You're not the first parent of a little one this age faced with the challenge of getting your toddler to sit still. So why does your tot fidget, squirm, run around, jump up and down, or crawl on the floor when you're at the grocery store, on a plane, in church, at the library, or anywhere else where you need him to stay put and behave?
Easy — because he's a toddler, and that's what toddlers do![1]
Why do toddlers have a hard time sitting still?
Toddlers have a very limited shelf life when it comes to sitting still[2] — say a minute or two, maybe three on a particularly mellow day. Asking your munchkin to act like a church mouse during a service or any other event that lasts an hour or more is asking a lot — probably too much.
But that doesn't necessarily mean that you have to skip the family reunions, playdate outings, graduations and other activities in public just because you've got a toddler in tow — or that you have to leave him at home with a sitter. With time and lots of gentle reminders (for him) and plenty of patience (for you), his ability to sit quietly for a while will gradually improve.
Tips for getting toddlers to sit still
In the meantime, try these tips to coax your toddler into sitting without the flitting:
Master the art of distraction
Boredom and hunger or thirst can derail even the best-behaved toddler. To prevent a train wreck, bring along a selection of picture books and small toys (quiet ones) to keep him occupied. Don't forget snacks and a drink too (though if food isn't allowed, make sure he's been fueled before you arrive).
More on Toddler Behavior and Development
Dress for success
That confining monkey suit may be more likely to bring out the little ape in your little guy. For best results, skip the Sunday best (and anything itchy or scratchy, like stiff, squirm-inducing collars) and try outfitting him in less formal, more kid-friendly clothes. He'll be more comfortable — and (fingers crossed) more cooperative.
Location, location, location
The front row or the study desks at the library? Not for you. Choose a seat in an unoccupied or children’s area, if possible, and as far away as possible from other people.
If you can, sit near an exit and on an aisle so you can beat a hasty retreat when your active toddler starts getting restless.
Give it a break
Know your little one's limits, and don't test them. When it's clear he's reached sitting overload (and before he goes into full meltdown mode), take a break. Step out or walk around with your tot for a few minutes to refuel and burn off some steam before reentry.
If you're still concerned about your son’s attention span, don't hesitate to talk to your pediatrician. He or she can offer reassurance and tips to cope with a fidgety little one.
Here's to a peaceful time out with your tot,