If you’re like many new moms, the first weeks at home with your newborn will run the gamut of emotions, from overwhelming love and joy (your baby is finally here!) to feelings of self-doubt and worry — not to mention 1,001 questions.
That’s because the early days with your tiny new family member involve lots of learning — from getting the basics of baby care down to finding your groove as a mom (and learning to get by in a sleep-deprived state!).
If you’re planning to go back to work, you may be keenly aware that your time at home on maternity leave with your new little love is limited, which can make you all the more eager to figure everything out as quickly as you can.
Here are a few ways to enjoy your maternity leave, and make the most out of every minute.
Get to know your newborn
Whether this is your first baby or your fourth, you'll need some time to get in the swing of things — and get to know your little one.
It's hard work to breastfeed, soothe a fussy baby and recover from labor at the same time. So allow yourself a chance to get comfy in your new mommy shoes.
Let the outside world wait a little
If you’re just coming off work mode, it may be hard for you to power down and resist the urge to send out baby announcements or thank-you cards, or schedule visits (in-person or virtual) with family and friends.
But before you pack your days with plans, give yourself license to cuddle with your new baby during your “spare” time instead of tackling the to-do list. Besides, the outside world will still be there when you’re ready to reemerge.
Ask for help
Unlike at work, you won’t be rewarded for doing this job solo. There’s no glory in going it alone as you slog through chores and middle-of-the-night feedings.
More About Going on Maternity Leave
So accept your brother's offer to grocery shop, let your mother-in-law do a load of laundry and have your hubby take a nighttime shift with the baby if possible.
You may even want to recruit help farther into the future, too — for example, for the week after your partner goes back to work.
Hire help
If you can afford it, consider hiring a postpartum doula, a sitter or a housekeeper to help with baby care and take on some household chores.
The extra set of hands will free you up a bit so that you can focus on your real job right now: spending time during your maternity leave with your precious baby.
Leave work at work
Remember, you’re on maternity leave — meaning you've left work to focus on being a mom.
So unless you’ve arranged to be on call, try to give yourself a break from stressing about work. There isn’t much you can do about it anyway, so don’t waste your valuable baby time thinking about what may be waiting for you.
Go for a stroll
It may seem impossible in the early postpartum days to get out of the house — what with timing your baby’s feedings and getting the chance to throw on something other than sweats — but when you feel up for braving the elements, go for a stroll (or a drive) with your baby.
Don't feel guilty about leaving the house
Too often, a new mom ends up trapped in the house for the bulk of her maternity leave.
But remember, maternity leave isn’t a sentence of home confinement, and a change of scenery will do you good. And don’t feel guilty about leaving home sans baby either.
Seek out other new moms
Whether you join a breastfeeding group or sign up for a virtual "Mommy and Me" infant massage class, do your best to get to know other moms while you’re the new mom on the block (and on maternity leave).
They can relate to how you’re feeling, will know what challenges you’re facing and will have plenty of tips to share with you — like how to discreetly nurse in public.
Start exercising again
Once you're able to get back into the exercise saddle, start working out again. Research shows that exercise can help new moms sleep better and it helps lift your spirits.
One great option: Put your baby in a carrier or stroller and go for a walk around the neighborhood.
Line up child care
If you're planning to go back to work, start thinking about which types of child care — a family member, a nanny, a day care center — are available and best for you and your little one.
Prepare for a smooth transition
Set aside a few days toward the end of your maternity leave for some trial runs with the nanny, day care center or relative you've chosen to take care of your baby when you go back to work. If you've enrolled your little one in day care, ask about the facility's COVID-19 safety measures.
Since your baby will likely have gotten quite cozy having Mommy within arm’s reach 24/7, giving him exposure to his new caregiver(s) for short periods of time — and ironing out any potential snafus — may help ease the transition back to work for everyone.
Sure, you may not want to part with your baby at all during maternity leave, but these transition days can be time well spent.
Think about weaning
If you're ready to go back to work — or ready to stop breastfeeding — now might be a good time to introduce a bottle for at least one feeding a day, ideally during a time you'll be at work.
Want to try pumping? It's a good idea to start using a breast pump for a few weeks before you return to work. Not only will you be a pro in no time, but you'll also have a steady supply of milk stashed in the freezer.
Have a backup plan
Make a plan for what will happen if your child care arrangements fall through. Can your mom fill in for your nanny or babysitter in a pinch?
Or talk to your boss about whether you can occasionally work remotely if you aren't already. If you are remote, ask if you can adjust your hours to better accommodate your baby's schedule.
Try not to dread going back to work
If you find yourself upset by the thought of your return, remember that resuming your role at work doesn’t mean relinquishing your role at home. You and your baby will continue to have your special and secure bond even after your maternity leave is over.
Reevaluate your options (if you need to)
If for some reason, you find that working outside the home — or working from home — isn’t working out for you, that's okay too. You're not the first (and you won't be the last) new mom to change her mind about returning to work.