Your go-go-go kiddo may astound you with her endless energy — and there are many ways to channel her spirit and stamina into toddler- and preschooler-friendly exercise.

Before you start worrying that exercise for kids means costly tumbling classes or hours of carpooling to the community pool, rest easy. Little kids get their workouts from old-school running around and playing, and that doesn't have to cost you a penny.

While toddlers and preschoolers need plenty of physical activity, they also need quieter time too. Playing with clay, singing and dancing can help your child chill without requiring her to come to a complete standstill. 

What's most important is that your child isn't sitting for hours in a day. So read on for some ideas for fun exercises for kids and the whole family — and the benefits of doing so.

How much exercise do kids need?

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is clear: Children need plenty of physical activity during the day when they're younger. Here's how much they need based on their age:

Toddlers (1- and 2-year-olds)

The AAP recommends three-plus hours spread throughout the day for 1- and 2-year-olds.[1] Sounds like a lot, right? But you can break it down into manageable chunks: a 10-minute dance party, 10 minutes of Simon Says, a 20-minute walk around the neighborhood, a 20-minute trip to the playground and so on.  

Another way to think of activity? Make sure your toddler isn't sitting around for more than 60 minutes at a time, unless she's snoozing.[2]

Preschoolers (3- to 5-year-olds)

Again, this age group needs at least three hours throughout the day, and preschoolers should get at least 60 minutes of some kind of heart-pumping activity, according to the AAP.

The heart-pumping part shouldn't prove too tough. Kids this age can do so much more, including kicking balls, riding a trike and climbing some of the structures on the playground.

Make sure your cutie works in moves that strengthen bones — like hopping, jumping and doing somersaults — too.[3]

School-age children (6- to 11-year-olds)

Once they're in grade school, kids need at least 60 minutes of activity that raises the heart rate on most days. That can be anything from a game of tag to a bike ride to shooting hoops to a brisk walk. 

Also, kids this age should get in bone- and muscle-strengthening workouts at least three times a week. No, your second grader doesn't need to lift weights or do push-ups. Kid-friendly activities like jumping rope, swinging from the monkey bars and playing hopscotch all build up bones and strength.[4]

Benefits of exercise for kids

Moving the body is good for everyone, big and small. The perks of workouts for kids include:

  • Better sleep: Children fall asleep faster and snooze more deeply after a day of physical activity. That's good for their health and their growing brains (and the quality of your sleep as well).
  • Better moods: Running around stimulates feel-good brain chemicals. Your toddler will still have meltdowns, but she may bounce back faster from those ornery moods. And as your child gets older, all that activity will help her burn off stress and improve her ability to focus once she hits the big-kid classroom.
  • Better health: Physical activity can boost immunity, so she may have a better chance warding off some of those germs floating around day care or preschool. In the long run, consistent exercise can lower your child's risk of developing heart disease, diabetes or high blood pressure as she gets older.
  • Stronger bones, lungs, muscles and heart: Strengthening these all-important systems will make it easier for her to keep jumping and climbing

And maybe the biggest benefit of all? She'll likely stay active when she grows up, thanks to you.

Best indoor exercises for kids

Stuck inside? No worries! Plenty of fun indoor exercises can give your cutie the physical activity she needs. And those minutes you spend dancing and following the leader count for you too. 

Throw a dance party

This is the simplest workout of them all. Get your tot to pick the tunes, and turn up the volume. Make up crazy dances, and challenge your child to do the same. 

Your cutie's heart will be pumping after five minutes. When that gets old, switch it up and sing some active movement songs, like "The Hokey Pokey" or "Ring Around the Rosie." 

Have a treasure hunt

Hide some toys and other small surprises around the house (or room, depending on her age), and then give your child clues as to where they are. 

Another variation is an old-fashioned game of hide-and-seek.

Pretend the floor is lava

Spread chair cushions, mats and pillows around the room. Then challenge your tot to jump to safety so she doesn't fall in the "lava" (or quicksand). This will give her muscles and her brain a workout. 

If the game is too much for your young toddler, place a mat on the ground or use tape to create a line, and tell your toddler to jump over the river.[5]

Create an obstacle course

Arrange boxes, chairs and cushions so your child has to climb, crawl, go under and use her body and muscles in all sorts of ways.

Play Follow the Leader or Simon Says

When it's your turn to be the leader, sneak in some workout moves for kids. Challenge your child to hop like a frog or swing her arms like an elephant's trunk. You can also work in a few jumping jacks, high knees or wall push-ups to get your heart rate up.

Toss a (soft) ball

Create a target (a pillow, a mat, a toy bin), and challenge your child to hit it with a rolled-up pair of socks or beanbag. Make it easy for your toddler to hit the target so this game doesn't end in tears. And put away the breakables in case a toss goes astray.

Best outdoor exercises for kids

Just being out in the fresh air and sunshine will inspire your child to get moving. And that is even more true at the playground, where your child can get a great workout climbing up the ladder and going down the slide (over and over).

Whether you're in your backyard or at the park, there are so many ways to sneak in fun exercises for kids.

Blow bubbles 

Challenge your tot to run after the bubbles and catch them. The bigger the bubbles, the more fun. 

Play active games

Don't forget about those old playground staples. You can:

  • Play tag (regular or freeze) or chase.
  • Kick or roll a big ball into a goal.
  • Race your child at the park or backyard. Bonus points if there are small hills or inclines. 
  • Play hide and seek.

Rake or sweep leaves 

Little kids love to help, and doing age-appropriate chores is good for them. Take advantage of your toddler's desire to imitate what you're doing and ask her to chip in on gardening tasks like pulling weeds or picking up sticks.

Another good active chore: Give your tot a sponge, a bucket of water and have her help you wash the car or her ride-on trike.

Swat the balloon

Blow up some balloons, give your child a (clean) flyswatter and let her have at 'em. Or hit the balloon back and forth. This is a good playdate activity too.

Make snow or sand angels 

A few of these angels can help strengthen the muscles in those little arms and legs.

Take indoor games outdoors

There's space to get even more active playing Simon Says, Follow the Leader or Duck, Duck, Goose outdoors. 

Give your tot multi-part directions to make her brain and body work harder. For example, tell her to jump three times, balance on one foot and then skip in a big circle.

How to work out with your toddler

Whether you like to do structured exercise or get physical activity through everyday chores, there are several ways to fit your own fitness in while caring for a toddler. 

The Centers for Disease Control recommends most adults complete 150 minutes of moderately intense physical activity per week, plus muscle-strengthening exercises on at least two of the days.[6] Again, you can choose to break it up however you see fit: maybe 30 minutes of exercise five times per week or 10-minute chunks spread out across the week. Whatever's easier! 

And to make it simpler, bring your toddler along for the ride. Some ideas:

Walk everywhere you both can

Walk to the mailbox or the corner store, and play "I Spy" along the way. If walking to your destination isn't an option, park the car far from entrances so you and your little one have a built-in mini walk. 

Another easy way to get a fitness fix: Take the stairs instead of the escalator or elevator so you and your toddler have to "step up" your fitness quotient. 

Set up a circuit 

Do this outside at the playground or in the family room. Go to various spots, and do about 10 reps of different exercises — jumping jacks, squats, mountain climbers, pushups and planks. Your little one can do them too (in modified forms). 

Go for a trike-and-bike ride

If you don't live in a bike-friendly neighborhood, see if you can rent bikes at a nearby park or a bike-friendly pathway. Many places rent tag-along-bikes that attach to adult bicycles, so your child can pedal if she wants, and rest when she wants to.

Have some outdoor adventures

You may not get to go on a hike every day or even every weekend unless you live close to a nature preserve. But try to include one of these activities every few months or so. You'll spend quality time outdoors while you're moving. 

Search for "Mommy and Me" exercise classes

There are short, toddler-friendly cardio and yoga classes to do together on YouTube. Or sign up for other structured parent-and-kid classes where you can meet other caregivers and their children.

One of the best ways to get your toddler active and teach her the importance of exercise is to get yourself moving too. When you show your toddler that exercise is a priority for you, she's likely to make it one, too.