Sure, you're desperate for a full night's sleep — what new parent isn't? But the reality is that starting solids now won't give you the solid eight of your dreams any sooner. Your little one will snooze through the night when he's developmentally ready — not because you've topped off his tank with cereal before bedtime.

Starting solids early can lead to obesity. What's more, serving a too-early side of solids to a formula-fed baby has been linked to obesity in preschool — a big price to pay for a fuller tummy.

Young babies can choke. Another reason to steer clear of cereal for now — infants are more likely to choke on solids, whether they're offered up in a bottle or on a spoon. Plus, their still immature digestive tracts aren’t armed yet with the enzymes they need to break solids down — and that's a recipe for tummy troubles.

Start solids between four and six months. The pediatrician will likely green light those first bites somewhere between four and six months, at which point they should served up on a spoon, not added to a bottle. Until then, formula or breast milk will meet all of your baby's nutritional needs — and fill his tiny tummy just fine.