announced before family and friends. Everyone is gathered "in commemoration and honor of that child being born into that family," explains Imam Mansoor Rafiq Umar, president of the Muslim Community of Bethlehem in Bethlehem, New York.

In Jewish communities, parents of a baby boy typically host a bris, where the baby is circumcised, a Hebrew name is announced, and family and friends gather for food. Recently, emphasis has been placed on holding baby naming ceremonies for girls, too. 

Even though many Jewish parents go the traditional route, others have come up with new ways to celebrate, explains Rabbi Elyssa Cherney, the founder and CEO of TacklingTorah. These naming ceremonies can include prayers, passing the baby between family members, and a water ceremony, which she says is symbolic for welcoming someone to the community. 

In Yoruba culture, parents hold an Isomoloruko seven days after birth. Either a Christian pastor or a Muslim alfa will lead this West African naming ceremony, where the entire community come together to name the baby and present symbolic gifts. Family members brainstorm name ideas before the ceremony, and the baby then receives a name or multiple names at the event. 

Why you might choose to have a baby naming ceremony

A baby naming ceremony is all about recognizing those who support you, especially during the early days of parenting when you are living in a haze and need all the help you can get. It can pull people in and help them invest in your family unit. 

"It brings people together to celebrate a shared joy and commitment to the well-being of the child," says Rebelo. "The inclusive nature of these ceremonies highlights the idea that a child is welcomed and celebrated not just by immediate family, but by a broader network of individuals."

The ceremonies celebrate life, says Imam Umar. "Life is beautiful. Life is a blessing. It’s something we should honor."

How to host a modern baby naming ceremony

You can intensely personalize a baby naming ceremony whether you're honoring a larger religious tradition — or not. 

"The ceremony can involve godparents expressing commitment, parents discussing responsibilities, and guests sharing thoughts," says Rebelo. "It provides a platform to convey values and explore family origins." 

Consider including different rituals, symbolic gestures, readings, and music to emphasize connections. You can exchange gifts or sign a symbolic certificate acknowledging the profound impact of your child on the family, Rebelo adds. 

For Mark Treadwell, a dad who has hosted two naming ceremonies at Unitarian churches, there was "a bit of a Mad Libs format." His family chose between different prewritten pieces with the option to modify them. His favorite part of his first daughter's ceremony, held when she was 20 months old, was a reading of Blueberry Girl by Neil Gaiman.

Helena Mills, who recently held a bris, made a handout featuring photos of the ancestors her baby was named after, "just to give it a bit of a more personal touch," she says. On the back of the pamphlet, she had an acrostic of the baby’s Hebrew name with character traits she and her husband wished for him. It was something her husband’s parents did at his own bris.

The only thing essential for a naming ceremony, says East London-based celebrant and master of ceremonies Dave Octave, "is that the celebration is representative of that family unit."