When the toddler years hit, some parents notice their tots’ appetites easing off, with some turning into rather picky eaters at mealtime. Other preschoolers have no problem cleaning their plates, leaving you to wonder what to make of your toddler’s appetite.

Read on to learn how kids’ eating habits change as they grow and develop, as well as about toddlers who are always hungry and what to do if your child seems to want to eat all the time.

Is my child overeating?

Your best resource for determining if your toddler is eating too much is your pediatrician, because he or she will consider different factors like your child’s age, height, weight, activity levels and medical conditions and make recommendations specific to him.

Children’s bodies come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes based on different appetites and rates of metabolism and growth. Even an individual child's interest in eating may vary from meal to meal, day to day, week to week and month to month. So it's not common for a toddler to go on a food strike one week and then seem suddenly ravenous the next.

Why is my child always hungry?

A busy toddler uses lots of energy to run, climb and explore, and he needs nutritious food to fuel all of the fun he’s having. Shoot for three regular meals and two snacks each day to satisfy his appetite. 

But keep in mind that kids’ development doesn’t progress at a smooth steady pace in childhood. In fact, mini growth spurts are to be expected in the toddler years, which in turn means you might notice a greater appetite in your child from time to time.

You might also check in with your tot to see what else is going on. For example, instead of hunger, your toddler may be feeling another emotion (such as boredom or sadness) when he asks you for another snack.

What to do if your child wants to eat all the time

If you’re concerned about your toddler’s eating habits, check in with a pediatrician before making any changes to her diet. Your doctor can help answer any questions you have and offer advice on how to establish healthy habits for your family. In general, though, try these tips for snacktime, mealtime and in between : 

  • Set an example. Choose healthy snacks and meals yourself and keep fruits, veggies and other good-for-you choices on hand for everyone in the family to enjoy.
  • Skip the pressure. Fighting over each bite or fixating on the amount she eats is counterproductive. And avoid subscribing to the "clean plate" club since this doesn’t teach your child to stop eating when she feels full.
  • Train those tiny taste buds. Introduce your tot to a wide variety of healthy foods by filling the daily menu with whole grains, lean protein, fruits, veggies and low-fat dairy products (after age 2).
  • Start with a healthy breakfast. Kids who regularly eat breakfast are more likely to get their daily nutrients, be at a healthy body weight, have better concentration and miss fewer school days. Good toddler breakfast ideas include fruit, toast with peanut butter, eggs and oatmeal.
  • Schedule snacks. Nutritious snacks help toddlers refuel between meals. Offer a snack between breakfast and lunch and another between lunch and dinner. More than that can curb her appetite at mealtime.
  • Help him heed hunger signals. Toddlers who are spoon-fed often end up eating more than they want or need, so teach your child to feed himself, and you'll be encouraging him to take control over how much he wants to eat. When he seems satisfied, let him leave the table.
  • Encourage exercise. Provide your child with plenty of opportunities for physical activity. And lead the way — when you get the whole family involved (walking, swimming, playing tag, bicycling), everyone reaps the benefits.

You know your child better than anyone, so take a good look at what he eats during the day and then discuss it with your pediatrician. Together, you can come up with some smart strategies for healthy eating for your toddler at both meals and snack time.