Your 16-month-old is full of contradictions: She hates to hear the word “no,” but may start saying “no” a lot (though it’s more common at around 18 months). She doles out kisses as often as she tugs on your hair. And even though your toddler loves routines, she rebels against the bath (and car seat and stroller …).
It’s all part of your toddler’s growing sense of awareness and independence — she wants to explore the world around her, but realizes that the world can be, well, kind of big and scary too.
Expect your tot to waver between being confident and hesitant for many months to come. You’ll have to continue the balancing act yourself as your little one shifts back and forth, between being protective and acting encouraging.
Here’s what else your 16-month-old child is doing. This month, your formerly wobbly walker may pick up the pace and find herself in a ton of trouble. So double-check your childproofing efforts — your toddler can reach a lot more stuff than she could only a month ago. And just to confuse parents more than ever, some toddlers are terrified of strangers and dogs, while other tots are virtually fearless, which could lead to danger. (Good news: There are tactics for dealing with both extremes.) Don’t be surprised if your toddler starts showing a strong preference for you over everyone else. Flattering, yes, but not fun for those who are left out. Try making yourself scarce sometimes so other caregivers can step in and show your little one just how competent they are at making pancakes or playing with blocks. In other news, your strong-willed “I want to do it my way” tot may decide she suddenly hates the bathtub — so you might just have to climb in there with her, armed with soap crayons and a new fleet of plastic boats. Toddler teething may crank up the crank factor, so be ready with simple soothers like a chilled teething ring or a partially-defrosted bagel. (It should go without saying that brandy or any type of alcohol is a definite no-no.) Slow and steady growth has probably been the name of the game for a few months now. At 16 months, girls weigh in at about 17 to 28 pounds and measure 28 to 33 inches tall. Boys tend to weigh anywhere from 18½ to 29 pounds and measure 29 to 33½ inches tall. Something else that might be slowing down? Your toddler’s appetite. If your 16-month-old is suddenly clamping shut instead of opening wide, rest assured that’s perfectly normal. Not only is your tot establishing her autonomy, but her reasoning skills are also getting sharper — as in, she’s figured out that if she doesn’t eat now, she can always eat later on. It only makes sense that, given all the developmental milestones toddlers are meeting at the moment, they’re not interested in sitting still long enough to eat a proper meal. Your picky eater might also get picky about the high chair, clamoring to move to the big table with you — so consider a booster seat if your little one seems ready to make the switch (though that may not happen until she’s 18 to 24 months old). If your toddler is showing an interest in spoons, encourage the habit. She may not be very good at wielding utensils just yet (that won’t come until the age of 4), but practice makes perfect. There’s no well-visit this month, but there’s plenty to know about how to keep your toddler healthy and occupied — both inside and out. Now that brushing teeth is a regular part of your toddler’s routine, it’s important to make sure she’s using toothpaste that contains fluoride, a mineral that helps fight cavities. Your tot only needs a small amount of toothpaste — about the size of a grain of rice is safe, since at her age, she isn’t usually able to spit it out rather than swallow it. Most kids get all the fluoride they need from toothpaste and tap water, which has fluoride added to it (depending on where you live). If your child only sips on bottled water, consider buying a brand that’s been fortified with fluoride. By now, you’ve likely stored your house plants well out of reach of your reaching toddler, who was probably more interested in trying to eat the leaves than admire them. But when it comes to poisonous plants, you might want to keep them out of your house altogether. Here’s a list of some (but not all) of the more common poisonous houseplants: Poinsettia English ivy Peace lily Philodendron Arrowhead vine Devil’s ivy If your little guppy loves the bath, you may be wondering if you should sign her up for swim classes. While the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) supports swimming lessons for tots ages 1 and older, the classes aren’t really designed to teach toddlers to swim on their own — rather, they’re structured so that parents and kids can have fun in the water together. They’re also a great way to introduce water safety skills early on. Look for swim programs that are taught by professionals who are certified in CPR and trained and certified through a nationally recognized learn-to-swim curriculum. Remember, too, that swim lessons don’t protect a toddler from drowning and aren’t a substitute for constant adult supervision. Your tot seems out of sorts — is it a headache? A tummy ache? Since young toddlers lack the vocabulary needed to describe their symptoms, you may have to look out for certain signs that can give you a clue as to what your tot is feeling. Headache. Your toddler may grab or rub her head, or act uncharacteristically irritable. If a serious head injury, like a concussion, occurred, she may also vomit. Stomach ache. Your child may bend over and grab her belly, or walk carefully so as not to upset her stomach. Throat pain. Sore throats are tricky to spot, but look for signs that your little one is having trouble swallowing — hesitancy or discomfort, for example. Chest pain. This can also be hard to ID. Your tot may hold or rub her chest or may take shallow, rapid breaths. In other cases, the only symptom may be uncharacteristic irritability. Take a deep breath: Biting isn’t necessarily the aggressive behavior you think it is. In fact, toddlers are known to nip for lots of innocent reasons: boredom, teething pain or simple curiosity (“What happens if I chew on Mom’s shoulder?”). Still, that doesn’t mean you want to encourage the behavior — especially if your child bit someone on the playground or at day care. To nip the nipping habit in the bud, make it clear that biting is never okay — that means no giggling when she gives you a “love bite” on your cheek or even taking a playful chomp of her toes yourself. The quickest way to gauge whether your toddler has a fever is by putting the back of your hand on her forehead. But the only way to get a reliable reading — and therefore, determine whether you need to call the doctor — is by taking her temperature with a good quality thermometer. Rectal readings yield the most accurate results (try lubricating the tip of the thermometer with some petroleum jelly), but if you’re met with resistance, you can try taking a forehead reading. Your best bet is to take a few readings, since forehead thermometers can be inconsistent. You don’t have to thumb your nose at your toddler’s thumb-sucking habit. Like a stuffed animal or blanket, thumb-sucking provides some much needed comfort to children, especially when they’re tired or upset — and, unlike a cherished lovey, their thumb is always on hand. At this age, thumb-sucking won’t affect her teeth or mouth development, so it’s probably best not to make a big deal out of it, although you can certainly try keeping your toddler's hands busy by giving her push-pull toys or blocks to play with. Most children kick the thumb-sucking habit by the age of 3. Your 16-month-old child’s development
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Your 16-month-old child’s growth
Your 16-month-old child’s health & care
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