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What is it? Nuna RAVA Flame Retardant Free Convertible Car Seat
Why parents love it: It’s incredibly easy to install, offers many different positions for front- and rear-facing and includes bonus features like a cup holder and adjustable footrest.
How much is it? $400 (normally $550)
Where to buy it: Nordstrom
Anything that makes your day a little bit easier as a busy parent is welcomed — especially if that one thing is a car seat that’s super easy to take in and out of your vehicle. The Nuna Rava Convertible Car Seat is a massive hit among both WTE staff and community members for its ease of use and many adjustment options. And, this usually-pricey car seat is $150 off right now on Nordstrom — a deal that we don’t see often! Although it’s still expensive at its sale price of $400, parents swear by its impressive high quality material and long-lasting durability.

Many WTE staff members have used the Nuna Rava for years with their own little ones. Olivia DeLong, Senior Editor, says it takes her less than five minutes to install, which makes it super easy to switch between cars when her daughter stays with her grandparents.
Kate Monahan, Senior Manager of Data Operations, who has a Rava for both her 3- and 1-year-olds, also loves the easy installation. “The side compartments used to insert the seatbelts to make it easy for them to get in and out,” she says. “It’s really a great feature.”
Parents in our community appreciate how easily adjustable the Rava is, so you can make it comfortable for your little one depending on their size:
“We plan to rear face as long as possible and it has high weight limits both rear and forward facing. My daughter is 8 months tomorrow and is over 95% in height and weight.”
“The quality difference between the Rava and the Graco is huge. My son does not fit comfortably in the Graco at all. I would by the Rava 10x before I would buy another seat at the moment.”
Another major draw is that it can accommodate kids up to 50 pounds for rear-facing, which is on the higher side than other models. Alexandra Bisono, Senior Art Director, appreciates this feature of the Nuna because she says she feels more comfortable keeping her 2-year-old rear-facing as long as possible.
And, let’s not forget the 10 head support positions, adjustable foot rest and optional sippy cup holder that are added bonuses to the Rava. Plus, the flame retardant-free fabric provides peace of mind for those who prefer to avoid these types of chemicals.
Do keep in mind, however, that although it’s a convertible car seat, it doesn’t include a booster seat. And, some note that it’s on the heavier side at 27 pounds and isn’t easy to take on a plane.
That said, many find that the easy installation and comfort for their little one make the Nuna Rava totally worth the price — especially if you can get it for a deal like this.
See more: Nuna RAVA Flame Retardant Free Convertible Car Seat, $400 (marked down from $550)