Changing a baby boy's diaper is all about avoiding that urine spray — and once you've got that down, his genital maintenance should be smooth sailing. The same holds for penis care in the toddler years. No fancy products are required, just basic care for this body part. Read on for how to clean a toddler's penis and what to do if you spot signs of irritation or discomfort.[1]

How to clean a toddler's penis

Circumcision rates are considered high in this country compared with other nations, with about 60 percent of boys having the procedure.[2] If yours is one, here's how to clean his penis:

  • Clean up at diaper changes. Your toddler's bottom gets a thorough cleaning, of course, during a diaper change, but don't forget the rest of his genitals. Be sure to swab your toddler's penis and underneath the scrotum to clean up any remaining bits of pee and poop. 
  • Go unscented. To avoid irritation, opt for a washcloth or unscented, alcohol-free wipes. Next, pat the area dry before applying diaper cream and putting on a fresh diaper.
  • Ignore erections. If he gets one when you're cleaning, know that it's just nature at work.
  • Use soap and water. In the bath, wash your toddler's penis like you would any part of his body — with fragrance-free soap and water to avoid irritating his genitals (though urinary tract infections are uncommon in little boys). Rinse well with clean water and pat dry.

How to clean an uncircumcised penis

If your son is uncircumcised, learn this penis care and when to start cleaning under the foreskin:[3]

  • Clean the diaper area well. Just as with a circumcised penis, pay close attention to the whole genital region, including the buttocks, penis and scrotum when wiping excess pee and poo.
  • Nix swabs and strong cleansers. Don't use cotton swabs or antiseptics to clean this penis.
  • Stick to soap and water. At bath time, wash your toddler's uncircumcised penis in the same way you do his legs and back, with unscented soap and water. Rinse well and pat dry.
  • Skip forcing the foreskin. You don't need to retract the foreskin to wash this penis type — and whatever you do, don't force it back. Later on, when the foreskin naturally separates from the penis tip (which could happen as early as age 5 and as late as the teen years), you can teach your tot how to clean beneath the foreskin, but for now, washing his entire penis with soap and water will do. 
  • Learn about smegma. Are there tiny, whitish lumps of stuff under his foreskin? Relax, it's common — it's the residue from skin cells that the body sheds as the foreskin and glans (head of the penis) begin to separate. It's called smegma, and there's no need to worry about it.

Signs and symptoms to watch for

While rare, problems with a toddler's genitals can happen. Fortunately, they're usually easily treated. Here are the more common issues related to the penis to look out for:

Undescended testicles 

Known as cryptorchidism, sometimes one testicle (or, rarely, both) doesn't descend into the scrotum by a boy's first birthday.[4] If your son has this condition, he'll need minor surgery between 12 and 15 months of age to move the undescended testicle into place. 

And watch for "retractile" testes, which is when a testicle plays hide-and-seek, descending into the scrotum but then disappearing again if it gets cold or overstimulated. This condition usually resolves itself after a boy hits puberty, without surgery or other treatment.

Trouble peeing

Occasionally, the meatus (the opening at the tip of the penis) can become so irritated that it develops scar tissue, making it difficult to pee or even blocking the flow of urine. The condition, which is called meatal stenosis, tends to be more common in a circumcised penis, especially if it's been exposed for a long time to wetness, harsh detergents or scratchy fabrics.[5]

If you notice your tot has trouble peeing, or his urine stream is narrow or dribbles (it should look like it could put out a fire), check with your pediatrician. A simple procedure can widen the opening.

Pain while peeing 

Though uncommon in boys because of the layout down there, this symptom may be due to a urinary tract infection (UTI), which can occur if bacteria get into the urinary tract.[6] Girls have more UTIs than boys, and uncircumcised boys get them more often than circumcised ones. But if your tot has a fever and it hurts to pee, call his pediatrician.

As long as you keep an eye out for the few possible signs of an irritated penis, genital care for your little guy is a rather easy task. With a focus on thorough diapering and simple soap and water at bath time, his little boy parts should be good to go.