As if the list of pregnancy aches and pains didn't stretch long enough, some women add painful sex during pregnancy to the count as well.  

Fortunately, you don't have to suffer vaginal pain or burning after sex during pregnancy.[1] Here's what causes this not-so-unusual symptom as well as some tips to learn how to make sex less painful when you're ready to get back to it.

What causes pain during sex while pregnant?

There are a number of reasons you might experience painful sex during pregnancy. Here's what can cause the soreness and discomfort you're feeling:

Vaginal dryness

The hormone estrogen promotes lubrication and elasticity in the vaginal walls and lining.[2] But during pregnancy, changing hormone levels can cause dryness, irritation, itching, soreness and sometimes bleeding during sex.

To help, consider a different, more comfortable sex position or try an over-the-counter water-based lubricant or moisturizer.[3]


Those same pregnancy hormones can also bring on some anxiety, which can crop up during your sessions between the sheets.

You might feel unsettled if you notice spotting, for example. (This is pretty common after pregnancy sex, and it's usually not a sign of anything concerning. Whew!) 

Increased sensitivity

Your body's erogenous zones (like the breasts, nipples and vulva) may swell or feel painful to the touch. While some women enjoy these intense feelings, overly sensitive or tender nipples may hurt others.

To ease the ache, ask your partner to move with care or avoid certain areas altogether for a little while.

Your bump

Your belly can make it harder to maneuver, and other body changes can contribute to some discomfort during sex. The fix here: Try out a variety of different positions, or go for oral sex or mutual masturbation.


Pregnancy hormones increase blood volume to better support your baby. This extra pressure on your blood vessels can also cause varicose veins — often in your legs, but also sometimes in the vulva or rectum (aka hemorrhoids).

If you feel pain during sex, along with vaginal swelling, tell your doctor as you might have varicose veins. 


A urinary tract infection (UTI) or yeast infection can lead to uncomfortable sex and burning, notes Katie Propst, M.D., a urogynecologist and member of the What to Expect Medical Review Board, and you're at a higher risk for both when you're pregnant. Your OB/GYN can diagnose a UTI and prescribe a pregnancy-safe antibiotic. 

Ectopic pregnancy

When a fertilized egg implants outside the uterus, it can cause pelvic and abdominal pain, along with vaginal bleeding. Contact your physician right away if you're experiencing these symptoms as an ectopic pregnancy requires immediate treatment.[4]

What causes pain or burning after sex while pregnant?

Itching, burning or vaginal pain after sex while you're pregnant could mean you have an infection. You'll want to watch out for other symptoms that can accompany these infections, and report any you notice to your doctor. Some common causes include: 

A yeast infection 

Thanks to higher estrogen levels, the risk of yeast infections increases during pregnancy. In addition to burning after sex, you may notice a red, swollen or itchy vulva; painful urination; and white, lumpy odorless discharge.

A urinary tract infection (UTI)

A UTI can cause burning while peeing, a frequent need to pee, cloudy urine, low-grade fever and lower belly pain. If you notice these symptoms or sex remains painful over time, call your practitioner, says Dr. Propst. 


Painful sex or burning after sex might also point to a sexually transmitted infection (STI) or a subsequent sexually transmitted disease (STD). An STD can bring on pain while urinating, body aches, vaginal discharge, genital sores, swollen glands and fever. 

When to talk to your doctor about painful sex during pregnancy

Some discomfort during sex is common, though it's often short-lived and treatable. Know that you can always talk with your doctor about pain during sex so you can find both reassurance and a solution. 

"Many of these issues can be treated, and there's no reason to be embarrassed either," Dr. Propst says. 

You should definitely call if you have serious symptoms or red flags such as heavy bleeding (with or without cramps), intense stomach pain or painful, burning urination.

How to prevent pain with or after sex during pregnancy

You don't have to put up with painful sex while you're expecting. To help ease aches, tenderness and discomfort, consider the following ideas:

  • Talk it over. Be upfront with your partner if you have pain, feel anxious or enjoy sex less  than before you were pregnant. Having an honest discussion will get the issues on the table and lead to solutions.
  • Be open-minded. Different positions, massage, oral sex or lubricants are all some ways to allay discomfort. Check out each to see whether any make a difference.
  • Go slowly. Busy days and an ever-changing body can sap your energy for sex. Set aside enough time to unwind beforehand (take a bath, read a book … ) so you don't have to rush.
  • Check with the doctor. Don't be shy about mentioning painful sex during pregnancy to your doctor, and be sure to list all of your symptoms in case an infection is the cause. Together, you can come up with a plan to ease the pain.

Just like other pregnancy symptoms, this too shall pass. In the meantime, speak up — to your partner and your doctor — about what would make you more comfortable.