It’s no wonder your tot is tailing the family fur balls. After all, what small child could resist a life-sized stuffed toy that doesn’t just sit there but actually bounds around and barks (or pads around and purrs)? The trouble is, of course, while you can understand what’s motivating your toddler to chase the dog and cat, unless you’ve got Dr. Dolittle’s talent for talking to the animals, there’s no way you can explain to them why that annoying pint-sized person keeps yanking at their fur and poking at their eyes. If Spot growls and bares his teeth and Kitty hisses and shows her claws, you can hardly blame them.
That being the case, it’s going to take a combination of vigilance on your part and some lessons on basic pet-safety rules to keep your tot from getting nipped or scratched. Here are some keys to a peaceful (and safe) kingdom of pets and kids:
Remember the first rule for pets and kids: Never ever leave a toddler alone with a dog or cat, no matter how sweet and gentle the animal is.
Divide the pets and kid(s). Use a baby gate to keep your dog out of whatever room your child is in. Better yet, crate your canine when you need to create some distance between him and your child. Not only is this an effective way to separate the two of them, your pup will probably appreciate it: If he’s stressed out from being chased around, his crate will feel like a safe haven.
Teach your dog some new tricks. Good behavior tricks, that is. At the very least, he should respond to these simple commands: “Sit,” “Down,” “Stay,” “Come” and “Off” (a signal that he needs to get back on all fours if he jumps on someone). Even if you didn’t take him to obedience school as a pup, it’s not too late for him to pick up the basics. Your vet can help you find a trainer or class that’s appropriate for your dog’s breed, temperament and age. (It’s harder to teach a cat to behave, but cats usually run away when they feel threatened.)
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Teach your child some pet-safety rules too. Even a 2-year-old can at least start to understand some simple truths about cats and dogs, and how to behave around them:
- Calmness counts. Jumping and yelling can rile up a dog and even cause him to snap (especially if he’s the nervous sort), so teach your toddler to trade his outside voice for his inside one around your pet. Likewise, don’t let your child roughhouse or play tug-of-war with the dog. Cats aren’t into wild behavior either, but they’ll hide. Just teach your toddler not to corner Kitty, or she’ll lash out.
- Sneaking around is a no-no. Teach your tot to approach your pooch from the side — not from behind.
- Hounds don't like hugs and kisses. They don’t like being patted on the head either. Even a tiny hand looming above can feel threatening. Demonstrate how to gently stroke your dog along his back or side instead.
- Kitties prefer to keep all four paws on the ground. If your tot is always trying to tote the cat around, explain that Kitty doesn’t like being carried around (or away) — but she loves having her back or side rubbed, and she might even purr to show it.
- It’s best to let sleeping dogs lie. Explain to your child that when Spot is snoozing, he needs to be left alone. The same rule applies when any animal is eating or, in the case of dogs, gnawing on a chew toy: They’re bound to be protective of their kibble or squeaky bone and may bite the hand that seems to be reaching for what is, after all, rightfully theirs.
- A cat’s tail if very telling. If she’s twitching it back and forth quickly, she’s not in the mood to be messed with. If you happen to see your puss doing this, point it out to your child and explain that when Kitty’s wagging her tail like that, she wants to be left alone.
Here’s to happy days together!