You spent a lot of time oh-so-carefully researching the details of your child's first car seat. But at some point — whether your little one isn’t as little as she used to be, or the seat has been passed down from an older sibling — every pint-sized passenger is in need of an upgrade.

When should you change car seats?

Nobody wants to think about an accident. But in the event of the unthinkable, car seats are vital for keeping babies and children safe.

In 2017, restraint use saved the lives of 325 children aged 4 and under, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). So it’s crucial to make sure your backseat rider is in the right seat for her size, and that the seat is in tip-top shape.

So when should you make the move from one seat to the next, and what other car seat change-up scenarios should you be keeping in mind? If any of the following apply to your child’s car seat, it’s time for an upgrade or replacement. 

Your child has reached either the height OR weight limit on their car seat

“Upgrading” a car seat usually means moving up to a style meant to accommodate a bigger, older child. Once your child has hit the maximum height or weight for her seat (whichever comes first), it’s time for a new one. A seat that’s too small won’t adequately protect her in the event of a crash.

To find your seat’s height or weight limit, check the seat’s tag or manufacturer’s instructions. That said, here are some general rules of thumb to keep in mind from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP):

  • Keep your child rear-facing for as long as possible. Many parents opt to start their newborn in a rear-facing infant car seat because these models are relatively lightweight and convenient, then switch to a convertible car seat once their little one has outgrown it. (Though convertible car seats can be used in the rear-facing position from day one, too.) But children should stay rear-facing even after they've graduated to a convertible car seat, until they've reached the maximum height or weight in the rear-facing position of the convertible model (that's at least until age 2, though many children will not be ready to face forward until age 3 or 4).
  • Graduate to the forward-facing position only once your child is big enough. Once your child reaches the maximum height or weight for the rear-facing position on her convertible seat, she can switch to the seat's forward-facing position.
  • Eventually, she can move on to a booster seat. And after she outgrows the maximum height or weight on her forward-facing convertible seat, your child can graduate to a forward-facing seat with a harness or a booster seat, depending on her height and weight. She’ll stay in the booster until sometime between the ages of 8 and 12 — again, depending on her height and weight — before finally sitting in the back seat with a seat belt, recommends the AAP.

The car seat is expired

Many caregivers don't realize that car seats have expiration dates. The plastic used to make seats can degrade over time and become brittle, potentially making the seat less effective. In other words, if you’re using a seat that previously belonged to an older sibling, it might be nearing its limit.  

To find the expiration date, check the seat’s label or the manufacturer instructions (or if you can’t find the date, give the manufacturer a call). If you're still not sure, count from six years post the manufacturer date, the AAP says.  

The car seat is damaged

If you notice any cracking in the plastic or other signs of wear and tear, get rid of it ASAP. Both indicate that the seat might not provide adequate protection in the event of a crash.

The car seat has been in a crash

Serious crashes can damage the structure and integrity of a car seat, meaning it may not provide enough protection in the event of another crash.

According to the AAP, seats that have been in a minor crash — the car could be driven away, no one was injured, the airbags didn’t go off, the door closest to the car seat wasn’t damaged and there was no visible damage to the car seat — may still be usable, but ask a local Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST) for guidance if you're unsure.

The car seat has been recalled

Recalled seats have defects that have been determined to be unsafe, so if your seat is affected by a recall, stop using it right away and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for repairing or replacing the seat. You can find the latest recalls at, or sign up for recall alerts on your phone.

Car seat safety 101

Buckling your little one in becomes automatic pretty fast, but it never hurts to brush up on the basics. Always remember to:

  • Make sure your child is using a seat appropriate for her height and weight. Babies and toddlers should stay in a rear-facing seat for as long as possible, until they reach the maximum height or weight limit for the rear-facing position on their seat.
  • Buckle her in safely. Be mindful of any uneven or twisted straps (they could increase risk of injury), make sure the angle indicator is in a safe range and do a "pinch test" on the strap fabric by your child's shoulder (if you can pinch it vertically, it's too loose and needs to be tightened).
  • Never leave a child unattended in or around a car. Even if they’re buckled in their car seats.
  • Only use car seats for travel. Don’t use your baby or toddler’s car seat for sleeping or eating, and transfer your little one to a safe sleep space as soon as you get home if she falls asleep in the car. 
  • Children under 13 should always sit in the back seat (in the middle whenever possible), and be secured by a seat belt. Never place a rear-facing car seat in the front passenger seat. If you must place a child in a front-facing car or booster seat in the front passenger seat, use a seat with a harness and adjust the seat as far back from the dashboard as possible.
  • Always read the manual for your car and the car seat when installing a new seat. If you’re unsure if a seat is installed correctly or are having trouble, contact a local CPST. 
  • Never use a car seat that has an unknown history. These seats may not provide adequate protection in the event of a crash.