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Thanks to climate change and hotter, dryer summers, wildfires are becoming a fact of life for many Americans. Wildfires can burn anywhere — in forests and grassy areas, in the West, Midwest and even on the East Coast. And these blazes can quickly rage out of control, spreading to nearby towns and billowing smoke into neighboring states.
On June 6, 2023, 400 wildfires raging in Canada sent a dark, hazy layer of smoke over a huge swath of the United States, leaving many areas under an air quality alert. If you're pregnant or already have a baby, you may have questions about your health and the health of your loved ones in the event of a wildfire. That's especially true if you've lived in areas that experience them frequently, like California or the Pacific Northwest. Here's what families need to know to stay safe.
The smoke contains a mix of gasses like carbon monoxide as well as fine particles from burning vegetation and buildings. When you breathe it in, those particles can go deep into your lungs, irritating them.
Side effects from inhaling forest fire smoke (or any type of wildfire smoke) can include the following:
How can wildfire smoke and bad air quality impact pregnant women?
Expectant moms are more vulnerable to the effects of any type of air pollution, including wildfire smoke. They — along with babies and young kids — are more likely to experience the harmful effects of bad air quality, along with other high-risk groups that include people with chronic lung conditions (like asthma) and those who are over 65 years old.
Pregnancy hormones play a part. One of the many ways they affect your body is to stimulate your brain so that you take deeper breaths more often. This provides more oxygen for your growing baby, and it's one of the reasons why you may feel short-winded during pregnancy.
While these physiological changes help support healthy pregnancy, they also make pregnant women more vulnerable in the event of a wildfire. Breathing in the smoke can raise the risk of developing high blood pressure, gestational diabetes and other complications.
But before you panic, remember this: You and your baby-to-be are resilient and can handle many stressful things, especially if they're temporary or only happen once. In fact, researchers from the University of California, Davis, have been studying the long-term effects of wildfires on pregnant women and their babies.
So far their results have indicated that most symptoms suffered by pregnant women during wildfires are temporary, and most of the babies have been born healthy. What often takes longer to get over is the stress and anxiety of going through a nerve-wracking event.Trusted SourceUniversity of California, DavisStudy Explores Health Effects of Wildfire Exposure on Babies and Pregnant PeopleSee All Sources[2]
What air quality is safe for pregnant women?
To stay safe in the event of wildfire smoke, get savvy about the air quality index (AQI). AQI is a measuring tool with numbers running from 1 to 500. The higher the number, the more care you should take to avoid unfiltered air.
When the AQI goes over 100, pregnant women and other high-risk groups (like babies) should stay indoors as much as possible.Trusted SourceU.S. Air Quality IndexAir Quality Index (AQI) BasicsSee All Sources[3]
Most weather apps will list the AQI for each day. Or go to Air Now, and type in your zip code to find out the AQI for each day.
How can wildfire smoke and bad air quality impact babies?
Babies, like pregnant moms, are more vulnerable to wildfire smoke. Babies are tiny, so they're breathing in more air relative to their size. They also breathe faster and more often than grown-ups, which is also true for toddlers and young kids. Plus, children tend to be more active when they're outdoors, meaning they're breathing more air. All that puts their still-developing lungs at risk when the air quality index rises.Trusted SourceAmerican Academy of PediatricsWildfires: What Parents Need to KnowSee All Sources[4]
The symptoms of wildfire smoke inhalation in kids are generally the same as those in adults. Babies may have trouble breathing, cough or wheeze. Your child might breathe faster than usual. Her nose may run and her eyes burn, and she might appear more exhausted or paler than usual.
There are also emotional after-effects, especially if you've been stuck indoors for days or even had to leave your home because of a wildfire. You may notice that your baby is clingier or fussier than normal, or your previously potty-trained toddler is having more accidents. These are signs of stress and anxiety.
Staying calm yourself and sticking to your usual routines as much as possible can help soothe your little one if she's feeling unnerved.
What air quality is safe for babies?
The same AQI numbers that are safe for you are safe for your baby. So, if the AQI is between 1 and 100, you both have nothing to worry about. And if the AQI inches above 100 or there's a wildfire raging nearby, there are ways to stay safe and minimize the harmful effects.
How to stay safe in smoky conditions
You can help your family stay healthy if there's a nearby wildfire or if the AQI has risen to unsafe levels by doing the following.
Pay attention to local air quality reports, and listen to public health messaging about air quality and wildfire safety.
Stay indoors when the AQI is over 100. If you need to go outdoors, do so in the early morning or when the sun is setting, when the air quality is a little better.
Consider wearing a NIOSH-approved N95 mask. If you have a well-fitting one, it may help. Children over 2 can wear them too, but again, only masks that fit well will offer protection. Unfortunately, wearing a cloth mask or bandana won't prevent you or your child from breathing in smoke.
Close it up. Keep the windows and doors in your home shut when the AQI is over 150 or the air is smoky. When you're in the car, keep windows closed and run the AC.
Run your air conditioner, if you have one. Keep the fresh-air intake closed and the filter clean to prevent outdoor smoke from getting inside.
If you don't have AC, get portable air purifiers with a HEPA filter. Use them in the rooms you're in the most.
Don't exercise outdoors, or at the very least dial back your activities. Walk instead of run, for instance.
Avoid creating more indoor air pollution. Hold off on burning candles, lighting a fire, or frying or grilling foods on the stove top. Try to avoid vacuuming, too, which stirs up particles.
Drink plenty of water and other liquids. Liquids thin the mucus in your lungs, making it easier to clear them when you cough.
Stick to your regular routine as much as possible, if you have young kids. Babies and toddlers feel secure when they know what to expect.
When to call the doctor
The further you are along in your pregnancy, the more air pollution can affect your health. So, if you're due in the next few weeks, it's not a bad idea to try to stay home in filtered air until the wildfire smoke passes from your area — and the same advice holds if you have a baby or toddler.
If you or your child are having serious symptoms, then it's time to call the doctor, who may tell you to leave the house and get to a place with better air quality.
Loud, fast or labored breathing (you may see her ribs suck in and out)
Fatigue (she may seem sleepier or sleep more than usual)
Loss of appetite
Just remember, most pregnant moms and babies make it through a spell of smoky air or high AQI with no lasting health effects, depending on exposure and pollutants. If a wildfire comes to your area, keep an eye out for any symptoms, and follow public guidelines to keep yourself and your little ones safe.
Wildfire Smoke and Pregnancy FAQ
Can wildfire smoke make you sick?
Yes, wildfire smoke can make you sick. It contains a mix of gases and fine particles that, when inhaled, can irritate the lungs. Symptoms may include coughing, trouble breathing normally, stinging eyes and a scratchy throat. You could also experience more severe symptoms such as chest pain and fast heartbeat.
How does wildfire smoke affect pregnant women?
Pregnant women are more vulnerable to the effects of air pollution, including wildfire smoke. Physiological changes in pregnancy mean expectant mothers take deeper and more frequent breaths, which could lead to increased inhalation of harmful smoke particles. This could raise the risk of developing complications such as high blood pressure and gestational diabetes.
Are the effects of wildfires on pregnant women permanent?
Most symptoms pregnant women experience during wildfires are temporary, and most babies have been born healthy. However, the stress and anxiety associated with experiencing a wildfire can have a lasting impact on your mental health.
What air quality is safe for pregnant women?
Pregnant women should monitor the air quality index (AQI). When the AQI goes over 100, it's advised that pregnant women and other high-risk groups stay indoors as much as possible.
What can be done to stay safe in smoky conditions?
Pay attention to local air quality reports, stay indoors when the AQI is over 100, wear NIOSH-approved N95 masks, keep windows and doors shut, use air conditioners and air purifiers, avoid strenuous outdoor activities and indoor air pollution and drink plenty of water.
From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author of What to Expect When You're Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.