Having a baby is one of those life-changing events that can rock your world in ways both good and bad. On the plus side, you finally get to know that tiny newborn you've fantasized about throughout your pregnancy, but on the more challenging side, you have to take care of that adorable (and helpless) little baby while you’re recovering from labor, dealing with roller coaster hormone levels and getting by on scant sleep. No wonder many new moms feel weepy (those aren’t always tears of joy!), not to mention overwhelmed, irritable and scared.
These feelings, known as the baby blues, are very normal; in fact, up to 80 percent of new moms get hit with them. Fortunately, though, the baby blues go away within a few weeks after birth — usually once your hormones settle down and you get your baby bearings.
Sometimes, though, the feelings of depression linger — and turn out to be a common (meaning you’re not alone) but often undiagnosed condition called postpartum depression (PPD). PPD — which can begin anytime within the first year of giving birth — affects an estimated 10 to 15 percent of moms. Women who are most at risk of developing the condition are those who have had a personal or family history of depression (including a history of postpartum depression), experience severe PMS, felt depressed during pregnancy, had a difficult pregnancy or delivery, have a troubled marriage, lack supportive people in their lives, or are caring for a chronically ill baby. Keep in mind, though, that women without these risk factors can also develop PPD.
Unlike the baby blues, postpartum depression lasts longer than a few weeks and the negative feelings are usually more intense. Symptoms include:
- Persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness and helplessness
- Inability or lack of desire to take care of yourself and/or your baby
- Feelings of failure as a mother, and guilt about your feelings
- Extreme fatigue
- Eating problems
- Insomnia
- Memory problems
- Feelings of panic
- Obsessive-compulsive thoughts or behavior
Very rarely, in 1 out of every 1,000 cases, a mother develops postpartum psychosis. This is much more extreme than postpartum depression, and the symptoms also include hallucinations or delusions that could cause a mom to be extremely dangerous to herself or her baby.
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So what should you do if you think you might have PPD? Give yourself this simple test, which some doctors may use as quick screen for postpartum depression. Ask yourself these three questions. In the past 7 days:
- Have I blamed myself unnecessarily when things went wrong?
- Have I felt scared or panicky for not very good reasons?
- Have I been anxious or worried for not very good reasons?
If you would answer “Yes, most of the time” or “Yes, some of the time” to any or all of these questions, make an appointment to talk to your practitioner (or a therapist) right away.
If it turns out that you are suffering from PPD, the good news is that it’s highly treatable. Your doctor may recommend talk therapy and/or antidepressants (many of which are safe to take while breastfeeding). Or you might be a candidate for bright-light therapy, which can reduce the symptoms of depression.
In addition, talk to your practitioner about taking a DHA supplement — omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to help improve mood. You can also boost your omega-3 intake by adding some fatty cold-water fish (like sardines, salmon and tuna) and walnuts to your diet, and continue taking your prenatal supplement, which contains omega-3s as well.
Besides therapy, there are other things you can do to try to lighten your load and spruce up your spirits:
- Ask for (and accept) help from family and friends. Don’t try to be a supermom and do it all.
- Have your partner take some nighttime shifts with the baby so you can get some sleep.
- Aim to get out of the house at least once a day for fresh air and a change of scene.
- Get support from others. Talk with friends or find other moms who are wrestling with the same feelings at WhatToExpect.com's postpartum depression message board.
You can take comfort in the fact that with treatment, most women recover completely from postpartum depression — especially when it’s diagnosed and treated early. And the sooner you get the help you need, the sooner you’ll be able to enjoy your beautiful baby to the fullest!
Listen to the What to Expect Podcast: "Postpartum Depression or Baby Blues?"