Between heartburn, that urgent need to use the loo every two hours, leg cramps and an insistent case of pregnancy insomnia, you’re already having a tough time getting quality shut-eye. And now, in your third trimester of pregnancy, yet another pregnancy symptom is keeping you up all night: restless legs syndrome (RLS).

If you’re one of the 15 percent of expecting moms who experience it, you’ll notice an uncomfortable and disconcerting tingling, creeping and crawling in your feet and legs accompanied by an urge to move them — especially as you're trying to get to sleep. Your legs seem to take on a life of their own, kind of like they're plugged into an electrical socket and getting all juiced up.

When does restless legs syndrome start during pregnancy?

Although you might notice RLS more at night, it can strike any time when you're lying or sitting down. Most of the time you won’t experience it until later in your pregnancy, during the third trimester.

Unfortunately, the usual treatments for leg cramps — flexing and stretching — may not work, and prescription medications that might relieve the restlessness may be off-limits during pregnancy.

What causes restless legs syndrome during pregnancy?

Experts aren't sure, although genetics are probably a factor. Other possible culprits include hormones, especially estradiol and progesterone, which surge during the third trimester and fall right after birth, following the same pattern as RLS.

Environmental and dietary factors like iron deficiency and/or sensitivity to certain types of foods may also be risks. That growing baby doing the samba in utero and pressing down on the nerves around your sacrum definitely doesn’t help matters.

Lack of sleep, anxiety, depression and stress — common during pregnancy — can all take a toll and may even trigger RLS. So take care of yourself and try to get plenty of rest.

What can I do about restless legs syndrome during pregnancy?

Though this is one pregnancy symptom you kind of have to wait out if you experience it, there are some ways to get relief:

  • Get some Zzzs. Even though RLS is notorious for keeping expectant moms up at night, fatigue will make your symptoms worse. On the other hand, you might not want to force yourself to stay in bed during an RLS episode. Instead, get up and slowly walk down the hallway a few times. This gentle movement can help ease the discomfort.

  • Distract yourself. When your feet start jumping on their own, grab a crossword puzzle, start knitting ... anything to distract yourself from the annoying symptoms of RLS.

  • Keep a food journal. Note what you've eaten before you experience bouts of RLS. Some women find that certain foods — such as carbs eaten late in the day — can trigger restless legs, and you may be able to figure out what foods make your symptoms improve or worsen.

  • Get tested. Ask your practitioner about getting tested for iron-deficiency anemia, which some experts think is linked to RLS. In the meantime, it never hurts to fill up on iron-rich, heart-healthy foods like spinach, beans, chickpeas and dried fruit.

  • Heat it up. Sometimes a warm (not hot) bath or a heating pad or ice pack can bring relief.

  • Try acupuncture. With your practitioner’s green light, going under the needle may help for some women, as can yoga, meditation or other relaxation techniques.

Can I prevent restless legs syndrome during pregnancy?

Unfortunately, this might be one of those symptoms you'll have to learn to live with until your baby is born. But don’t worry — it's temporary.

When can I expect my restless legs syndrome to end?

Symptoms should go away within four weeks of delivery, although one study found that 97 percent of women with RLS found complete relief a few days after giving birth.