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It's easy to assume that something's wrong if your baby is crying for long stretches for no apparent reason. But these teary jags, while unpleasant, are actually pretty typical, especially for newborns. And sometimes just knowing that can make them easier to deal with.
This sensitive time in your new baby's life has come to be known as the "Period of PURPLE Crying."
PURPLE is an acronym aimed at helping new parents cope with the stress and anxiety brought on by their babies' unstoppable sobbing stretches.
Here's what PURPLE stands for, how to know if you're in the thick of the PURPLE crying phase, and when it will likely pass.
What is PURPLE crying?
PURPLE crying is a concept designed to help frazzled new parents normalize a new baby's crying. The PURPLE acronym describes the characteristics of typical newborn wailing to let parents and caregivers know that this phase of a baby's development, while hard to deal with, is very common and won't last forever.
It can help parents remember that babies often cry for no reason. True, sometimes they're crying because they're hungry, tired or need a diaper change. But plenty of times they just need to let off some steam.
Of course, you can (and should!) try to comfort your sobbing newborn by doing things like holding, rocking, singing to, or shushing her to mimic the sounds of the womb. But knowing that you won't always be successful can help take some of the pressure off. Instead of wondering what's wrong with your baby or you, you can remind yourself that sometimes, that's just how babies are.
What does the acronym PURPLE stand for?
The PURPLE acronym doesn't actually have anything to do with the color your baby's face might turn when she howls. According to the National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome, it describes the following characteristics parents can expect from newborn crying:
Peak of crying. Your newborn might cry more and more each week, peaking at around 2 months. The crying will start to gradually slow down when your baby is between 3 months old and 5 months.
Unexpected. The crying can come and go for no apparent reason.
Resists soothing. Your newborn may not stop crying, no matter what you do.
Pain-like face. Your newborn may look like she's in pain, even when she's not.
Long-lasting. Crying can last for five hours a day or more.
Evening. Your baby may cry more in the late afternoon and evening.
How long does PURPLE crying last?
Some babies might have an hour of crying a day. But for others, the waterworks can go on for five or six hours, alternating between periods of fussing and full-on shrieking. Both ends of the spectrum are normal, experts say.
And though you can't always tell why your baby is crying, you might start to notice a pattern around when the tears start up. Many newborns have a so-called "witching hour" in the late afternoon or evening, when the crying consistently starts to ramp up.
When does PURPLE crying start and end?
Many newborns start to enter the PURPLE crying phase at around 2 weeks old, with things intensifying until between 6 weeks and 8 weeks old. The crying usually start to taper off between 3 months and 4 months old.
Getting through the PURPLE phase can be tough. But reminding yourself that it won't last forever can help.
"This is a developmental stage that your baby will grow out of," reassures Dr. Resnick.
Remember, early on, crying is your baby's only way for letting you know how she's feeling. As she gets a little older, she'll start to learn how to communicate in other ways that don't involve tears and sobs.
What's the difference between PURPLE crying and colic?
PURPLE crying and colic are the same thing. The shift towards using the "PURPLE" name is meant to help parents understand that this kind of crying is developmentally normal, and that there isn't anything wrong with their newborn.Trusted SourceAmerican Academy of PediatricsCrying and ColicSee All Sources[2]
"The main purpose of the name change is to make it clear that your baby is not in pain," Dr. Resnick says.
In fact, colic is simply a term that doctors use to describe when healthy babies cry more frequently than most. It doesn't actually mean that a baby has a problem that needs treatment.
But the idea of colic can be confusing for many parents, Dr. Resnick explains.
"Colic implies that there is a specific medical problem with a specific medical solution," Dr. Resnick says.
It can be frustrating or even worrying, too, if you're trying one colic remedy after the next and none of them are working.
"In reality, a tincture of time and lots of TLC are key" for getting past this teary period, he adds.
Tips for soothing baby in a PURPLE crying period
It's a good idea to go back to the basics when your baby starts to fuss or cry: See if she's hungry, needs a fresh diaper, or is overdue for a nap.
"If all of these are normal or addressed, most likely she just wants to be held," says Dr. Resnick.
While you or another caregiver snuggles or cuddles her, here are some more soothing strategies to try:Trusted SourceAmerican Academy of PediatricsHow to Calm a Fussy Baby: Tips for Parents & CaregiversSee All Sources[3]
Turning on a calming sound. Try white noise, a fan, rain music, or even the sound of a heartbeat.
Rocking your baby or walking while wearing her in a carrier. Both provide a womb-like swaying motion.
Offering a pacifier or one of your own fingers. Non-nutritive sucking might help your baby feel calmer.
Give an infant massage. A firm but gentle touch can be relaxing for some babies. Just pay attention to your little one's cues and back off if she's not into it.
Adjust your position. Try this if you think gas is making your baby uncomfortable: Lay your baby on her tummy on your forearm, cradling her head in your hand and use your other hand to stabilize her and rub her back. Or lay her on her back and gently “bicycle pump” her knees up to her tummy for 10 seconds, then release and repeat. You can also try gas drops or gripe water, but check with the pediatrician first.
Sometimes these tricks will help your sweetie calm down (and maybe even fall asleep). But try not to beat yourself up if nothing's working. As difficult as it can be, there will be times when there's nothing you can do to make your baby stop crying. She just needs to get it out of her system.
That said, it's okay for you to take a breather when nothing is helping and you feel like you're reaching your breaking point.
"You have to take care of yourself too. That's super important," Dr. Resnick says.
Pass the baby off to your partner or another caregiver if you can. But if you're home with the baby alone, put her in her bassinet or crib and walk away to take some deep breaths, listen to soothing music, or call a friend. Your baby will be safe for a few minutes by herself, and you'll come back feeling calmer.
PURPLE crying and shaken baby syndrome
PURPLE crying was developed by the National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome, a non-profit aimed at preventing shaken baby syndrome by supporting families and caregivers.
Shaken baby syndrome can happen when a baby suffers head trauma from being shaken by an adult. It's a difficult thing to think about, and no parent or caregiver wants to imagine that they'd ever harm their baby.
But sometimes the stress of unrelenting crying can bring loving and well-meaning adults to their breaking points.
Understanding that prolonged, sometimes unstoppable crying is normal for newborns can help parents better cope with this frustrating period.
It reminds you that crying is a phase that won't last forever, that there's nothing wrong with your baby for crying, and that there's nothing wrong with you for not being able to soothe her.
When to call the doctor about PURPLE crying
Long crying jags can be normal. But sometimes they could also signal an underlying health problem. Call your baby's pediatrician right away, says KidsHealth by Nemours, if your little one:
Also get in touch with the doctor if you have other concerns, or if the PURPLE crying doesn't seem to be letting up beyond the age of 4 months old. Go with your gut: It's okay to call the pediatrician anytime you're worried about your baby's crying. Even if ultimately nothing is wrong,
Next time your newborn's crying is starting to get to you, remember that you're in the PURPLE phase. Yes, it feels long and hard now. But remember that it's a normal part of infancy and it will end. And most important? Remind yourself that you're doing a great job — even when your baby seems unhappy.
PURPLE Crying in Babies FAQs
Is PURPLE crying normal in babies?
Yes, PURPLE crying, which describes long periods of crying in young babies that often seems to happen for no apparent reason, is completely normal in babies.
When does PURPLE crying start in babies?
PURPLE crying typically starts when babies are newborns, as early as 2 weeks old.
When does PURPLE crying end in babies?
The Period of PURPLE crying typically peaks when babies are about 2 months old and tapers off between 3 months and 4 months old. Talk to your pediatrician if your baby still seems to be going through PURPLE crying beyond the age of 4 or 5 months old or if you just want reassurance or advice about the phase.
How long can babies cry without stopping?
When babies are in the PURPLE crying phase, also known as colic, they can cry for as long as five or even six hours at a time. They generally cry for between an hour and five hours, often in the late afternoon or evening (called the "witching hour"), though it varies.
From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author of What to Expect When You're Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.