Are you trying to get pregnant? There's a lot you didn't learn in high school sex-ed.

What to Expect creator Heidi Murkoff recently sat down with Aimee Eyvazzadeh, M.D., founder of The Egg Whisperer, for a "mom hall" webinar to discuss doctor-approved ways to boost fertility and advice on how to get pregnant faster.

"Conception can sneak up on you — it did on me the first time," says Heidi, "but sometimes it takes a little effort — even little planning and prepping."

Here's what they want moms to know:

What is ovulation?

"Ovulation is when an egg is released by a little fluid-filled sac in the ovary called a follicle," Dr. Eyvazzadeh says. "It's basically your window of fertility." This happens once per cycle, but cycle lengths can vary from woman to woman. While 28 days is average, yours may be shorter or longer. You can track your cycle to find out how long it lasts.

When is the best time to try to conceive?

It's important to time your baby-making efforts to ovulation, and that window isn't open very long. Aim to have sex at every day or every other day during your fertile window — the few days before ovulation and up to one day afterwards — if you're trying to conceive. 

"The egg does not wait," Dr. Eyvazzadeh explains. "The egg will sit in the fallopian tube for approximately 24 hours or less."

Sperm can hang around much longer, however. "It's possible to still get pregnant if intercourse happens three to even six days before ovulation," she says.

If you're using testing strips to track your ovulation, it's important to note what the results actually mean. These tests look for a surge in luteinizing hormone (LH) — something that happens before ovulation occurs.

"Once you see the peak, it doesn't mean you're ovulating,"  Dr. Eyvazzadeh explains. "It means ovulation is going to come within 24, 36, sometimes even 48 hours later. So I tell my patients to make sure to have sex even two days after the peak so that you're not missing your window."

How long does it take the average couple to conceive?

"Most people will get pregnant within the first six ovulatory cycles, so in the first six months," Dr. Eyvazzadeh says. That doesn't mean you necessarily need (or should) wait that long to see an OB/GYN or reproductive specialist if you're trying to conceive, though.

Talk to your doctor when you're ready to have a baby about whether any particular issues might come up — and what you can do about them.