Has your "innie" started popping through your clothes? Many women find they suddenly have a "popped-out" belly button during pregnancy, but it's a short-term change.

When does your belly button usually change during pregnancy?

Most women find that their navels begin changing around the end of the second trimester of pregnancy.[1]

What causes belly button changes during pregnancy?

Your rapidly expanding uterus pushes your abdomen forward, making even the most inverted innie belly button become an outie.

What can I do about belly button changes when I'm pregnant?

There's nothing you can do to prevent changes to your navel during pregnancy. Just about every belly button pops at some point during pregnancy. Like so many other pregnancy symptoms, a popped-out belly button is harmless. 

What causes belly button pain during pregnancy?

There are a number of potential causes for belly or belly button pain during pregnancy, including:

  • Friction. Your newly outie navel might get irritated from rubbing against your clothes. Try using a specially designed belly button cover or a pregnancy support product, like a tummy sleeve or tummy shaper, to protect a popped-out navel.
  • Stretching ligaments. Internally, different ligaments attach to the ring of the umbilicus (i.e. belly button) and radiate out along the front wall of your abdomen. As the belly button gets pushed out, these ligaments are pulled, which can lead to discomfort. With time, however, the ligaments adapt to the changes, and the pain should go away.
  • Umbilical hernia. This happens when there’s a small tear in the abdominal wall. You’ll notice a soft lump around your navel. Learn more about umbilical hernias below.
  • A too-tight belly button piercing. If you keep your belly button piercing during pregnancy, it might start to get irritated as your baby bump grows or possibly catch on your clothing. Watch for redness, which signals that the piercing might be too tight.
  • Dry, tight skin. Pregnancy hormones and stretching of the skin with your growing baby bump can make your belly feel itchy, which can be uncomfortable or downright painful. Applying moisturizer twice daily helps.[2]
  • PUPPP or PEP. Be sure to let your doctor know if itching on and around your belly button is accompanied by a rash. It may signal a specific pregnancy condition, like pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP) or polymorphic eruption of pregnancy (PEP).

Will my belly button go back to normal after pregnancy?

Yes, your belly button will get right back to its regular position a few months after delivery, although it may look a little stretched out or "lived in." It's a badge of honor to wear proudly!

What is an umbilical hernia?

In relatively rare cases, a popped navel can be a sign of an umbilical hernia, which happens when there's a small hole in the abdominal wall that allows abdominal tissue to protrude through the umbilical area.[3]

What causes an umbilical hernia during pregnancy?

Umbilical hernias in adults are due to too much abdominal pressure, which separates the muscles in the abdominal wall. The abdominal wall fascia is the layer of the abdomen that holds all the contents tightly inside. Pregnancy (especially if you’re expecting multiples), obesity or previous abdominal surgery are risk factors for hernia formation due to weaknesses these conditions create in the fascia.

Many umbilical hernias are congenital, meaning they're present at birth. In fact, they're common in newborns and usually close on their own after birth. 

If a congenital hernia doesn't close up during infancy, it can appear later in life. It's not likely to cause problems or be noticeable until your growing uterus starts applying pressure. This causes the hernia to get bigger and can sometimes lead to a painful bulging around the belly button.

How do I know I have an umbilical hernia?

You might feel a soft lump around your navel that's more noticeable when you lie down, and you might see a bulge under the skin. 

You might also have a dull achy pain in the belly button area that becomes more noticeable when you're active, bend over, sneeze, cough or laugh hard.

What can I do about an umbilical hernia during pregnancy?

Try wearing a belly band to help keep the hernia from bulging and causing pain. Some women find relief by gently massaging the lump until the bulging goes back in. If it's not bothering you, you can choose to do nothing at all.

If, once you deliver your baby, the hernia doesn't recede on its own (or with the help of special exercises recommended by your practitioner), surgery may be required to repair it.

Can I get surgery for an umbilical hernia during pregnancy?

Surgery is not recommended for umbilical hernias during pregnancy unless a loop of bowel slips through the hole and becomes trapped (herniated), compromising blood supply to that area. But don't worry, this is exceedingly rare.

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