As your uterus expands during pregnancy, you may experience "growing pains" around the middle, or what your OB/GYN calls round ligament pain. This common — though uncomfortable — sensation is your body’s way of stretching to accommodate your growing uterus.

Many women start feeling round ligament pain around week 14 of pregnancy, but it can strike at any time from the second trimester on.

Round ligament pain isn’t unusual in pregnancy, and it’s often temporary. Fortunately, there are some quick ways to ease your discomfort. Read on for more about this pregnancy symptom, including what round ligament pain feels like, when it usually begins and how long it lasts.

What is round ligament pain?

round ligament pain medical illustration

Round ligament pain is lower abdominal and groin discomfort that happens when the pelvic ligaments supporting your uterus start to soften and stretch. Round ligament pain is common, occurring in up to 30 percent of pregnant women, most often during the first and second trimesters. Sudden movements can be a trigger for round ligament pain.[1]

What does round ligament pain feel like?

Round ligament pain can feel different for different people. It may feel achy or crampy, sharp or stabbing. You might experience the sensations on one or both sides of the lower abdomen.

You'll probably notice the pain more often when you change positions suddenly, while walking or exercising, or when you cough, sneeze or laugh. You might also feel round ligament pain when rolling over in bed, or when you’re getting up from sitting or lying down.

What causes round ligament pain?

Your uterus is supported by thick bands of ligaments that run from the groin up the side of the abdomen, connecting to the front. As your womb expands, these supporting ligaments lengthen and increase in diameter to accommodate the added weight you’re carrying. That pull on the ligaments causes sharp pains and dull aches in the lower abdomen.

Round ligament pain usually feels worse when you’re moving around, and is more common in women carrying twins or triplets. Other causes of a sore lower tummy include increased blood volume (your body is making more blood to nurture your baby) and the buildup of your uterine lining.

When does round ligament pain start in pregnancy? 

Round ligament pain can begin at the end of the first trimester, but most women tend to feel this telltale tugging and aching around week 14.

This pregnancy discomfort can continue into the second trimester, but it almost always ends after you deliver. At that point, hormone levels drop dramatically, and your uterus starts to shrink back to its normal pre-pregnancy size.

How long does round ligament pain last?

Round ligament pain may be brief or go on for several hours (yet another mystery of pregnancy!), but it’s often temporary in nature, lasting for a few seconds or so.

It’s not uncommon (and don’t be surprised) if this symptom persists until your bundle of joy arrives, but it usually only lasts for about two weeks. 

After pregnancy, exhale — your hormone levels drop and your uterus, along with those pesky ligaments, return to pre-pregnancy size.

How does round ligament pain differ from abdominal cramps?

Unfortunately, there’s no definitive way to tell the difference between round ligament pain and stomach cramps during pregnancy, as both are located in the same area of the tummy and cause the same types of pain.

But in general, round ligament pain is more positional, in that different positions and activities make it better or worse. Plain ol’ stomach cramps, on the other hand, persist regardless, and aren’t quickly relieved by a shift in your position.

How can you manage round ligament pain?

You can take a few steps to help manage round ligament pain and ease discomfort.[2] Here’s how:

  • Kick up your feet. Taking it easy is always a good idea in pregnancy, and you’ll probably want to relax a bit more anyway, especially if you’ve got swollen feet and ankles.
  • Wear a band. Yep, a belly band or belly belt worn below your bump can offer great support and may ease round ligament pain.
  • Avoid sudden movements. Quick position switches can cause the pains in the first place, so remind yourself to get up slowly from sitting or lying down.
  • Try a pain reliever. A prescription medication isn’t necessary for round ligament pain, but you can ask your doctor whether an over-the-counter option like acetaminophen is safe to use during your pregnancy.
  • Stretch before sneezing. Feel a coughing fit or big sneeze coming on? Try this trick: Flex your hips a bit before it happens. It may offer relief from round ligament pain.
  • Plan easier workouts. Decrease the intensity of your workouts if round ligament pain really bothers you when you're exercising.

When to see a doctor about round ligament pain 

If resting in a comfortable position doesn't bring relief to your abdominal aches, or if your symptoms become severe, contact your doctor right away, especially if the pain is frequent and accompanied by other symptoms like fever, chills, bleeding, spotting, vaginal discharge, or lightheadedness.

Other telltale signs that you should contact your practitioner right away include nausea, vomiting, pain or burning when you urinate, low back pain or pressure in the pelvic area, and having more than four contractions an hour (which could be a sign of labor).