12 Products That Will Really Save You While Potty Training

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Potty training is one of the most universally-dreaded parenting tasks out there. Sure, there’s no thrill like getting your little one out of diapers, but the journey is usually fraught with hiccups like soiled pants, puddles of urine on the floor and the inevitable “I gotta go” when there’s absolutely no toilet in sight.
Thankfully, there are a number of game-changing products that can make the entire process a little easier and a little tidier. From books to get you going, to portable toilets for those oh-you-know-what moments, to ultra-absorbent underwear, here’s what worked for my little ones (and saved my sanity … at least a little bit):
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A smart device with an easy-to-use timer
Echo Show 15

My second son was much more resistant to potty training — possibly because we started a bit earlier — and I found that establishing a very consistent schedule was incredibly important to our success. But with so much going on, I struggled to remember to take him to the potty as often as he needed to. Though not a baby-specific product, our Amazon Echo Show 15 was key here. Every time he went to the potty, we set another timer for 20 minutes later. Or, if he didn’t go to the potty when he tried, we’d set a timer for five or 10 minutes to try again. It not only served as a reminder to me, but it also served as a very concrete reminder to him, since he could hear the alarm going off, too.
A child- and adult-friendly toilet seat insert
Mayfair NextStep2 Toilet Seat with Built-In Potty Training Seat

We’ve replaced all but two of the toilets in our home with this toilet seat. It’s a great alternative to more child-focused inserts that you have to take on and off the potty, since this one doesn’t require regular movement other than lifting the lid as you might otherwise. That’s because the toilet seat has two seats in one — a small, toddler-sized seat they’ll feel secure on, and a larger, standard-sized seat the adults in your home can use as normal. The whole thing has your typical lid, too, so you can close the toilet after you’re done. Also nice: It’s soft close, so there’s never any slamming — perfect for those little fingers.
A lightweight seat insert for travel
Jool Baby Folding Travel Potty Seat

In my experience, toddlers don’t like sitting on the large, adult-sized toilets in their own house, so forget the ones in public. Plus, chances are you don’t want their little tushes sinking into a questionably clean toilet anyway. This foldable insert is a great option, since your kid can put his bum on your own seat, all while feeling safe and secure. And when they’re done, you can toss it into a bag to wipe down when you get home.
A handy urinal
Foryee Cute Frog Potty Training Urinal

I have three boys, so needless to say, I’ve learned that sometimes they need a little help learning to use the potty mess-free. This cute little urinal is just like any other toddler toilet, but it features a cute froggy design, complete with a little spinner (meant to be his tongue) to teach unwieldy boys where to aim. (Of course, you can also go the old fashioned route, and toss some Cheerios into the toilet bowl.)
A trusty pair of training pants — just in case
MooMoo Baby Cotton Training Pants

There inevitably comes a time when your little one has just about nailed potty training, but can’t quite be trusted to take a walk around the block or spend an hour at the potty-free playground without backup. Still, you don’t want to put them back in diapers, lest you risk taking a step backward after all of your hard work. That’s where I found these super absorbent training pants to be clutch. They look and feel like underwear, but provide the added protection you need against small leaks. Just note: You may want to size up — especially if your kids are on the tall side, like mine are.
A pair of reusable training pants for overnight accidents
Honest Training Pants

Even after my children successfully learned to use the potty during the day, they had trouble overnight. To protect my sanity (i.e. fewer middle-of-the-night wakeups) and our mattresses and bedding from premature wear, I’ve always relied on the Honest Training Pants for nighttime duty. Again, I like to go one size up for my kids, but they reliably hold in both number one and number two, look cute and get conveniently delivered to the house with the rest of my diaper subscription.
A baby-safe all-purpose cleaner
Branch Basics Cleaning Concentrate

My middle child really struggled with potty training. No matter how many times I asked him to sit on the potty — and even if he went — he’d inevitably find a little extra in him and pee (or worse) all over my floor. One time he even peed on the kitchen table. Clearly, I need a reliable all-purpose cleaner around at all times. I love this one by Branch Basics, since it’s effective but doesn’t contain any harsh chemicals. I also love the fact that the one bottle creates most of my cleaning products, including an all-purpose spray, laundry detergent and hand soap.
A sweet incentive
YumEarth Organic Fruit Flavored Gummy Bears

What would a potty training list be without a little incentive for the kids? A little bit of bribery has always been the surest way to get my kids to sit on the potty, especially in the early days when they’re extremely hesitant. Many of my friends offer M&M’s, but my kids love these fruit-flavored gummies from YumEarth. I buy the bulk bag and offer one if they pee, two if the poop — and, yes, eventually we get to a place where they don’t require the promise of candy to use the restroom.
A portable potty for home and away
BabyBjörn Smart Potty

This is the very first portable potty we ever purchased (or, rather, were gifted at my baby shower), and it’s served us very well. It’s super lightweight, so it’s easy to carry from room to room, and the bowl lifts right out of the stand, so you can dump any excretions right into the toilet and then rinse it clean. It’s also surprisingly portable. Though it doesn’t fold up, it fits in most stroller baskets and is easy to tuck onto the floor of the car for use during road trips.
A potty training book for you
'Oh Crap! Potty Training: Everything Modern Parents Need to Know to Do It Once and Do It Right' by Jamie Glowacki

There’s no shame in admitting you have no idea how to potty train a child — that was definitely the case with me the first time around. But when daycare closed due to COVID, I knew I was in it solo … and I needed backup. This funny and informative book is super helpful for first-time parents who need a little education, a little encouragement and a little comic relief along the way.
A potty training book for your tot
'P is for Potty!' by Naomi Kleinberg

Parents aren’t the only ones who need a little education, and this cute book based on the hit TV series is a great place to start with your little one. My kids have always had relatively short attention spans with books, so I had a hard time finding one that would hold their attention. This one does just that, thanks to more than 30 interactive flaps to play with in just 12 pages. Plus, what kid can resist Sesame Street?
A bag for soiled clothing
Alvababy Wet/Dry Bags

Accidents happen, and when they do, you need to be prepared — not only with an extra set of clothes, but with a decent place to put the soiled, wet clothes. I always keep one (sometimes two!) of these wet/dry bags with me. When not in use, they crinkle up nice and small, so you don’t waste space in your bag. But when you need them, all you have to do is toss the yucky clothes inside, zipper the whole thing shut, then toss everything in the washing machine when you get home.